Chapter Fifty: Rarely Steve

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"You don't turn your back on family. Even when they do."
- Dom Toretto

Song: Titanium by David Guetta ft. Sia

"I'm bulletproof. Nothing to lose. Fire away, fire away. Ricochet, you take your aim. Fire away, fire away."


"Who the hell is Steven Barnes?" Tony Stark asked outloud, as he carried mail into the main room where all of the Avengers were sitting.

"Uh, me, I think," Steve replied, standing from his seat,"I've been corresponding with this girl, and--" He began, but Tony cut him off.

"Say no more, Capsicle," Tony said, chuckling slightly,"I'm just surprised you have a girl to talk to, but it's through letters, so I'll have to show you how to up your game eventually," He added, smirking to Steve.

Steve simply rolled his eyes, before snatching the letter from Tony. He frowned when he seen there wasn't a return address, but he shrugged it off. Just by the name on the envelope, he knew who was writing to him.

'Dear Steve,

Bucky, my daughter, and I have ran from our home. Bucky caught sight of them before they could get him, and my daughter and I left with him. We're in Bucharest now, and I believe we are safe. I made sure that we're only using cash, and we hide our faces at all times so we can't be seen or recognized.

I meant to write you sooner, but I've just been busy. Bucky isn't doing well with the new environment, but we're settling in well. I think it's safer if this is the only letter sent in or out, at least until we're sure no one has found us, or has decided to watch us for any reason. Bucky doesn't even know I'm writing to you, or that I'm telling you where we are. Keep it to yourself, and make sure all of this information stays in your hands only. I'm trusting you with our lives, Mr. Rogers, don't take my trust for granted.

- Sincerely,

Steve frowned after reading it, knowing he couldn't send a letter back, in fear that he could put them in danger. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to send them a letter. He needed to find them to be able to keep an eye on them, but he knew if he tried too hard, they'd know he was on to them. Well, Bucky would know, and he knew Bucky would run if Steve was catching up to him. He was surprised Bucky hadn't ran the last time, but he figured Harlow kept the man from running.

Steve had also frowned when he realized Harlow had never mentioned her daughter's name. He wondered if that meant she didn't trust him enough, or if she was trying to keep her daughter's identity a secret, just in case the letter was infiltrated. He wanted to know what the little girl's name was, mostly because she and Harlow were important to Bucky. But he was also worried, he may need her name just in case he had to protect her. He'd be able to prove that he was a friendly face if he knew her name, especially in a moment of fear.

Instead of keeping the letter out in the open on his desk, he quickly folded it back up and put it in the envelope it had been sent in. He then placed the envelope under a stack of papers in his desk, hoping it would keep everyone away from it. The only real people he had to worry about was Tony and Nat, but he couldn't be too sure.

Actually, ever since he had written to Harlow, he had to keep her and Bucky out of his mind as best as he could. If he didn't, Wanda would be able to know who he was talking to and who he was worrying or thinking about. If Wanda knew, Wanda could tell the team, and that would put Bucky, Harlow, and the little girl in danger. He wouldn't be the reason any of them were in danger. He couldn't chance it, so he always tried to keep them out of his mind. If he did think about Bucky though, he tried to make it childhood memories, so it would make Wanda believe he was thinking about his past, and not about someone he was hiding and hoping to keep hidden and alive.

After hiding the letter, he went over to his bed and laid down. He began to wonder if he'd ever be able to see Bucky face to face again, especially as his old pal and not as HYDRA's Winter Soldier. Seeing Bucky like that killed him, but seeing him so happy with Harlow and her child made Steve's heart warm and break at the same time. He wished he could be a part of all of their lives, but he really didn't have a chance, not yet. He had to let Bucky come to terms with everything, as long as that may take, and eventually he'd be able to see all of them in person.

One night, he had actually dreamed of seeing Bucky again. He had dreamed of meeting Harlow and her daughter. Even in the dream, he never really learned the little girl's name. He just remembered Bucky calling her, "his little girl," as he placed a loving hand on her shoulder. Steve knew Bucky loved the girls a lot, and Steve planned to protect them the same as he planned to protect Bucky.

Bucky had protected him when he needed him most, and he was going to do the same for Bucky. He would do everything he could for Bucky, Harlow, and her little girl; or their little girl, as he remembered for the dream he had. Actually, he happened to have that dream a couple of times, he just didn't always remember it. Sometimes the dreams were the same, other times the dream ended with the little girl saying to him, "hi, Uncle Stevie," but either way, Steve would always wake with a smile on his face...

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