Chapter Fifty Five: Scared

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"Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies."
- Lord Voldemort

Song: U Don't Know Me by T.I.

"I ain't trippin' pimp, cause the truth is really you don't know me."


Harlow was cuffed and put in the back of one agent's vehicle, and Jodie was put beside her, but she was too little, and they weren't going to put her in cuffs. The agents drove for a bit, and Harlow looked at all of the damage that was around where they were being driven. She wasn't directly scared of being caught. If she was honest, she was only scared that she'd never see Bucky again, and that the agents would try to take Jodie away from her.

About ten minutes later, Harlow and Jodie were told they were being moved to a different vehicle. Harlow and Jodie were lead to the back of a van and tossed inside. Jodie sat close to her mother, holding on to her as if her life depended on it, and silent tears ran down her face.

"It'll be alright, darling," Harlow murmured, kissing the top of Jodie's head.

"Careful, she's dangerous," Harlow heard, as people approached the door, but she was too busy paying attention to her daughter to look, though she did let herself smirk.

"She?" Steve questioned, his eyebrows furrowing.

The door to the van was opened, and all the men's eyes widened. Bucky's heart dropped when he seen the cuffs on Harlow, and the tears that stained Jodie's cheeks. Sam and Bucky were sat next to each other, and Steve was sat next to Harlow and Jodie. The man in the black cat suit was sat in front of the group.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know they were going to grab you," Steve murmured to Harlow, causing her to sigh.

"Not your fault," She answered, her voice barely audible.

"What did they mean when they said you were dangerous?" Sam asked, finally catching Harlow's attention.

"I sort of beat the crap out of two agents. I had to protect Jodie, and that's the only reason I knocked them out," Harlow replied, and Sam nodded.

"She's pretty good. I seen her kick an agent in the throat and send him down the stairs," Steve commented, causing Sam to chuckle.

"That's my girl," Bucky murmured, as he stifled a laugh.

"Mummy, I'm scared. What if they separate us," She commented, her voice trembling.

"They won't separate you, I promise. I won't let them. You and your mother will be together," Steve stated, looking down at the little girl.

The little girl stared at him for a moment, before a quiet gasped escaped her lips, and her eyes widened.

"Y-you're Captain America," She murmured, staring at him in awe.

"Yes, I am, and you're Jodie," He replied, smiling at her.

"Mummy!" Jodie squealed quietly,"Captain America knows my name!" She exclaimed happily, though she still stayed quiet to not anger the guards in front.

"Really?" Harlow asked, smiling lightly,"I bet that means he's your friend now," Harlow replied, and Jodie nodded quickly.

"As my friend, I think you should be able to call me Steve," Steve commented, and Jodie grinned.

As he and Jodie talked, Sam and the other man, Black Panther, talked. Though, technically it wasn't much talking. To Harlow, it seemed more of a snippy comment movement before it was over.

"Daddy?" Jodie called quietly, causing Bucky's head to turn towards her,"are you ok?" She asked, knowing she couldn't turn around to see him.

"I'm fine, doll," He replied, trying to ease her nerves.

Steve, Sam, and T'Challa-Black Panther-were surprised when they heard Jodie's words. They didn't know that Bucky was Jodie's father, or rather Jodie's step-father. Steve and Sam were just under the assumption that Harlow and Bucky were together, they didn't know it was that serious. T'Challa hadn't known about Harlow and Jodie, but after hearing those words, he started to wonder how far he was willing to go to punish Bucky.

He knew what it was like to lose his father, and he didn't think he could allow himself to kill Bucky after finding out he was a father. Bucky's daughter didn't deserve to lose her father, even if T'Challa believed the man had done something horrible.

Hours later, they were brought to the place where Bucky was going to be held and questioned. Steve, Sam, T'Challa, and Harlow were going to be questioned as well, but they weren't going to be locked up like Bucky was. Harlow felt her stomach churn, as the cuffs were taken off of her, and she was able to wrap her arms around Jodie.

"Stay with my girls," Bucky said to Steve, before he was carried away from them.

"Daddy!" Jodie cried, watching as her father was lead away from her.

"He'll be fine, Jodie, I promise," Steve told the girl, as he stayed with the mother and daughter.

Once they were inside, Harlow and Jodie were lead to a room, and Steve and Sam were barely able to stay with them. Watching how they handled Bucky, and how they set the girls in such a small room, made Harlow's stomach churn more. At first, she wasn't really scared, but now she felt terrified. Anything could happen, and she really didn't know what to expect.

"It'll be fine, Harlow. We've got you both," Sam commented, as he sat down next to her and Jodie.

Jodie stayed in her mother's lap, her arms wrapped tightly around her, as her face laid buried in her hair.

"Will it though?" She questioned, turning to face the man.

"It'll have to be," Steve replied, giving her the best smile he could muster.

Harlow didn't know what was to come, but she knew she wasn't going to let go of Jodie easy. If something happened, and they were separated, she would hate herself. She couldn't disappoint Wade or Bucky. Both men cared immensely for the girls, and Harlow refused to be the reason she and Jodie were separated. They'd have to pry Jodie from her cold, dead hands before she'd let the little girl go...

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