Chapter Eighteen: The Kiss

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"I don't trust easily, so when I tell you I trust you, don't make me regret it."
- Damon Salvatore

Song: Loser by Falling in Reverse

"If you call this winning, why do I feel like a loser?"


Once Harlow had gotten finished shopping, she went to the park to get Bucky and Jodie. She couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face, when she seen Bucky and Jodie sitting on a bench together eating frozen treats. She watched the two talk amongst each other for a moment, but when they finished their treats, she decided to approach them. Walking over, she made sure her shoes made a little noise to keep from startling them.

"Hey, you're back," Bucky commented, turning to Harlow,"Did you find everything you needed?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Yes," She replied, smiling slightly,"now that I'm done though, we should go get lunch. I know Jodie will need a nap soon, and I'd rather she ate before her nap," She said, and Bucky nodded.

Harlow lead Bucky and Jodie to a small diner for lunch. Jodie had been holding Bucky's hand, as she skipped carefully behind her mother. Bucky liked how comfortable Jodie and Harlow were with him, even though he knew one day it would all be over.

"What did you buy, Mummy?" Jodie asked, as she ate her chicken strips.

"I bought some things to help with your sleep and your nightmares," Harlow replied, grabbing her shopping bag from beside her,"This," She held up a bottle of melatonin,"is a gummy that is supposed to help you rest better, and this," She held up a dreamcatcher,"keeps the nightmares away. I made sure it was made correctly and everything, so you won't have anymore nightmares," She said, as Jodie stared at the purple and pink dreamcatcher.

"It's pretty," Jodie commented, and Harlow nodded.

"I made sure it was, 'cause I knew you'd want it to match your bedroom colors," Harlow replied, before turning to Bucky,"I also bought you one. I have heard you a few times because of your nightmares, and I figured it wouldn't hurt for you to try this," She said, as she showed him a black dreamcatcher with grey feathers.

"You didn't have to-" He began, but Harlow cut him off.

"I know I didn't, but I wanted to. Please, just try it. I tried really hard to find the perfect colors for you," Harlow replied, and Bucky simply nodded.

Once everyone was finished eating, Harlow paid for the food, then they headed back towards the apartments.

"I made some brownies last night while I was waiting for Jodie to finally go back to sleep. I let her stay up on the couch until she fell asleep, and it was long enough for me to make a pan of brownies and have them cooled and cut up before she had fallen asleep," Harlow rambled slightly,"Anyhow, you can come over and eat some. Jodie and I can't eat all of them on our own," She added, and Bucky nodded.

Bucky stood in the kitchen with a brownie and a glass of milk, while Harlow got Jodie down for a nap. Harlow had set the entire plate of brownies down in front of Bucky, and she told him to eat as many as he wanted. Obviously, Bucky wasn't going to eat too many, since he would feel bad about it, but Harlow's baking skills were phenomenal, and always left him wanting more.

Anyhow, by the time he finished his first brownie, Harlow came back into the room. She stood somewhat close to Bucky, as she grabbed herself a brownie from the plate.

"Did she fall asleep?" Bucky asked, and Harlow nodded.

"Yeah," Harlow replied,"she's still exhausted from last night's fiasco. Honestly, I'm hoping she goes to bed a bit early tonight. I know she'll sleep easier with her dreamcatcher," She said, causing Bucky to nod.

"She'll feel better tomorrow morning, and she'll be ready for school. I can almost guarantee it," He replied, and she smiled.

"I sure hope so," She murmured, biting her lip lightly,"Bucky, about last night," She began, stepping closer to the man,"I am so sorry if she woke you up. I really did try to stop her, believe me, but she was hysterical. She thought you were hurt by the bad guy in her dream. She had to make sure you were fine, and I really couldn't stop her from crying unless I let her see you," She rambled, but Bucky simply shook his head.

"It's fine, Harlow. I'd rather be woken up to calm her down, than to have her cry for hours. Besides, I wasn't asleep, I was just resting. I stayed up after hearing her scream, so you both didn't really disturb me," He replied, and she smiled.

"You're so sweet to my little girl, Bucky. I don't know what I did to have such an amazing person in mine and my daughter's life, but I hope you know we'll always be grateful for you," Harlow stated, causing Bucky to slightly smile as well.

Those words did cause him to feel a bit bad though. He didn't believe anyone should be grateful for him, not after everything he did as the Winter Soldier.

"I'm grateful for you both, too. You have made my life better," He murmured, staring into her eyes.

His eyes were full of sincerity, since he meant every word he spoke to Harlow. His words had caused her heart to flutter, and as a moment or two passed, the two seemed to slowly lean in to each other, before his lips were pressed to hers. Her lips tasted of chocolate, which were because of the brownies. He really liked the kiss, but once he realized what he was doing, he pulled away.

"I've got to go," He murmured, before he abruptly stepped away from Harlow and left the apartment.

Bucky couldn't believe what he did, but he couldn't deal with what would happen as a repercussion. Repercussions always came, and he never liked how they always seemed to get worse...

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