Chapter Fifty Three: Framed

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"I wanna stab him in the face."
- the demon Meg (Supernatural)

Song: Framed by Eminem

"Hey man, I've been framed."


Bucky and Harlow were extremely worried about Jodie. Jodie had just been moved to a new place only a couple of months ago, and now she was being moved again. Bucky had been framed, and that meant everyone would be on the lookout for him. That meant every person would go looking to see if they could find him, especially if there was a reward for them to collect for turning him in. If Harlow and Jodie were caught with him, there were a few plausible ways it could go down.

One, law enforcement could believe Bucky kidnapped them, and they would try to set the girls free; possibly saying they had Stockholm syndrome from the event. Two, Harlow could be arrested as an accomplice to Bucky, and Jodie could be taken away and put into the system. Three, HYDRA could come and take all three of them, and potentially torture and experiment on the girls, mostly to punish Bucky. Finally, Steve could come to try and save them, and they could get away without anyone finding them.

Harlow somewhat hoped Steve would be their saving grace, but she doubted he was anywhere close to them to actually be there to save them. She was almost sure that she, Bucky, and Jodie were on their own. It wouldn't be surprising, and it wouldn't be the first time, this time was just going to be way more difficult. Harlow just couldn't fathom losing Bucky or Jodie over this event.

"Who do you think framed you?" Harlow asked, as she counted what money they had left without her having to pull more from the bank.

"Definitely HYDRA," He answered, glaring at the screen,"there's no other way around it. I mean, this has HYDRA written all over it, don't you think?" He rambled, and Harlow nodded.

"It would be the only plausible answer. I doubt the government would've just blamed you without any evidence. How do they even know it was the Winter Soldier, you're here, and they swore they seen you, and--" Harlow rambled, before Bucky cut her off.

"There's more than one Winter Soldier, Harlow, I was just the favorite. I was the one they sent out, they were simply a backup if I died," He replied, making her frown.

"I have around five hundred, so that should get us out of here. I don't know where though, since I'm not sure when the quickest flight out is," Harlow said, and Bucky nodded.

Harlow pulled out Jodie's tablet, and she began to connect it to her neighbor's wifi. Once it was connected, she started looking through all of the flights that were soon going to be leaving, but none of them had three seats together. She couldn't book a flight, unless there were three seats together. Bucky refused to get on a plane and sit anywhere other than beside his girls.

"The soonest flight I can get is tomorrow at two in the afternoon," Harlow murmured, sighing as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Two tomorrow?" Bucky questioned outloud,"That's not soon enough. We have to leave now, Harlow," He said, and she nodded.

"I know, I know," She replied, biting her lip,"I can always get us on a train or something. If I get a train though, we won't be able to get as far," She added, making him sigh.

"We can take the train to a different place, then get tickets to somewhere else as soon as we get off the train," He answered, causing her to nod.

"I can try that," She replied, as she began to search for the nearest train station.

Harlow had never actually been on a train. She and Wade were supposed to take a train through different parts of America when she turned eighteen, but that had been put on hold when Wade's girlfriend got pregnant, and they moved out of America. Harlow actually still wanted to take the trip on the train, but it wouldn't be the same without Wade. She would have to take the trip with Bucky and Jodie one day, but she wasn't sure when it was ever actually going to happen.

"Life would be so much easier, if people weren't such assholes," Harlow murmured, and Bucky nodded in agreement.

"If people weren't assholes, then we would've never met," Bucky commented, causing Harlow to chuckle.

"Well, thank you assholes, I suppose," She replied, making him laugh.

Though the moment was tense and not so favorable, Bucky was still happy he had gotten the chance to laugh for a moment. Yes, life was hard, but he was still given moments of happiness with his girls when he had the chance. He wished it wasn't so hard, but he wondered if the next time they moved, they could possibly find a place to be happy and carefree.

"Maybe we should get a farm. If we had a farm, that had animals and a garden, we wouldn't have to go into town often, and we'd be able to hide out a lot longer," Harlow said, and Bucky nodded.

"I like that idea. You should run it by Jodie. See what she thinks, then we can find our farm," He replied, making her smile.

Harlow quickly jumped up and went to Jodie's room to tell her about the farm idea. Bucky somewhat doubted the idea would work, but he wanted to give his girls hope. If they believed in the idea, he was sure it had a better chance to happen and succeed. If he was able to find a place for them to finally live happily, he'd eventually talk to Steve-see him again-and maybe even feel more like himself than he ever had before. He just wasn't sure when the plan would happen, and if it did, he wondered if he'd actually be able to be a part of the plan in the end...

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