Chapter Forty Five: Packing Memories

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"I seen nights full of pain, days are the same, you keep the sunshine, save the rain."
- Lil Wayne

Song: From Yesterday by Thirty Seconds to Mars

"From yesterday, it's coming. From yesterday, the fear. From yesterday, it calls him. But he doesn't want to write the message yet."


Bucky glanced over at Harlow and almost smiled when he seen that she had fallen asleep. He couldn't take his mind off of what was going on, but he was somewhat happy that his girls weren't too upset and scared from the sudden move.

"Daddy, are we ever going back home?" Jodie asked, looking up at Bucky.

"I don't think so," He murmured, causing the girl to frown.

"Is it because of the bad guys that want to hurt you?" She asked, her voice low, scared the bad guys might hear her and grab her father.

"Yes, but while I'm here and alive, the bad guys will never come near you. You and your mom are safe with me. I will always keep you safe, I promise," Bucky answered, making her bite her lip.

"Mummy said her and I are keeping you safe," She commented, and Bucky nodded.

"You are, just as much as I am you," He replied, causing her to smile.

"I love you, Daddy, and I will keep you safe forever," She said, laying her head against his side.

Bucky had moved his arm to lay behind Jodie. Even though he wasn't fond of the arm, and was scared of the arm being around his girls, he had to feel like he was protecting them more in some way, even if it was with the arm he hated. Hearing Jodie say such sweet words to him, made his heart skip a beat. She was an absolutely amazing little girl. Her mother had raised her perfectly, and Bucky could never say no to the precious little girl that wormed her way into his life and into his heart.

"I love you, Jodie, and not a day will pass when I'm not protecting you," He replied, kissing the top of her head.

Jodie soon fell asleep against Bucky's side, as he sat watching everyone and every movement around him. As he sat there and stayed alert, he began to remember some of the best memories he had at Harlow's. One of his favorites was when Jodie was teaching him about Nightmare Before Christmas. That was her favorite movie, and that was one of the reasons she had three stuffed mini characters from the movie; Jack, Sally, and Oogie Boogie.


"Bucky, that's the best part of the movie!" Jodie exclaimed, as he watched Oogie Boogie sing to Santa, as Santa was held captive by him.

"How could that be the best part, since Santa is the one that gives all the gifts to the good kids?" Bucky asked, causing the girl to laugh.

"'Cause Jack saves Santa, silly," She replied, making him chuckle.

When This Is Halloween began to play, Jodie sang along like her life depended on it. Jodie trying teaching Bucky the words, but she was way too excited to teach him all the words correctly. She was talking too fast, so her words weren't completely clear. Bucky loved hearing her talk and sing though, so he listened to her contently.

After watching Nightmare Before Christmas, Jodie made him watch Corpse Bride, which was a new movie Harlow had purchased for her, once she was sure the little girl could handle the little bit of scariness in the first movie. Jodie and Bucky enjoyed Corpse Bride, and they ended up watching the movie three different times that week.

Funny enough, Bucky and Jodie had learned all of the lyrics to most of the songs. Harlow laughed most of her way through the movie when Bucky and Jodie would start singing. She loved that they had fun though, and that's all that really mattered to her. Her little girl was happy, and Bucky was the reason for the girl's happiness.

**End of Flashback**

Bucky could still remember the memory as if it was only hours ago, but it had been months. He began to pack his memories in a secure spot in his brain, where he hoped he would always remember them, and nobody would be able to erase them from his mind. Sadly, he knew if HYDRA ever got ahold of him again, he'd lose all of his favorite memories—even the ones with Steve that he was slowly starting to remember—and that scared him more than anything.

He knew if he had his memories of Jodie and Harlow erased, he'd never be the same again. They were the most important people in his life, and he refused to forget them, even if it wasn't his fault. He would kill all of HYDRA if he had to, just to protect his memories and protect his girls. They were more important to him than anyone he could remember, even if he loved Steve like his own brother.

He could somewhat remember his family, but those memories were more blotchy and cloudy than his memories with Steve—and even those weren't perfect either. He could remember little things, like Steve's interest in a woman named Peggy Carter. He could remember a bit of his time in the army, and he could remember the exact moment he fell from the train. He could remember the the pain, the cold, and then blackness. Those moments didn't matter to him though, he didn't worry about remembering his fall from the train.

He only worried about remembering his girls, and protecting them with everything he had in him. He hoped to remember more of his time with Steve, but he didn't worry too much if it didn't come as easy as some of his other memories. One day he'd remember Steve again. One day he'd see him again, and he'd finally feel more complete, but until then, he was complete with his girls, and he was happy, even if they were on the run...

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