Chapter Thirty Three: I Love You

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"Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate."
- Captain Jack Sparrow

Song: Dusk Till Dawn by Zayn ft. Sia

"I'll hold you when things go wrong, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn, baby I'm right here."


Another month had passed by, and Harlow and Bucky were still happily together. Bucky had been worried about their relationship lasting after his nightmare, but once they had talked about it, he began to feel better. Harlow now knew his past, and she didn't seem to care about any of the danger she could easily be put in.

After some coaxing, Harlow had gotten Bucky to show Jodie his arm. Bucky was afraid that Jodie would be scared of him because of his arm, but he was very wrong. The little girl had actually believed his arm looked really awesome. He was still careful around his girls when it came to his arm, but he didn't blatantly try to hide it from them anymore like he had before.

Harlow had finally looked into other schools that would be helpful for Jodie. After hours and hours of searching, she wasn't able to find one anywhere near their home. She had been quite disheartened by it, but there really wasn't much that she could do. She had two choices, either move to a whole new area or send Jodie to a regular school with regular children.

Bucky had went with Harlow and Jodie for Jodie's school shopping. Harlow had to get her new clothes, new shoes, new supplies, a new bookbag, and new snacks for snack time at school. At the new school, Jodie would have to bring her own snack, but she would be given milk during snack time. Harlow had tried to find out if she could buy snacks for the whole class, but the school didn't allow it. Harlow felt like this was the school's way of figuring out who the poorest people were at the school, so they could single them out.

Jodie had exactly three weeks until school started back. She was very nervous, but Harlow and Bucky tried to reassure her as much as they could. Harlow planned to give Jodie a haircut closer to the start of school, so she could look fresh for her first day of school.

"Y'know, I find it crazy that they expect me to buy a coloring book for class, instead of a book for the kids to learn to read better. Honestly, Jodie loves reading, and the only way they can ever expect the other kids to like it too, is if they were given books to read instead of pictures to color," Harlow ranted, causing Bucky to chuckle.

"Not all parents have child prodigies, Harlow. The other kids got to catch up to how smart Jodie is," Bucky replied, and Harlow rolled her eyes.

"Maybe they should try giving their kid a book sometime, instead of a snack to shut them up," Harlow grumbled, causing Bucky to chuckle once again.

"So, punishments are book reports?" He asked, making the girl smirk.

"Good idea," She retorted, and Bucky rolled his eyes.

Bucky and Harlow ate a few pieces of fruit, as Jodie ate her yogurt and dipped her fruit. Some of the foods she ate grossed Harlow and Bucky out, but as long as she ate that's all that mattered.

Bucky watched as Harlow ate her strawberry, and he smiled when she let out a hum of satisfaction from the flavor of the strawberry. Leaning forward, he placed a little kiss on the corner of her lips.

"What was that for?" She asked, a smile evident on her face.

He wanted to say it, even if it seemed early. He had known her for a while, and every time he seen her, his heart would flutter. He'd get butterflies in his stomach every time she would smile at him, and his heart would skip a beat every time she laughed. He absolutely adored her and Jodie more than anything in the world, and he wished everyone would know it, even if that meant he had to put it on a billboard in the middle of the city.

"I love you," He said, causing her eyes to widen.

She was really surprised. She wondered if she could have actually heard what he had said. She wondered if he actually meant it. She wondered if he actually knew what he had said. From the look in his eyes though, she could see the love and happiness he seemed to always show when looking at her and Jodie.

Instead of questioning herself or him, she decided to go with her heart. She was unsure of herself sometimes, but this was definitely not something she was unsure of. He was special to her, and she wasn't going to pass up the chance of having him in her life forever.

"I love you, too, Bucky Barnes, more than you'd ever know," Harlow replied, and Bucky grinned.

Harlow stepped around the bar, and pulled Bucky to her. She placed her lips on his, and she could feel him smile into the kiss.

"Ew, you two have cooties!" Jodie exclaimed, causing the adults to pull apart and laugh.

"Do you want to have cooties, too?" Harlow asked, making the little girl laugh.

"No," She replied, shaking her head.

"Too bad,"Bucky answered, as he picked up the little girl.

Bucky peppered kisses all over Jodie's face, causing the girl to laugh and squeal. She pushed on him lightly, and when he stopped leaving kisses on her face, she grinned at him and giggled. Quickly, she left a big kiss on his cheek, before burying her face in his neck, as her arms wrapped lightly around his shoulders.

"I love you, Bucky," She murmured, causing him to smile.

"I love you, too, Jodie," He replied, kissing the side of her head.

Bucky and Harlow smiled at each other, knowing this wasn't the last happy moment the three would share with each other. They were going to share more moments like this, even if they didn't last very long...

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