Chapter Thirty: Nightmares at Harlow's

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"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
- Albus Dumbledore

Song: I Need Your Love by Madilyn Bailey and Jake Coco

"I need your love, I need your time. When everything's wrong, you make it right."


Bucky had felt burdened and unsure for the rest of the day. Harlow had decided that she wanted Bucky to spend the night, hoping she could help him calm down before he fell asleep. She read to him when he laid down, and she made sure it wasn't a sad story. She had began reading Stephen King's, Under the Dome, which was one of her all-time favorites.

She had barely gotten past the third chapter by the time Bucky had fallen asleep. She was glad that he had fallen asleep so easy, and once he had fallen asleep, she decided to stay up and read for another hour. The story was absolutely amazing, which wasn't a surprise, since Stephen King was one of the best authors to ever grace planet earth. Hell, she wouldn't be surprised if other worlds read Stephen King's stories and loved them as much as she did.

Anyhow, around eleven, Harlow placed the book down on her bedside table and laid down. She turned off the lamp next to her bed, before slowly falling into a dreamless sleep.

**Bucky's Dream**

Bucky had watched as HYDRA wiped him once more, making him forget himself and everything he ever held close to him. He forgot everyone, including Harlow and Jodie; his girls.

"Soldier, for your punishment, you will now kill the ones you loved."

Those words rang through his ears like pushpin into drywall. He felt his blood turn to ice with those words, but he couldn't control his body, as he was forced to stand.

He walked into a room where Harlow and Jodie were being held. Harlow had blood dripping from her nose, her hands tied in front of her, as the dark bruises showed on her light skin. Poor Jodie had blood on the side of her head, as tears ran down her little face. He could tell that her little hand was broken, and she was absolutely terrified.

"Please, Bucky. Don't let them hurt us," She cried, but he was the Winter Soldier, and he didn't show any of his emotions.

His face was blank, as he ripped Harlow up off of the floor. Harlow let out a cry, as Bucky's grip tightened on her arm. He heard the familiar snap, as he had broken her arm from the tightness of his hold. Harlow let out a strangled scream, trying not to show pain, but her body betrayed her.

In seconds, Bucky placed both of his hands on the sides of her face, before he quickly moved them and snapped her neck. Her lifeless body hit the ground with a thud, as he watched Jodie cower in the corner.

"Mummy!" She screamed, but Harlow wasn't getting back up.

Bucky stepped closer to the girl, and each step the girl tried to push herself further and further into the corner to disappear. She scream, sobbed, and wailed, but he kept coming closer. When he grabbed her broken hand, she let out another cry, but from crying and screaming so much, she couldn't catch her breath. She was practically choking on air, but Bucky never came back to help her.

"Not Jodie," He kept repeating to himself, but the Winter Soldier was relentless.

He had to watch as the Soldier yanked the small girl up, pulling her arm from its socket, as she tried to catch her breath. He couldn't handle watching what the Soldier was doing to his little girl, but there was nothing he could do, it was a nightmare he couldn't wake up from.

**Outside of the Dream**

Harlow woke up with a jolt, as Bucky tossed and turned in the bed next to her.

"Not Jodie," She heard him murmur, which caused her heart to sink.

"Bucky," She called quietly, but he didn't move,"Bucky Barnes, wake up," She said a little louder, grabbing his shoulder.

The moment she shook his shoulder, Bucky was up, but he wasn't right. He grabbed her wrist and held it tightly, causing her to gasp. When his other hand came to rest on her throat, she was beyond terrified.

"Bucky, get off!" She exclaimed quietly, trying to push him away with her one hand that wasn't in his hold.

He didn't budge, as his hold on her neck grew tighter. Thinking fast, she brought her leg up and smashed her knee into his ribs, successfully winding him. He quickly let go, but in seconds, he was back to who he was before he fell asleep.

"Harlow, I-" He stopped, not knowing what to say,"I need to go. I hurt you, I could hurt Jodie. I need to leave," He rambled, as he quickly stood to his feet.

"Bucky!" Harlow called, hurrying after him,"Stop!" She exclaimed, as he started for the door,"Just-please wait," She murmured, grabbing his hand gently, as he flinched away.

"I'm bad, Harlow. I'm bad for you, and I'm bad for Jodie," He mumbled, but the girl shook her head.

"No, you're not. Listen to me, you had a bad dream, and we all get them. Sometimes you can't tell the difference between a dream and reality, because the dream was so damn frightening. Jodie gets dreams like that all the time," She said, causing the man to frown,"Tell me what your dream was about. Tell me what happened, and maybe you'll feel better," She added, making him sigh.

"It's terrible, Harlow. It'll scare you, maybe more than it scared me," He said, his voice very low.

"I'm here for you, Bucky. I'm here to listen, even if it is one of the scariest stories I've ever heard," She replied, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

Bucky stared at the bruise forming on Harlow's neck, knowing he was dangerous. He never felt this way about someone before though, and he needed to make it work. She was his safe haven, and he didn't want to lose her. He had to tell her the truth...

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