Chapter Five: Accidental Meeting

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"That's the problem with people today. They've lost faith, and in that loss, they no longer know who they should fear."
- Kol Mikaelson

Song: Bleed It Out by Linkin Park

"I bleed it out digging deeper, just to throw it away."


Bucky hadn't left his apartment in days, but he was running out of food. He had eaten most of the food that was given to him by "Avery's Wish," as well as the little girl next door, so he didn't have much left to eat in his apartment. He was fine with living off of tap water, but he couldn't live off of only tap water, since he would need food eventually to survive.

After throwing on long sleeves, pants, a jacket, gloves to cover his hands, and a hat, Bucky headed out of his apartment to grab some food. He knew his outfit would catch a few stares, but he didn't want anyone recognizing him as the Winter Soldier. If they did, he would definitely be caught and sent back to HYDRA, or he could end up in custody of the government for everything he was forced to do.

He walked along the sidewalks that spanned miles in different directions. When he found places with things he wanted, he got what he could and left behind what he couldn't. Obviously he didn't want to be called a thief, but he did have to take a few things without anyone seeing. He couldn't afford much of anything, but he had picked up bits of money along the way that people had dropped, so he didn't steal everything he needed.

Anyway, on his way back to his apartment, he kept his head down, and his eyes stayed trained in front of him. He didn't want to be caught off guard by anyone, he refused, so he was always on high alert. When he walked up the steps that lead to his floor that held two apartments, he was somewhat startled when he accidentally ran into the woman and the little girl from apartment 102.

He recognized the little girl immediately, and he was able to put the name Jodie, to her face since she had made the picture for him and gave him the teddy bear. He did not know the woman though, but he could honestly say that she was very beautiful. She didn't look that old, but looks could be deceiving. Considering he was supposed to be in his nineties, she could easily be older as well, and not look a day over twenty one.

When her eyes met his, and a bright smile appeared on her face, his stomach filled with butterflies. He wasn't sure what the feeling was, and it scared him quite a bit. He didn't know what to feel about it, which wasn't surprising at all. He just hoped that the woman didn't purposely catch him outside to alert anyone of his location.

Harlow had decided to bring Jodie out for lunch, since it was a Saturday, and she and Jodie didn't get to go out for lunch often. Jodie loved going out to lunch with her mother, since Harlow often stopped at the bakery, and Ms. Stanfield, the owner of the bakery, would often give Jodie treats. Ms. Stanfield was practically a grandmother to Jodie, and Jodie loved her so much. The woman would bring cupcakes to the apartment for Jodie's birthday, and when she would hear that Jodie had a bad day at school, she would bring cookies over to cheer her up.

"Are you ready to go, Jodie?" Harlow asked, as she popped her head into Jodie's room.

"Yes, Mummy," Jodie murmured, slipping her foot into her favorite white sandal.

The sandal had a small, pink flower on top that was covered in glitter. Jodie wore the sandals whenever she had the chance, since they were her favorite, but ever since one of the kids at school had tried to snatch the flowers off her sandals, Jodie opted to only wear them when she wasn't at school. Harlow tried many times to talk to the teachers at the school, but they swore nothing was happening to Jodie, and that Jodie was making up stories. The problem was, Harlow always believed Jodie, and Jodie was taught to never lie, so Harlow knew the teachers were the ones lying to her.

Anyhow, Harlow grabbed Jodie's hand and lead her out of the apartment. As Harlow turned around to lock the door, she heard Jodie stop and giggle. She quickly turned around, only to see the man who had moved in next door only a week and three days ago. Harlow smiled up at him, and she could see that he was hesitant to be around her and Jodie. She wondered why, but she wasn't going to ask any questions. For all she knew, he could be on a secret mission for something, and he wasn't supposed to be seen. She knew that was farfetched, but the story did make her want to laugh.

"Hi, neighbor!" Jodie exclaimed, waving up at the man.

"Hi," He murmured, his voice low and barely audible.

"Hey, I'm Harlow, that's Jodie. It's nice to meet you," Harlow said, deciding against sticking her hand out to shake his, since she could still see he was a little hesitant around her.

"Bucky," He replied, nodding once, before waving slightly at Jodie and going to his apartment.

"He's nice," Jodie commented, as Harlow held her hand and helped her down the steps.

"I guess, but he's very shy. We shouldn't bother him too much until he's less shy around us," Harlow said, and Jodie pouted.

"I wanna be his friend, Mummy," She replied, causing Harlow to laugh lightly.

"I know, darling, but for now, just give him some space," She answered, and her little girl huffed.

Jodie could sometimes be a drama queen, but Harlow adored her. When Jodie acted like a drama queen at times, it would remind Harlow of Wade. Wade was definitely a drama queen sometimes, and Harlow knew Jodie got it from Wade. With Jodie around, it was like she never lost Wade. Harlow would always miss her brother, but at least she had her little girl to love and cherish even though he's gone...

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