Chapter Forty One: Dad Date

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"Some might call it luck. I like to call it...well, luck, I guess. So what?"
- Happy Gilmore (Happy Gilmore)

Song: Fuckin' Perfect by Pink

"Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever ever feel, like you're less than, fuckin' perfect. Pretty, pretty please, if you ever ever feel, like you're nothing, you're fuckin' perfect to me."


After the surprise of Jodie calling Bucky her father, he had decided to bring her on a "father-daughter date," which had been an idea given to him by Harlow. Bucky had actually been practically forcing his brain to think of things he could do with Jodie, to show her just how special she was to him, and after a while, Harlow had to give Bucky an idea.

Bucky had decided the "date" was going to be during the weekend, so it would be a surprise for Jodie, and she wouldn't have to come home early for bed because of school. Bucky had an entire list of things he wanted to do with Jodie, but after going over the list with Harlow, he had just a few things to actually do. Harlow had to explain to him that he had way too much on the list, and the two would have to have another "date" in the future to actually be able to complete the entire list.

To make it extra special, Harlow had went out and bought Jodie a "princess" dress for the girl to wear. It was a bit like a ball gown, but not as big and flashy. Bucky even made sure he dressed nice, so he wouldn't look like a "scrub" next to Jodie. At around three, Harlow helped Jodie get ready for her day. After Jodie took a shower, Harlow helped her into the dress, before spraying her with coconut scented body spray. She then dried and curled the little girl's hair, before painting her nails a light grey to go with her dark grey dress.

Once Jodie was ready, Harlow lead her out to the lounge room where Bucky was waiting. When Bucky seen Jodie, he let out an exaggerated gasp, and squatted down to her height. He opened his arms, and she quickly ran over to him and wrapped her arms lightly around his neck.

"Are you ready to go?" Bucky asked, and Jodie nodded excitedly.

Bucky and Jodie said their goodbyes to Harlow, before Bucky lead Jodie out of the apartment. Their first stop was to a jewelry store to get Jodie a necklace to go with her dress. Once she had picked out a necklace, Bucky helped her put it on. Jodie did a small twirl and giggled, as Bucky told her how pretty she was. After stopping at the jewelry store, Bucky brought Jodie to dinner.

The waitress was an old lady, so she absolutely loved when she seen Jodie and Bucky. She might've even went a little overboard when she placed a pretty flower in the middle of the table, but she told them she was just making everything perfect. Her words were simple,"every little girl deserves a perfect date, and a flower makes everything pretty." She also allowed Jodie to keep the flower once they had left. Bucky had tucked the flower securely in Jodie's hair, using her hair pin to help secure the flower.

After dinner, Bucky took Jodie to a sweets shop, where she was able to get a bag full of all the candy she could imagine. He also bought her ice cream at the small parlor that was connected to the sweets shop. Once Jodie had finished her ice cream, Bucky brought her to a toy store and let her pick out the perfect stuffed animal, which she decided was going to be named Bucky. It was a black teddy bear, that she had gotten an army suit for. She remembered seeing his dogtags, and she remembered what her mother told her the tags meant, so she wanted to make the bear perfect.

One of their last stops was the bakery. Mrs. Stanfield gave them a box of cookies, and had them sit down and have a cupcake and a tea. Bucky wasn't the biggest tea drinker, but he was determined to have his little girl have the best night of her life. Once they had finished, Mrs. Stanfield brought out a big bag for Bucky to place the cookies, sweets, and bear in so Jodie and him wouldn't have to carry so much in their hands.

Bucky then brought Jodie out to a small photobooth, which Harlow had showed him how to work earlier in the week. Once their pictures were taken, and he had the copies, he figured it was time for them to go home. Jodie was starting to look tired.

"So, did you have fun, Jodie?" Bucky asked, and Jodie nodded.

"This was the best day ever, Daddy!" She exclaimed, looking up at him with a grin.

"I'm happy to hear that," He replied, as she continued to smile.

"I'm tired," She commented,"Will you carry me?" She asked, looking up at him with puppy eyes.

After a moment, Bucky caved and crouched down to her height. With one quick movement, Bucky had Jodie in his arm, and her head was laid on his shoulder. She lightly wrapped her arms around him to keep herself balanced and comfortable.

"I love you, Daddy," She murmured, as her eyes closed.

"I love you, Jodie," He answered, a small smile laying on his lips.

When Bucky and Jodie arrived home, Harlow couldn't hold back the smile. She quietly let them in and took the bag from Bucky. She carefully took off Jodie's shoes and necklace, placing them safely in the little girl's room, before Bucky laid her down on her bed. They were going to let her sleep for the night, she would just have to brush her teeth extra well in the morning. Harlow was so happy, and she could barely express it. She just hoped the happiness would never end...

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