Chapter Twenty Two: Stormy Weather

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"I live my life a quarter mile at a time."
- Dom Toretto

Song: Hedwig's Theme


A few days after their date, Harlow invited Bucky over for dinner with her and Jodie. Harlow was simply making steak, macaroni and cheese, and corn, but she knew Bucky would just be happy with a home cooked meal. He didn't have many of those, unless he was at Harlow's place. Bucky didn't really care to cook for himself, since he wasn't that good at cooking, so he opted to only having home cooked meals from Harlow.

The rain outside made the day seem to pass by faster, but it was only because the clouds kept the sky darker, making it seem later than it was. To be honest, Harlow thought the sky was absolutely beautiful. She loved storms, moreso the sky and the rain, not really all the severe weather. Growing up, she loved to learn everything she could about the weather, but once she got older, she couldn't quite remember everything she had learned.

Anyhow, Bucky came over close to dinner time, and the three sat at the table and ate. The tv was playing the news; one of the local channels Harlow's tv could pickup for free, and they were watching the weather.

"That storm doesn't look to good," Harlow commented, looking at all the dark red on the screen.

"What is that, Mummy?" Jodie asked, pointing to all the red on the map.

"That's the storm. The darker the red, the worse the rain. Like the weatherman said, there's a good chance for lightning, thunder, hail, and possibly worse weather later tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if the power cut out because of the storm," Harlow replied, causing Jodie to frown.

"I don't like storms," Jodie murmured, shaking her head.

"It won't be too bad, Jodie. And if the power does cut out, there's plenty of candles and flashlights to see," Harlow said, and Bucky nodded in agreement.

"If the power cuts out, I'll come over and check on you. I won't leave you guys alone in the dark," Bucky commented, and Jodie smiled.

By the time they were finished eating dinner, the storm had gotten worse outside.

"When did the weatherman say everything was going to hit?" Bucky asked, as he washed dishes for Harlow.

"He said closer to seven or eight, I believe. We have a couple of hours until I need to start looking for candles and stuff. I think he said the storm will last until around three in the morning, before it lets up," Harlow replied, and Bucky nodded.

"I will come over if the power cuts out, so try not to attack me with anything if you hear the door open and you can't see me," He commented, causing Harlow to chuckle and roll her eyes playfully.

"You act like I have weapons just laying around my apartment," She retorted, and he smirked.

"You do," He answered,"I have seen a bat in your closet, and I know you have huge collection of knives, for an apartment with only one person who can use them," He added, making her scoff.

"So, maybe I do, but when you're a girl, and you live with only your small child, you've got to be prepared to defend yourself and your daughter. It's only common sense," She said, and he nodded.

"I completely agree. Actually, I think you should train yourself in self defense using a knife. I know I'd feel better if you knew some things," He commented, causing her to bite her lip.

"And where would I do that?" She asked, looking up at him,"There isn't exactly a place in town that does self defense courses with weapons," She added, making him sigh.

"Well, I can teach you. I know a bit about self defense. We can start in a few days, if you want," He replied, and she nodded.

"I'd like that," She answered, causing him to smile to himself.

Knowing Harlow was willing to learn self defense made Bucky happy, especially since she had Jodie to worry about as well. He also wanted her to stand somewhat of a fighting chance against anyone who might try to come after her because of him. He had went home about an hour later to try and find the perfect knife for Harlow to train with, and by the time he found one, the storm had really picked up.

The thunder was continously rolling, and lightning was striking like crazy. Next thing he knew, at almost exactly eight at night, the power cut out. He heard a scream from nextdoor, and he knew it was Jodie. He remembered Jodie saying she was scared of storms, so he didn't freak out and think someone was attacking them.

Anyhow, he grabbed his flashlight, and walked over to Harlow's apartment. He lightly knocked, before opening the door. Almost instantly, he seen Harlow and Jodie sitting on the couch in the living room. Candles were surrounding the room, and Jodie held a flashlight in her hand.

"Bucky! You came to save us!" Jodie exclaimed, getting up and running over to him.

"I figured you'd want me to sit with you and wait for the power to come back on," He murmured, and she nodded.

Jodie lead Bucky over to the couch and had him sit down, before she sat herself between him and Harlow. Harlow grabbed a book from the bookshelf, and walked back over to the couch with the book in hand.

"How do you guys feel about me reading the first Harry Potter book to you?" She asked, looking at Jodie and Bucky.

"I've never heard of Harry Potter," Bucky commented, causing Jodie to gasp.

"You've got to read it to him, Mummy!" She squealed, holding the flashlight out for Harlow.

Bucky was intrigued when he seen how excited Jodie and Harlow were for him to hear Harlow read.

"Mummy says I'm not old enough to watch the movies yet, but soon I will be, and we can watch them together," Jodie commented, and Bucky smiled.

He liked being included, even in the smallest of things. He didn't expect a stormy night to be what brought him even closer to the girls...

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