Chapter Forty Eight: Nights

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"Every point in your life, even if it's tough, is something you should cherish and be happy about."
- Jared Padalecki

Song: Shadow of the Day by Linkin Park

"And the shadow of the day, will embrace the world in grey. And the sun, will set for you."


The next day, Harlow had gone out and bought a few more necessities the little family needed. She had purchased pajama pants for Bucky, pajama shorts for herself, a new pajama set for Jodie, a nightlight and small radio for Jodie, and a bit more food, water, and medication. She and Bucky planned for them to stay in the dark as much as possible, so they wouldn't be found. The problem was, Harlow still had to write to Steve soon. So, she decided to write him a letter, but she wasn't sure when she'd actually send it.

'Dear Steve,

Bucky, my daughter, and I have ran from our home. Bucky caught sight of them before they could get him, and my daughter and I left with him. We're in Bucharest now, and I believe we are safe. I made sure that we're only using cash, and we hide our faces at all times so we can't be seen or recognized.

I meant to write you sooner, but I've just been busy. Bucky isn't doing well with the new environment, but we're settling in well. I think it's safer if this is the only letter sent in or out, at least until we're sure no one has found us, or has decided to watch us for any reason. Bucky doesn't even know I'm writing to you, or that I'm telling you where we are. Keep it to yourself, and make sure all of this information stays in your hands only. I'm trusting you with our lives, Mr. Rogers, don't take my trust for granted.

- Sincerely,

Harlow had put the letter in an envelope, but she didn't put a name on it. She didn't put a return address, but she put a code name for Steve to know it was her. She had put 'Steven Barnes' on the envelope, since she knew Steve would know who it was almost immediately.

After writing the letter and getting it in the envelope, she placed it in her bag, hoping she'd eventually send it before she forgot or they had to leave again. As she was getting ready for bed, a half an hour after putting Jodie to bed, she and Bucky heard small feet pattering into the main room where they had to sleep.

"Mummy, can I sleep in here with you and Daddy?" Jodie asked, her voice very low.

"Why?" Harlow asked,"I just got you a nightlight and radio, are they not helping?" She asked, causing the little girl to shake her head.

"I just want to sleep in here tonight, please,"She replied, causing Harlow to smile slightly.

Harlow turned to Bucky with a raised eyebrow, and the man simply nodded.

"Go ahead and lay down, Daddy and I have to brush our teeth before we can lay down," Harlow commented, and Jodie quickly nodded.

Jodie ran over to the bed and crawled to the middle, and unsurprisingly, she had carried her pillow, bear, and her throw blanket with her. Bucky and Harlow quickly went to the bathroom to brush their teeth.

"I hope she's not having nightmares from being here," Bucky commented, causing Harlow to shake her head.

"She's not, it's just nerves. If she was having nightmares, she would've had them horrible last night. She just wants to be with us tonight, but tomorrow she'll feel better," Harlow replied, and Bucky smiled.

"Can never say no to our baby," He answered, making Harlow nod with a small chuckle.

Once they brushed their teeth, the two walked into where their bed was laying. Jodie was sat up holding her bear, waiting for her parents to lay down with her. Harlow crawled into the bed first, and Bucky followed soon after. They pulled their huge, blue blanket over the three of them, though Jodie already wore her own blanket that was purple.

The nights were a little cold, which was why Jodie had two blankets to wear at night in her own room, so she wouldn't feel too hot wearing two blankets in her parents' bed. Well, she might've because of the excessive body heat her father always had, but Harlow would never complain, and she doubted Jodie would either.

Bucky and Harlow kissed Jodie's forehead, before she snuggled down between them and closed her eyes. In almost two minutes, the girl was out like a light. Harlow was really surprised, but she couldn't keep the smile off her face. She laid down next to her daughter and slowly let her own eyes shut as well, welcoming her into dreamland.

Bucky didn't fall asleep as quick as his girls, but once he was laying down, and his arm was around both of them, he couldn't keep himself from feeling sleepy. Slowly his eyes began to shut, even though he tried to will them open. He wanted to stay alert for the night, but he couldn't force himself to do so. His eyelids were just too heavy for him to stay awake much longer. Once his eyes were shut, his mind didn't feel as bothered, and he didn't feel as unsettled or paranoid.

For the night, Bucky had luckily slept without any dreams. It seemed his girls kept the dreams away, which he was thankful for, especially the bad ones. His nightmares were horrible, but none of them plagued his mind that night. He slept almost perfect that night, even though he still had a lingering sense of paranoia running through his body at all times. He doubted the sense would ever go away, especially now that he had his girls, but he would never blame them. He was always paranoid, he just seemed to believe the elevated paranoia was a good thing. This way he'd be able to keep them safe forever...

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