Chapter One: From Then to Now

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"I've figured one thing out about this world-just one, pretty much. You find a cause and you serve it."
- the demon Meg (Supernatural)

Song: Fireflies by Owl City

"Its hard to say I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep, cause everything's never as it seems."


Bucky Barnes was finally free, or as free as he could be, since at any moment HYDRA or Steve could find him and take him away from his freedom. He was trying to get back him life; remember everything he couldn't remember about his life, but it wasn't easy. Every night, he would get nightmares-some of them memories from the torture HYDRA inflicted on him, others were of the people he hurt and the things he did while being the Winter Soldier.

He didn't sleep often, since he was too paranoid that someone would find him. He slept with a knife in his hand and a gun under his pillow. He always slept facing the door, so he couldn't be ambushed at any moment. There wasn't many moments someone could catch him vulnerable, but if he ever felt vulnerable, his hand would shake and his heart beat would accelerate.

After almost being caught by HYDRA agents for the fourth time, Bucky ran to a small town in Ireland. He didn't care to find out the name of the town, but he made sure to get the layout of the town so he'd know where to run to if he needed to get away or hide. All he had was a small duffle bag with a couple of shirts, a pair of pants, some underwear, and a few weapons. He didn't pay for much of the stuff, since he really didn't have money, but he did what he had to do to survive.

Harlow had moved to this small town after her brother, Wade, had been killed. Wade had saved hundreds of dollars for his sister and daughter, so Harlow didn't have to worry about not having money to get through life. She still worked for money, but the money Wade saved was a good cushion to fall back on if she and Jodie ever needed it.

Wade and Harlow had ran from a small town in Connecticut, all the way to Ireland when Wade's girlfriend was pregnant with Jodie. The girl, Amber, was not happy about having a baby. Matter of fact, she despised the idea, but she couldn't get rid of the baby. She also hated the idea of an abortion, so she kept the baby and signed over all her rights to Wade once Jodie was born. Amber flew back to America after having Jodie, and Harlow hadn't heard from Amber since.

Wade and Harlow's parents weren't too uptight, but the moment Wade told them Amber was pregnant, they told Wade he wasn't allowed to live with them anymore. They had disowned him the second he announced the news. Harlow had just turned eighteen when she had found out, so she decided to leave with Wade. Wade was her best friend, and she was never going to disown him. Since she chose him, her parents had disowned her as well.

Living in Ireland wasn't too hard, even though they were Americans. It took some time for them to figure out the money and such, but everything turned out fine after a couple of months. Wade had rented them a small three bedroom home, so he, Jodie, and Harlow could have their own rooms. The home was nice, but it wasn't a home once Wade had died.

When Jodie was two, Wade decided the best way for him to get more money fast was to join an underground fight club. Every fight that he won, he'd bring home anywhere from seven hundred dollars to three or four thousand dollars, and he always saved what he could so they'd never be without money or a home. Wade wouldn't allow Harlow to work either, since he brought in so much money, and she was fine with that, since she stayed home and cared for Jodie.

The night Wade had been murdered, Harlow had just put Jodie to bed, when she heard a knock on the front door. She opened the door to see two policemen standing outside. They had asked who she was, to make sure she was Harlow Simpson, before they broke the news to her. Harlow had broke down into tears almost instantly, and her knees were weak. The older officer caught the girl and allowed her to cry, before they told her she would have to come down to the station the next day to sign papers for Jodie.

After all of the legal documents were filed, and Wade had been buried, Harlow packed all of her and Jodie's things, before they left the city and found an apartment in the small town that wouldn't remind either of them of Wade. The apartment had two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living room, and a dining area. Since the apartment was on the third floor, it also had a small balcony, where Harlow put plants and wind chimes; Jodie loved wind chimes.

Over the next three years, Jodie began to see Harlow as her mother. Jodie was smart enough for Harlow to explain to her that she was really her aunt, but Jodie wanted a mother, so she never called Harlow anything else but 'Mummy.' Jodie and Harlow eventually began to form accents from living in Ireland for so long, but Harlow didn't mind. After a few weeks of living in the apartment, Harlow had gotten a job at a bakery to make her own money. She kept the almost eighty thousand dollars Wade had saved in a safe, and she refused to touch it.

Harlow and Jodie were getting by fine off of Harlow's income. Jodie was now in preschool, and Harlow worked four days a week. Everything was working in their favor, other than the kids that seemed to pick on Jodie because she was so smart. Harlow had a feeling there was more to Jodie than she already knew, but she wasn't sure. She just had a feeling Jodie may have a been a little more special than she already was from her intelligence...

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