Chapter Fifty Nine: Tony's Truth

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"The human soul is not a rubber ball. It's vulnerable, but stronger than you know, and more valuable than you can imagine."
- Death (Supernatural)

Song: Pity Party by Melanie Martinez

"It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to. I'll cry until the candles burn down this place. I'll cry until my pity party's in flames."


Sam and Steve sat with Harlow, as Jodie slept against Sam's chest. Steve had made sure there wasn't any major injuries to the girls, even though he knew Harlow's neck would be bruised and sore for weeks. He felt awful for what Bucky did to her, and there really wasn't much he could do for her pain.

"What are we going to do?" Harlow asked, her voice barely audible.

"Once Bucky's awake, we're going to question him, and see what we can get out of him. We want answers as to why he attacked us, and who that guy was that had him," Steve replied, and Harlow nodded.

"Harlow needs rest, Steve, even if it's only for a day," Sam commented, causing Steve to sigh.

"I know someone who can help you, Harlow. He'll let you and Jodie stay with him, and he's a good friend," Steve said, making the girl frown.

"I don't want to leave, Bucky," She replied, and Steve nodded.

"I know, but this is what's best for you. If Bucky sees what he did to you, and how scared Jodie is, he might not be able to remember much because of his grief and guilt. Just for the night, Harlow, then you can come back," Steve stated, making the girl sigh.

"Fine," She grumbled, and he smiled.

"Sam," Steve began, looking over at his friend,"will you take her to Barton's?" He asked, and Sam nodded,"I'll give you the address. He doesn't want anyone knowing where he lives," He said, causing Sam to chuckle quietly.

Steve didn't tell Sam or Harlow that Clint had a wife and children at his home. He wanted to keep it a secret, and let the girl find out on her own. Besides, he wasn't sure who could possibly be listening to what he was saying. He did grab his phone and sent a quick message to Clint to let him know Harlow and Jodie were coming.

"Harlow, can you come with me for a minute, before you leave?" Steve asked, and Harlow nodded.

Steve lead Harlow off a bit, making sure Jodie wouldn't be able to hear what he was going to tell Harlow if she woke up

"I don't want you finding out from someone else, so I thought I should tell you. Bucky hates himself for it, and I doubt he'd ever be able to tell you without being afraid you'd hate him as well," Steve rambled for a moment,"When Bucky was still in HYDRA, they made him kill Tony's parents. I have a feeling someone is going to use that against us, so I wanted to tell you before Tony tried to make you turn on Bucky. I know Tony doesn't know yet, but once he does, he'll use any means necessary to hurt Bucky," Steve said, causing the girl to frown.

Instead of answering, the girl simply nodded. She felt awful for Tony, but she knew it wasn't completely Bucky's fault. Yes, he did kill them, but that was when he was the Winter Soldier, and when he was brainwashed by HYDRA. Instead of asking her how she was feeling, Steve decided to let her have time to process the information she was just given. He simply lead her back to Sam and Sam was the one to carry Jodie and take them to Clint's.

It took a few hours to get to Clint's place, but once they were there, Sam gave Harlow a hug and wished her luck. He promised to see her the moment she came back, even if she only came back for a moment or two to check on them.

As soon as Sam had left, Harlow carried a sleepy Jodie to the front door of Clint's house. She felt awkward, but she knew this was the best idea for the time being. When she knocked, a man with light brown hair opened the door. He smiled at her, and motioned for her to come inside.

"Harlow, right?" He asked, and she nodded.

"I'm sorry to burden you," She murmured, but he shook his head.

"You're fine, you're actually just in time for dinner. If you and your little one want some food," He commented, and she smiled.

"That would be lovely," She replied, as he lead her towards the kitchen.

Jodie picked up her head at the smell of food, and her tummy rumbled quietly. The woman cooking looked up and smiled at Harlow when she and Jodie entered the kitchen.

"Hey Harlow, I'm Laura, Clint's wife. It's nice to meet you and your little girl," She said, and Harlow smiled.

"Her name is Jodie," Harlow commented, causing Laura to smile.

"These are our kids; Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel. You and Jodie can sit next to Nathaniel," Clint said, as he placed down two plates next to his youngest son.

Harlow and Jodie ate the tasty food, and thanked Laura for making it, as well as both husband and wife for their hospitality.

"You and Jodie can take the guest room. I have clothes that should fit both of you," Laura commented, as she lead the girl and her daughter to a nice room.

"Thank you," Harlow replied, and Laura nodded.

Laura let the girls shower and change, before she came in with another set of clothes. She smiled when she seen Jodie had already passed out on the bed.

"Laura, can I ask you something?" Harlow wondered, and Laura nodded.

Laura sat on the bed next to Harlow.

"If you had the choice to get away from everything and start fresh, would you?" Harlow asked, causing Laura to bite her lip.

"Do you love him? Does he love you and Jodie?" She asked, and Harlow nodded.

"He's a great father, but I can't help the feeling that Jodie might be better off without all this stress," Harlow commented, causing the woman to smile.

"I know how you feel, Harlow, believe me. I also know that the stress and hardship doesn't last forever. One day you, Jodie, and him will be able to live happily without any problems. You just have to get through this bump," Laura said, and Harlow nodded slightly.

"When I go back, if there's a fight, I'm going to fight for him. I've had years of classes, so I mean, I will actually fight," Harlow rambled for a second,"When I go back, could you--" Harlow began, but Laura cut her off.

"I will watch over Jodie, I promise," Laura replied, and Harlow smiled.

"Thank you, Laura," Harlow answered, causing Laura to nod.

Harlow stood up and went to the small pouch she had stored away in her jacket. She pulled it out and handed it to Laura. Laura looked inside and her eyes widened.

"I can't take this," Laura said, but Harlow refused to take it back.

"You're helping us. You're going to have my little girl. You need it, and I'm not taking it back," Harlow replied, causing Laura to nod...

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