Chapter Seventeen: Trip to the Park

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"Don't let the muggles get you down."
- Ron Weasley

Song: Adore You by Harry Styles

"Walk through fire for you, just let me adore you, if it's the only thing I'll ever do."


Since Jodie had such a rough night sleeping, Harlow decided that the girl needed a day to relax. She kept the girl from school, and she called Ms. Stanfield first thing in the morning to tell her what happened. Ms. Stanfield suggested that Harlow buy some melatonin for better rest, and to buy a dreamcatcher to keep the small child from having nightmares.

Jodie had woken up a bit later than normal, since it took her a while to fall back to sleep after her nightmare. She was very emotional, but there wasn't much Harlow could do about it. After Harlow made Jodie a nice breakfast, she decided to get as much information on dreamcatchers as she possibly could. She learned that if she wanted the dreamcatcher to work, it had to be made by a Native American, otherwise it wouldn't work.

So, she decided to try and find any stores or shops that sold dreamcatchers that were made correctly, and after almost twenty minutes, she found the right store. She also made sure a store nearby sold melatonin, so she could pick them up on the way. When Jodie finished eating, Harlow quickly cleaned up the dishes and gave the little girl a cup of strawberry milk. Jodie loved strawberry milk, but she didn't get it too often, since Harlow wanted to keep her from getting cavities.

As Jodie was drinking her milk, Harlow heard a knock at the front door. She quickly went and answered it, and she smiled when she seen Bucky standing outside. Bucky held a small, pink bunny plush in his hand. Harlow invited Bucky inside, and motioned to where Jodie was sitting. Bucky walked over to the little girl and held the bunny out to her.

"I thought this would help you sleep," Bucky commented, as Jodie took the bear.

"Thank you, Bucky," Harlow replied, smiling at the man.

Harlow walked over to Bucky and pulled him over to the kitchen.

"I have to go out and pick up a couple things to help her with her sleep and to help with her nightmares. I was thinking of taking her to the park. Would you like to go?" She asked him,"You can watch her for a little bit, while I run to the shop," She commented, and Bucky nodded.

"I just have to get my stuff," He replied, causing her to smile.

Bucky quickly went to his apartment and grabbed his hat and jacket, and by the time he was ready, Harlow was getting Jodie ready for the park. Harlow got her ready in minutes, before she lead Bucky and Jodie to the park. Before she left Jodie with Bucky, she explained to them that she'd bring them to lunch once she got back. She also planned to buy a dreamcatcher and melatonin for Bucky, to see if it would help him with his nightmares that she heard him have quite often.

Bucky lightly pushed Jodie on the swing, as she kicked her legs back and forth. Jodie wasn't very good at swinging on her own, but she was trying to learn. Bucky could hear whispers going on around them, but he decided to ignore it.

"That little girl is definitely not from a good home. He looks homeless," One lady told her friend, and Bucky frowned.

"Don't let them make you upset. Mummy always says people talk bad because they're unhappy with their own lives. She says if they're truly human, they would care without judgement, or keep their mouths shut," Jodie said, and Bucky smiled.

Apparently she had been loud enough for the women to hear, because the women were blushing from embarrassment. Bucky hadn't expected such wise words from a small child, especially one that he believed had too kind of a soul and would never have to deal with such awful words. He wondered just how many people hurt the little girl to make her mother tell her that some people were just horrible at being human.

While Jodie played in the park, Bucky heard a small bell ringing. Looking over, he seen an old man with a cart. The cart held ice creams and other treats. Bucky felt his pocket, and he could tell that he had a few dollars.

"Jodie, would you like an ice cream or something?" Bucky asked, looking down at the little girl.

"Yes, please," Jodie replied, grasping Bucky's hand.

Bucky brought Jodie over to the cart, and he let her choose whatever treat she wanted. The little girl ended up picking a frozen treat that looked similar to Captain America's shield. The sight of it made Bucky's stomach drop slightly, but he decided to ignore it. He got himself one that looked like one of those Ninja Turtles he seen in Jodie's movie. The turtle had an orange mask, but he couldn't remember the name.

"What is this turtle's name, Jodie?" Bucky asked, showing the girl the turtle.

"That's Mikey, he's my favorite," Jodie replied, and Bucky nodded.

"Why didn't you get Mikey instead?" Bucky asked, causing the girl to smile.

"Because I wanted Captain America. He's my second favorite Avenger. Mummy let me see them on tv once, and I know all their names now," Jodie said, and Bucky chuckled.

"Second favorite?" He questioned, almost wanting to laugh and rub it in Steve's face,"Who is your favorite?" He asked, making her shrug.

"I like Black Widow and Hawkeye. I can't pick between them. I like how strong Black Widow is, but I really want to have a bow like Hawkeye," Jodie replied, and Bucky smirked slightly.

If only Steve was there, Bucky would laugh at him for being in second place to a small child. Most kids always loved Captain America most, but Bucky had found one that didn't...

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