Chapter Forty Seven: Relaxing Showers

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"Love is just a word, but you bring it definition."
- Eminem

Song: Temperature by Sean Paul

"I got the right tactics to turn you on."


(NSFW: There will be smut later in the chapter. I will put ××× to signal when the smut is starting. You can skip the smut if it makes you uncomfortable. Do NOT report my story!)

Harlow woke up around three in the morning, after feeling Bucky move for another time in under an hour. The woman was worried that he may be having nightmares, since he had been moving so much. His breathing wasn't even either, like it normally would be if he was asleep and not having any nightmares. She was honestly worried, and she was sure it had to do with the new environment.

"Bucky?" She called, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Harlow? Why are you awake?" He asked, as he turned towards her.

"What's wrong? I kept feeling you shifting around, and I'm worried," She commented, causing him to sigh.

"I can't sleep. There's too much on my mind," He answered, his voice barely audible to Harlow.

"Oh, darling," She cooed, as she sat up and wrapped her arms around Bucky,"You can tell me what's bothering you," She said, as she held him tightly.

"I slept for like an hour, then I had a nightmare. My mind won't let me sleep anymore. I've got to keep watch. I've got to protect you and Jodie," He replied, though his answer almost seemed rehearsed.

Harlow frowned, knowing there wasn't much she could do to ease his mind. To be fair, there wasn't much that would ease her mind either in his situation, so she wasn't exactly upset with him or anything. Actually, she seemed to be upset with herself for not knowing what to do to help Bucky ease his mind.

"Y'know, I have a feeling I know something that would help clear your mind, at least for a little bit," Harlow commented, causing Bucky to turn to her.

"Yeah? What's that?" He asked, making a smirk come to her face.

"Follow me, just keep quiet," She replied, and he nodded.

Harlow and Bucky checked the front door to make sure it was locked. Bucky pushed a chair in front of it, making sure it would be even harder for an intruder to get in if he wasn't there. Harlow held his hand and led him into the bathroom, before locking the door behind them.

"You've got to keep quiet," She commented, making him smirk.

"Oh, doll, I think it's you that's got to keep quiet," He replied, as she turned on the shower.

Since they didn't have much clothes, Bucky and Harlow simply laid their clothes on the sink so they could put them back on after their shower. Harlow was smart enough to grab clean underwear though, since she refused to wear the same underwear after a shower. She was glad she had remembered to buy towels when she bought bedding, otherwise dressing after the shower would be very awkward.

The shower started off nice, without any real sexual touching. Harlow and Bucky helped each other wash their hair, but after washing their hair, that's when everything changed tempo.


Bucky placed his lips on Harlow's neck, leaving light kisses all along her neck and jaw. He was very fond of her shampoo, which smelled of coconut. The smell was very alluring to him, which wasn't really a shock, considering he always seemed to calm him down or excite him when he smelt her hair.

As he kissed her neck, he slowly trailed his hand down the front of her wet body, before his fingers traced over her folds. She let out a silent moan when he pushed two fingers inside of her. He pumped his fingers in and out of her for a couple of minutes, letting her become more excited, before he removed his fingers from her and licked them.

"You taste amazing, doll, but I don't think I can wait any longer," He murmured, causing her to nod silently.

Bucky carefully lifted Harlow up with one hand, as his other hand was placed against the wall to balance them. Harlow and Bucky's lips connected in a heated kiss, as her one hand tangled in his freshly washed hair, and her other hand lined him up with her entrance.

Slowly he slid into her, before he turned around and placed her back against the wall to allow himself to go deeper and thrust harder. With the pressure of her back on the wall, and the force of his hand on her lower back, she knew he had her completely filled up. He hit her spot with every thrust, which made it harder for her to keep her moans quiet.

As if Bucky knew she was having trouble staying quiet, he placed his lips on hers and allowed her to moan into his mouth. Feeling herself getting close to her high, Harlow lowered her hand to her clit, and began to slowly rub it in a circular motion. The more she rubbed her clit made her clench around Bucky's cock. He let out a quiet groan, before he started to thrust harder, almost mercilessly. Harlow was enjoying herself, and from his face, she could tell he was, too.

"I'm close," Harlow murmured, and Bucky nodded.

Bucky moved her legs to sit further up on his hips, causing his cock to go deeper-as if it really could with how full she already was-and she could practically see him protruding from her lower belly. He was hitting her at a whole new angle, and she was loving it. In less that a minute, she couldn't hold herself back anymore. She came all over his cock, and after a few more thrusts, Bucky came as well, letting his cum coat her walls.

"Fuck," She murmured, and he grinned down at her.

"What a way to clear my mind," He commented quietly, causing her to chuckle.

It might not have been very ideal, but it was one of the only ways she could even think to calm him for the night. At least now he'd get a little sleep, and she knew she definitely would as well...

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