Chapter Two: The Neighbor

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"What a peculiar thing you are."
- Lucifer (Supernatural)

Song: House of the Rising Son by Jeremy Renner (cover)

"Mother, tell your children to do as I say not as I've done."


The apartment was small, but Bucky was happy with it. Apartment 101 had one bedroom, one bathroom, a kitchen, a small living room, and a small dining area. The apartment had very little furniture to it, but it was livable. There was a mattress on the floor, a dining table with two chairs, a small couch in the living room, a couple of lamps around the apartment, and a bookshelf with a few books in the bedroom.

When Bucky was given the key to the apartment, he walked in and was surprised to see how clean it actually was. He knew it would stay that way, since he didn't have really anything, but he seemed to somewhat wish he had a little more to put around the apartment. He laid his duffle bag on the mattress and pulled his clothes from the bag. He hung the clothes in the small closet, before going around the apartment to distribute his weapons in convenient places if he ever needed them.

Walking into the bathroom, he opened another door to find a washer and dryer inside. The washer and dryer were fairly small, but he really didn't have much clothes. Shrugging, he decided to wash his clothes that he had just hung up. He found a small bottle of detergent on top of the washer, and after almost twenty minutes, he figured out how to use it correctly.

Normally, he would throw his clothes into someone else's washer or dryer at a laundry mat and hoped they wouldn't notice, but now he had a way to do them himself. He never had to learn how to use the washers and dryers, but now he had to learn. Biting his lip, he realized he'd have to go out and get himself a blanket, as well as something to eat. There may have been things in the apartment, but there wasn't everything that he needed to survive.

Opening the front door, he looked out and made sure no one was around, before he quickly exited the apartment. He made sure to hide his face in public with a hat, as he walked around trying to find what he needed. He went to a thrift store and found a blue blanket. It wasn't in the best of shape, but it would do for the time being. The owner of the thrift store, an old man by the name of Jim, allowed Bucky to have the blanket for free.

After getting a blanket, Bucky wandered the town to find food. He was surprised when an old lady, and a couple other women, stopped him with two brown paper bags in their hands.

"Hello, we're almost positive you're new in town, since it seems you're wandering like you're a little lost. Our nonprofit group gives food to the less fortunate, and to our newcomers. We set up a booth here once a month, so if you ever need food, stop by and we will give you some. My name is Junie," Spoke the old lady,"I know it doesn't seem like much, but this stuff will help, I promise," She added, before the two ladies carefully handed the two bags to Bucky.

"Thank you," Bucky murmured, before he quickly walked away.

He carried the bags back to his apartment, but when he set one bag on the ground to unlock his door, his eyes caught sight of a little girl staring at him outside her window. The little girl lived in the apartment next to him, and when she realized Bucky seen her, she smiled at him and waved. He simply stared for a moment, before giving her a weak smile. Quickly, he disappeared into his apartment to avoid anyone else.

Harlow and Jodie had noticed the man when he first walked to the new apartment. Harlow had frowned when she seen the small bag he carried, especially when she didn't seem him get anything else brought inside. She watched discreetly as he left his apartment later, and she knew he wasn't bringing more of his things into the apartment.

"Mummy, we need to make him a cake," Jodie said, as she pulled Harlow into the kitchen.

"Jodie, I think we should wait a couple of days to let him settle in. I don't think he wants to be bothered," Harlow replied, causing her daughter to frown.

"He needs friends, Mummy. I can be his friend," Jodie commented, and Harlow smiled.

"You're sweet, darling, but he doesn't look like he wants any guests. Maybe we should tread carefully, otherwise he might get mad at us," Harlow said, making Jodie sigh, but the little girl nodded anyway.

Jodie had caught the new guy in the window, and she waved at him. When he smiled, she knew he wanted to be her friend. One way or another, she was going to be his friend. She hoped that maybe he'd like her, even though everyone at school seemed to think she was weird. Harlow had also seen him, but she had seen him from the small gap in the curtain above Jodie's head.

Harlow seen the tattered blanket in the man's arm, as well as the paper bags. On the bags read "Avery's Wish," which was a nonprofit group that gave food to people who needed it. Avery was the name of a small child who sadly passed from the lack of food in her home, and the leader of the group, Junie, had decided to create the nonprofit to help anyone in Avery's situation. Seeing the bags and the tattered blanket, Harlow was determined to help the man. She doubted he wanted any visitors, especially so soon, but she wanted to help. Even if she didn't get to meet him, she was going to help him, and she knew Jodie would gladly help as well...

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