Chapter Forty Three: Fights With Teachers

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"You are not making mistakes, you are not losing. You are either winning or learning."
- Jensen Ackles

Song: Kick Me by Sleeping With Sirens

"By all means, put me through hell, and I'll make you see. I'll be your worst enemy, try to kick, kick, kick me when I'm down."


The very next morning, Harlow woke up early and wrote down almost word for word what Jodie had told her. She made sure to describe every emotion she seen Jodie go through, and she hoped all of the descriptions would help her win in the argument.

As soon as she had everything written down, she went back to her room and dressed in an outfit that looked at least a little sophisticated. She wore a pair of black dress pants, a red blouse, and a pair of red heels. Her hair was up in a tight bun, and she had minimal makeup on her face.

"Call if there is a problem, I'll be there in minutes," Bucky commented, as he sat up in bed.

"I will, but I have a feeling I'll take care of this enough for all three of us," She replied, and he chuckled quietly.

After kissing Bucky, Harlow headed straight out of the apartment and to the school. Almost immediately, she spotted Miss Day, and a scowl came to her face. Miss Day seemed to spot her as well, because a nervous smile etched it's way on her face.

"Where's Jodie this morning?" She asked, a false chipper tone in her voice.

"She's at home with her father," Harlow replied,"Now, I need to have a chat with you and the principal, and if you were even a little smart, you'd make it happen as quick as possible," She stated, and Miss Day nodded.

Miss Day quickly ran off to grab the principal, and Harlow slowly made her way to the office. She was giving the teacher and principal enough time to come up with as many lies as possible, that she could shoot down and disprove almost instantly. When she entered the office, the principal, Mr. Swanson, looked up at her with wide eyes.

"What can we help you with, Ms Simpson?" Mr. Swanson asked, as Harlow tried not to yell at them almost instantly.

"I want to know how your school has an anti-bullying policy, but my poor child came home with bruises and in tears because she was bullied. Not only was she bullied by one of your students, but also by the teacher standing right next to you," Harlow said, causing Miss Day to frown.

"I did not--" Miss Day started, but Harlow cut her off.

"No," Harlow cut in,"don't even try it, Miss Day. I'm way past angry at this point. My girl already has trouble fitting in, since she has tested to be smarter than anyone of her age, but she shouldn't be hit and called stupid because of her intellect. If you do not handle this, Mr. Swanson, I will be taking this to the school board, and if I have to, I will take it higher," Harlow stated, and she could tell Mr. Swanson was starting to sweat.

"Well, Ms Simpson, I can't really do anything, since I don't know exactly what happened, and your daughter doesn't have any proof, so--" Mr. Swanson rambled, but Harlow cut him off.

"Actually, she does have proof. She has a bruise on her face, and she actually has a couple spots that prove her hair was pulled. I have her entire statement written down, and I made sure to make copies, just in case I need them. Here's one for you to read, and if nothing happens after reading this, I will go higher up," Harlow stated, and Mr. Swanson nodded.

Mr. Swanson quickly read over the statement, and as he read, his face seemed to pale just a bit. He knew there was going to be issues if he tried to brush everything off, so he had to do something.

"Well, Ms Simpson, I am going to do what I can. For now, Taylor will be suspended for bullying and violence. I will further investigate the situation, and do what I can to help make the environment better for all children in my classrooms. Miss Day," Mr. Swanson turned to the teacher,"for laying your hands on a student, especially one so young, you will have a week of unpaid leave, and you will have to go through a year's probation. If you do anything else to another student before your probation is up, you will lose your job," Mr. Swanson stated, and Miss Day nodded with a frown.

Instead of saying anything to anger Harlow anymore, Miss Day quickly ran out of the room and back to her classroom. She would finish the school day, before her week of no pay would start.

"Is there anything else I can help you with, Ms Simpson?" Mr. Swanson asked, and Harlow nodded.

"This is the second school that has hurt my poor baby, and I can't stand seeing her so sad and terrified to go back to school. So, after careful consideration between her father and I, we've decided that it's best to pull her out of school. From now on, I'll be homeschooling her," Harlow said, causing the man to frown, but he nodded nonetheless.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Ms Simpson, but I will help you set up your homeschooling. Sign these papers," He began, handing Harlow a stack of papers,"These are a list of online schools that could help Jodie, the top three especially when it comes to her above average intelligence. I also have the website where you'll want to buy all your school books. This site has brand new books for cheap. It's the same website most schools use actually, and normally I wouldn't give it to any of the parents, but after what happened to Jodie, I figure it's best to do whatever I can to help her feel comfortable," He stated, handing Harlow a list with schools, phone numbers, and websites listed.

"Thank you, Mr. Swanson, I really appreciate this," Harlow replied, causing the man to simply nod.

Mr. Swanson was sad to see his smartest student leave, but he knew there was nothing he could do. Harlow wasn't going to change her mind, and the principal didn't blame her, but he was still disappointed. He somewhat wished he hadn't served the punishments out before she left, since he could've made them lighter if she wasn't there to witness. He already had them finalized in the computer though, and he couldn't change them without having the vice principal sign off on the change as well...

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