Chapter Seventy Nine: Goodbye Steve Rogers

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"Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good? Make you an apple pie maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family."
- Bobby Singer

Song: Patience by Guns n Roses

"Said woman take it slow, it'll work itself out find. All we need is just a little patience."


A day before they left for their honeymoon, Steve came to them to tell them what he was going to do. So, he had to go back in time to put the infinity stones exactly where he found them. Bruce was going to send him back in time, and he was going to come back after returning the stones. The problem was, Steve didn't want to come back. He wanted to stay in the past. He wanted to stay with Peggy Carter, the only woman he had ever loved.

Harlow didn't understand how the man could've fallen in love with Peggy, when all he ever did was kiss her once. She figured it probably had to do with Peggy being the first woman that he had met that was ever remotely nice to him, even when he was scrawny and sickly. Harlow had actually seen a picture of Steve before he was Captain America, and she believed even a heavy wind could've blown him away. She didn't say that outloud to him, instead she told him another truth, that she would've been friends with him either way, and she would've loved him all the same.

Harlow had been the first person Steve had talked to, since Bucky was in the shower when Steve had arrived to talk. Steve had been staying with Sam in Sam's new apartment. Harlow had sat with Steve at the kitchen table and listened to everything he had to say, though some of it made her heart clench and made her want to cry.

"I want to stay with Peggy. She was my girl, Harlow. I know you'd understand, because you love Bucky as much as I love Peggy. I've never gotten over her. I never found another woman in this time that could ever make me feel like Peggy did. I want to go back and have the life I never had the chance to live with her," Steve said, causing Harlow to frown.

"You said you wanted your best friend back. You got Bucky back, but now you're leaving?" She questioned, making him sigh.

"He has you, Harlow," Steve answered,"If he didn't have you, I would've brought him back with me, or I would go back in time and save him before he fell from the train. One way or another, I would've kept him around, but he doesn't need me anymore. He's my best friend, and he always will be, but he has you and Jodie. You two can keep him in line, and you can love him forever. Your heart will always be his, as his will always be yours. The same goes for Peggy and I, and I hope you can accept that," Steve said, and Harlow nodded.

"I can, but you have to be the one to explain this to Bucky and to Jodie, Steve," Harlow replied, causing Steve to nod with a sigh.

Jodie was in her room, since she was packing things to bring with her to the Barton house where she'd be staying for a week. When Steve had entered her room, the little girl stood to her feet and ran over to him.

"Uncle Steve!" She exclaimed, jumping on him, and wrapping her limbs around him, as he picked her up and hugged her tightly.

"My favorite girl, how are you?" He asked, as he set her back down on the floor with a grin on his face.

"I'm good. Mummy and Daddy are sending me to stay with Uncle Clint and Aunt Laura for a week. Mummy's having me pack today, so I won't forget anything," Jodie explained, and Steve simply nodded his head.

"Before you finish packing, do you think you and I could have a serious talk real quick?" He asked, causing the girl to nod.

Steve sat down on Jodie's bed, and Jodie quickly sat down next to him.

"What's the matter, Uncle Steve?" She asked, making him sigh.

"You know how much Daddy loves Mummy?" He asked, and she nodded,"Well, I have a girl that I love just like that, but she doesn't live here," He said, making her frown.

"So, can't you go visit her? Does she live in another state?" She asked, but he shook his head.

"No, doll, she lives in the past. Do you remember the story Uncle Clint told you about us having to go into the past to be able to save you guys?" He asked, causing her to nod again,"Well, my girl lives in the past, and I was hoping to stay in the past with her when I go to return the magic stones," He explained, and he watched as the little girl's bottom lip trembled.

"Does that mean you'll forget about me, Uncle Steve?" Jodie asked, making the man shake his head quickly.

"No, I could never! You're my favorite girl, and I love you so much! I could never forget you!" He exclaimed, pulling her into a hug.

"I want you to be happy, Uncle Steve, I love you," She murmured, and he smiled down at her.

"I love you, too," He replied, kissing the top of her head.

"Promise to never forget me?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Of course, I've got you connected to my heart, doll, always," He said, grabbing the little locket that was around his neck.

In the locket was a picture of Jodie that Jodie had given him almost a week ago. He also had a few pictures of her in his wallet, which also included one of her with Bucky and Harlow, as well as one of her with Sam, Tony, and Clint. That was the one and only time Jodie had been close enough to Tony to actually know him even a little bit. Steve planned to frame the photos when he got back to the past, that way he'd see them forever, even if that meant they had to be copied and put in every room in his house. He'd never forget them, they'd always be in his heart...

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