Chapter Twenty Four: Take It Slow

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"What is life without a little risk?"
- Sirius Black

Song: Beautiful Trauma by Pink

"My love, my drug, we're fucked up."


Bucky had been home when he heard Harlow and Jodie arrive early. He had only known it was them, since he had glanced out of the window near his door. He frowned when he seen the tear stains on Jodie's face. He wondered what had happened, since he didn't see any scrapes or cuts on her from falling down or tripping.

In one quick movement, Bucky opened the door and somewhat startled the girls. When Jodie seen him, she let go of her mother's hand and ran over to Bucky. She wrapped her tiny arms around his leg, and buried her tear stained face in his thigh.

"What happened?" He asked, as he lightly pet Jodie's head.

"Come in, and I'll explain everything," Harlow replied, and Bucky nodded.

Bucky waited for Jodie to let go of his leg, before he followed the two girls into their apartment. Once inside, he closed the door, and watched as Jodie threw her school bag on the couch roughly.

"Jodie, what do you want for dinner, baby?" Harlow asked, as the little girl rubbed her puffy eyes.

"Pizza?" Jodie asked, and Harlow nodded.

"I can do that. Why don't you go set up Strawberry Shortcake on the tv, while I talk to Bucky for a minute?" She suggested, and Jodie quickly ran off.

Harlow and Bucky waited patiently for Jodie's show to start, before Harlow motioned for Bucky to have a seat at the table with her.

"You two are home early," Bucky commented, and Harlow nodded.

"Yes, but for good reason," Harlow murmured,"The kids at her pre-school, they were bullying her. A few of them were calling her names, one boy she said was being mean, and I think she meant he had pushed her, 'cause her hair was a little more frazzled than normal, and one girl hit her. She actually has a damn bruise on her arm, Bucky," Harlow explained, causing Bucky to frown.

"What did the teachers do?" He asked, causing Harlow to growl low to herself.

"They didn't do anything. One of them called me and told me Jodie was upset. None of them were trying to calm her down when I got there, and from the way Jodie was talking about these kids, I don't think it's the first time this has happened. Honestly, they better be happy it's almost the end of the school year, otherwise I would be raising more hell than I already did," Harlow ranted, causing Bucky to shake his head.

"Do you want me to talk to her?" Bucky asked,"I remember what it was like with bullies," He commented, and Harlow nodded.

"You can try, but she might not open up too well about it," Harlow replied, causing Bucky to smile slightly.

"All she needs is someone to talk to her, and maybe she'll open up if I have similar stories," He said, making Harlow nod.

Harlow wondered what he meant by similar stories, but she decided not to question it. If talking to Bucky was going to help Jodie, than she was more than willing to try anything for the little girl.

Bucky slowly walked over to Jodie and sat down next to her. Jodie looked over at Bucky for a moment, before she leaned over and laid against his side. Bucky grew tense for a moment, before he let his body relax, and he lightly laid his arm against Jodie. When Jodie was upset, she was quite the cuddly little teddy bear.

"I heard about what happened at school today. I hope you know, everything those kids said to you, all of it's a lie. You're a great girl, smart beyond your years, and your mom and I are very proud of you. Honestly, if it wasn't for you, I don't think I'd be as happy as I am. You've made my life better, and I'm happy to have you around," Bucky said, looking down at the girl,"Y'know, I use to have this friend. He was so scrawny, and he would get beat up a lot. I use to have to save him all the time. You remind me of him sometimes, just by how kind and stubborn you are. I'll always be here to fight the bullies if you need me to, Jodie," He added, placing a light kiss on top of her head.

Harlow watched from a distance with a smile on her face. She loved how sweet Bucky was to Jodie. Jodie needed a friend like him, and it seemed he needed one like Jodie. Jodie soon fell asleep, so Bucky replaced his body with a pillow, and he grabbed the blanket that hung over the couch, and carefully placed it on Jodie's sleeping body.

"Bucky, you really are one great man," Harlow commented, as Bucky walked into the kitchen.

"I'm not great, but I'm trying," He replied, causing her to chuckle.

"Well, you're great to Jodie and I. Honestly, I don't know what we'd do without you sometimes," She said, and he smiled.

The room became silent for a bit, as Harlow fixed herself and Bucky some chocolate milk.

"Sorry, I haven't gone shopping yet, so all I have is chocolate milk or Jodie's strawberry kiwi juice," She murmured, causing Bucky to chuckle.

"This is fine. Harlow, do you want to try and...figure out what this is?" Bucky asked, feeling slightly embarrassed, as he motioned between himself and Harlow.

"I would, but I think we should take it slow. I don't want to rush into things and ruin our relationship. If we broke up, Jodie would be devastated," Harlow replied, and Bucky nodded.

"I agree, we should take it slow. It's been a long time since I've done this whole relationship thing," Bucky said, and Harlow chuckled.

Taking it slow would be hard, but at least they wouldn't be rushing into a relationship and dooming it from the start...

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