Chapter Twenty Eight: Together

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"You want a love that consumes you. You want passion, and adventure, and even a little danger."
- Damon Salvatore

Song: About Damn Time by Lizzo

"I got a feeling, I'm gonna be alright."


After the sleepover at Harlow's, Bucky realized he really couldn't go far without the girls. They meant a great deal to him. If it was up to him, he'd find himself a suitable place to live, he'd no longer be a fugitive, and he'd have the girls live with him and be his family. Hell, even though they didn't live with him, it didn't neccesarily mean they weren't already his family.

He no longer feared that the girls were some kind of plot to get him by HYDRA. He did wonder who or what could possibly be looking out for him and giving him something as nice as a family. He believed he didn't deserve a family after everything he did as the Winter Soldier, even if it was against his own will. Most people wouldn't look past the murders, even if he was brainwashed when they happened, so Bucky didn't look past what he did to anyone.

The girls seemed to make his miserable existence, just that much more tolerable. He could wake up without feeling as though he wanted to die. Yes, he still hated himself, and he was angry at himself for everything he did, but the girls made him feel just a little bit better. They were his saving grace, and to be honest, he doubted he'd ever be able to live his life without them.

A week had passed after the sleepover, and Bucky had finally decided that he wanted the relationship between him and Harlow to finally change. He was tired of the light push, and he wanted to take a full step into a territory he wasn't very use to anymore. So, that morning, he left his apartment early to gather the things he needed to make the day memorable.

First, he stopped at the coffee shop to pick up donuts and coffee. He then went to the florist to get flowers. He also stopped at a small gift store to grab chocolates and teddy bears. If it wasn't obvious, he was getting everything in doubles, since he didn't want Jodie to feel left out. He just didn't get her a coffee, instead he got her a hot chocolate. He figured coffee just wasn't a good idea for a child of her age and size.

Once he had everything, Bucky made his way to Harlow and Jodie's apartment. He knocked carefully, and waited patiently for the door to open. When it did, Harlow looked at him shocked, while Jodie cheered. Harlow allowed Bucky inside, before he handed out his gifts to the girls.

"Thank you, Bucky!" Jodie exclaimed, as she hugged her strawberry scented bear to her chest.

Harlow had the girl sit down at the table to eat a donut and drink her hot chocolate, as she and Bucky stepped out of the room a bit to talk.

"What is this about?" Harlow asked,"Not that I'm not happy, this is great," She commented, causing him to chuckle.

Now that Bucky was here though, he began to feel nervous. He didn't know how to feel. He hadn't felt butterflies in his stomach in ages. To be honest, it made him feel almost sick, but he couldn't let that feeling change what he had prepared for days to do.

"Harlow, I really like you. You've been so kind to me—you and Jodie— and I don't know what I'd do without either of you. You're two of the most important people in my life," Bucky said, causing Harlow to smile,"I was hoping, that you would maybe, want to be my girlfriend?" He asked, though his question seemed a little rambled and rushed.

The few seconds it took Harlow to answer seemed like years to Bucky. His stomach was doing flips, and he felt his palm begin to sweat. He hadn't felt like that in years, matter of fact, he almost felt more nervous and frightened in that moment, than he did when he thought about HYDRA finding him once again. It was almost worse than torture, waiting on an answer from the gorgeous woman in front of him.

"Yes, Bucky. I would love to be your girlfriend," Harlow replied, and Bucky's nerves seemed to instantly go away.

Bucky didn't feel like he was going to pass out anymore, but when Harlow pulled him closer and placed her lips on his, he couldn't miss the small explosion that seem to ignite his body. His knees almost seemed weak, but he didn't show just how much of an effect the woman had on him.

"Let's go eat breakfast, before Jodie decides to eat all of the donuts herself," Bucky commented, causing Harlow to laugh.

Bucky and Harlow walked into the room, acting as if nothing had happened in the other room a moment ago. They didn't want to spring anything on Jodie too fast. She was little, and they knew emotions were sometimes hard to control and understand at such a young age. Jodie may have been smarter than anyone else her age, but that didn't mean she always understood emotions.

"Mummy, he has chocolate donuts," Jodie said, as she ate a second chocolate donut.

"I knew they were your favorite," Bucky replied, and Harlow smiled at the two.

Jodie and Bucky were like two peas in a pod. Harlow loved seeing their interactions with each other. She hadn't had a boyfriend in years, but she had to admit that Bucky may have been the best choice of a boyfriend. He was so kind and understanding when it came to Jodie. He didn't think she was a freak because she was so smart. He treated her like a normal child, almost like his own child, and for that Harlow was grateful. Harlow truly did believe this man was good, and she believed he would definitely change their lives...

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