Chapter Sixty Three: Wakanda

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"Humans are stupid. I'm ashamed to be human."
- Kurt Cobain

Song: With You by Chris Brown

"I don't need another woman. I just need your all or nothing."


Landing in Wakanda was beautiful. The land was beautiful, nature in general was beautiful. Harlow almost wanted to ask how they kept their land so beautiful. She wanted to explore the land and see everything that it had to offer. She knew it was the place where vibranium was made, since she had heard that information from Steve.

"Ms. Simpson, it is nice to formally meet you, under better circumstances," T'Challa said, and Harlow smiled.

"It is nice to meet you to, King T'Challa," She replied, causing him to chuckle.

"Just T'Challa will do," He commented, before turning towards a hallway,"Ms. Simpson, Sergent Barnes, and Captain Rogers, if you will follow me," He said, motioning with his hand.

Harlow followed slowly behind T'Challa, and soon they came upon the room T'Challa planned to bring them.

"This is my little sister Shuri, and this is her lab," T'Challa announced,"She is one of the smartest people I've met. She can help you with your injuries," He said, and the group nodded.

"Ms. Simpson--" Shuri began, causing Harlow to cut her off.

"Harlow," She said, smiling at the young girl,"Please, both of you call me Harlow," She added, as she looked between Shuri and T'Challa.

The two nodded with smiles on their faces.

"Harlow," Shuri called, a polite smile on her face,"please sit, so that I can examine your injuries," She said, and Harlow nodded.

When Harlow sat down on the "examination bench," Shuri began to turn on some machines. Harlow watched with amazement, as Shuri's machines showed the exact areas of Harlow's body that were damaged after they scanned her.

"It seems you have a couple of cracked ribs, but most of the others are bruised. Your spine is bruised as well, but that'll take a little longer to heal than bruised ribs. You will be fine after some rest, and try not to pick up anything heavy for the next few days, or do anything too strenuous," Shuri said, as she gave Harlow a look telling her she meant 'no sex.'

Harlow nodded, before carefully getting up and walking over towards Steve.

"Sergent Barnes, if you will do the same as Harlow," Shuri commented, causing Bucky to walk over.

"Bucky's fine," Bucky murmured, and Shuri nodded.

"Y'know, I can design a new arm for you, that way you can have two arms again," Shuri voiced, but Bucky tensed a bit.

"I think I want to go without the arm for a bit," He replied, his voice still low, and Shuri merely nodded.

Harlow could tell from the shared look between Shuri and T'Challa, that Shuri was still going to design an arm for Bucky. Harlow was almost sure the arm would be made out of vibranium like Steve's shield. Sadly, Steve's shield was taken by Tony, because his father built it and he was pissed at him, but Harlow really didn't know who to side with on that argument.

"Now that I know you and Buck are safe, I'm going to get Jodie. Jodie will be here soon, Harlow, I promise," Steve said, and Harlow nodded.

"Thank you, Steve, seriously. You don't have to be risking your ass for us, but you are, and for that I'm grateful," She replied, causing him to smile down at the girl.

"I would do anything for Bucky," He answered, as his smile became more sincere,"and you and Jodie are Bucky's girls, so I'll do anything to protect the two of you like I would him. Besides, you risked yourself for us, so I feel like I should for you," He added, and she smiled once more.

Getting on the tip of her toes, Harlow placed a simple kiss on Steve's cheek, then wrapped her arms around him for a hug. Steve wrapped his arms around her as well, and Bucky chuckled when he seen Steve's crimson dusted cheeks from the kiss he recieved from Harlow.

"Go get our little girl. She'd love to see Uncle Stevie," Bucky commented jokingly, and Steve chuckled.

Steve soon left to get Jodie, as T'Challa decided it was time for him to bring Harlow and Bucky to their place that they would be staying. Okoye, the personal body guard and general of the Dora Milaje, followed them to the place they would call home for a while.

"When Captain Rogers arrives with your little one, I would like to meet her," T'Challa commented, and Harlow nodded.

"Of course, she would love to meet you, too," Harlow replied, causing T'Challa to smile.

"If you need anything, let us know. Shuri will want to see Sergent Barnes again this week to see what she's dealing with when it comes to his mind," T'Challa said, as they stood outside the new "home."

"Should we expect good news or bad news?" Harlow asked, causing the man to smile.

"The answer is uncertain as of right now, but if my sister knows anything, it's how to help someone and how to heal them. I believe you'll recieve more good news than bad," He answered, and Harlow smiled a bit in relief.

"Thank you for everything you're doing for me and my family," Bucky commented, causing T'Challa to nod.

"My pleasure," He replied,"we will leave you to settle in. You know where to find one of us if you need something," He added, before he and Okoye turned and walked away.

Harlow and Bucky entered their new home and looked around. There were two rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. The living room was small, but it was perfect for the family of three. Harlow planned to collect books and such for Jodie, and make the living room into somewhat of a classroom for the young girl to learn. She just hoped Steve got to Jodie well, otherwise it would be a while before Harlow and Bucky would get to see their daughter again...

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