Chapter Twenty Five: The Fair

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"Worrying about your kids is sanity, and being that sane... can drive you nuts."
- John Clasky (Spanglish)

Song: Live While We're Young by One Direction

"We'll keep doing what we do, just pretending that we're cool, and we know it, too."


After the incident at school, Harlow decided to pull Jodie out for the last week. She had already talked to the boss of the pre-school about the two teachers, and once she was sure something was going to be done, she left and took Jodie with her. She promised to have the girl arrive on time for graduation though, since Harlow was adamant that she wouldn't miss it.

Friday had come around, which meant there were only three days until Jodie's graduation. Harlow wanted to do something special for her little girl, so she went Thursday night to buy tickets to the fair. Bucky had agreed to watch Jodie while Harlow went out to buy the tickets. For his generosity, Harlow ended up buying Bucky a ticket as well.

"Jodie! Get ready! We've got somewhere to be in an hour!" Harlow exclaimed, as she made breakfast in the kitchen.

"Where are we going, Mummy?" Jodie asked, as she walked into the kitchen.

"It's a surprise, but once you're dressed, I want you to go get Bucky for breakfast. He's going with us," Harlow replied, and Jodie nodded.

Jodie quickly went to her room and put on a new outfit, before she slipped on her shoes and ran out to go to Bucky's. Like every other time, Jodie left the front door open, so Harlow could see her at all times. Jodie knocked on the door quickly, as she bounced on her toes with excitement.

"Bucky! Hurry up! Mummy's almost done with our food!" Jodie exclaimed, right before Bucky opened the door.

Bucky had already been dressed, since he had woken up early that day from a bad nightmare. When he heard Jodie at the door, he started to feel a bit better. As soon as Jodie seen Bucky, she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her apartment.

"I didn't know I was coming over for breakfast," Bucky commented, as he sat down at the table with Jodie.

"Well, you're coming with us to our surprise destination, so I figured you'd like a nice breakfast before we go," Harlow replied, as she walked over with a plates full of pancakes and a plate of bacon.

Harlow placed a pancake and two pieces of bacon on Jodie's plate, before placing two pancakes on her own plate. To be kind, Harlow then placed two pancakes on Bucky's plate with a few pieces of bacon.

"You guys want milk or orange juice?" Harlow asked, as she grabbed glasses.

"I'm fine with whatever you're having," Bucky answered, and Harlow nodded.

"I want juice!" Jodie exclaimed, causing Harlow to chuckle.

Harlow fixed each of them some juice, before she sat down and ate breakfast with Bucky and Jodie. Once they were done eating, Harlow quickly washed dishes, before the three were able to leave. As they walked, Jodie asked as many times as she could about where they were going.

"Oh my god!" Jodie exclaimed, as soon as she seen the fair approaching.

"You happy?" Harlow asked, and Jodie nodded,"This is your early graduation gift. I thought you'd like to go to the fair, and I thought you'd like it if I invited Bucky," She commented, as she smiled down at her daughter.

"I love it!" Jodie exclaimed, hugging her mother,"Thank you!"

Harlow lead Jodie and Bucky to the entrance, and she showed the ticket guy the tickets she bought, before the three of them were ablw to enter. Jodie was practically vibrating with excitement as they walked around the fair.

Jodie went on a few small rides by herself, but a good amount of them she had to have her mother or Bucky with her. Harlow watched as her daughter went on the bumper cars once again with Bucky. Jodie absolutely loved all if the really fast rides, but she really liked the bumper cars.

"You guys want some cotton candy or anything else?" Harlow asked, as she lead them over to a vender.

"I want cotton candy!" Jodie exclaimed, following her mother.

"I'm getting a deep fried twinkie. What do you want Bucky?" Harlow asked, looking over at the man.

"Surprise me," Bucky replied, and Harlow nodded.

Harlow went and bought food, as well as huge sodas for the three of them to have with their food. Harlow had gotten herself a cherry and vanilla flavored soda, and she got Bucky and Jodie original flavored sodas.

"I want that bear, Mummy!" Jodie exclaimed, pointing at the giant purple bear hanging above a dart game.

"You know those games are hard to win," Harlow replied, feeling bad that her daughter would most likely not win the bear.

"I can get it for her," Bucky said, and Harlow's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Let's see this," She murmured, as she handed the guy money for the game.

Harlow and Jodie watched amazed as Bucky hit every balloon he aimed for, and when he didn't win the giant bear, he tried again until he did win it. Once he got the bear, he bent down to Jodie's size and held the bear out to her.

"Yes! I love it!" Jodie exclaimed, grabbing the bear,"It's so fluffy!" She cried out, holding it close.

"What do you say to Bucky?" Harlow asked, and Jodie grinned.

"Thank you, Bucky!" She exclaimed, as she wrapped her arms around Bucky's neck, still holding the bear, so it was barely an easy hug,"I love you, Bucky," She murmured, and Bucky felt his heart leap.

Bucky hadn't expected to hear Jodie say that, but it made him happy. Honestly, it made him feel special, something he hadn't felt since he was younger. He absolutely adored this little girl and her mother. They were everything to him, and this moment really helped solidify it...

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