Notes Before You Read

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Hello my lovelies, my beauties, my friends!

So, to start off, I hope you all are having a wonderful day, or night, whatever time it is for you. If you're not, I hope this book brightens your mood. Please know, if you are having a bad time, and you feel like no one is there, someone is always going to be there for you, even if they're a complete stranger. You matter, you are loved, and you are worth more than you'll ever realize.

Ok, so there's a few things I need you all to know before you proceed to read this book. These notes are to keep you guys from complaining or biting my head off about something in this book. Events in this books may be changed from the actual movies. Meaning, if something does or doesn't not happen in this story that is different from the movies, I meant for it to happen, and if you don't like my change, don't read it.

1. Several events will have some details that are changed or are a bit different from the way they originally happened. The OC and her child might not be present for some major events, so the events will not be covered in great detail, unless stated otherwise.

2. I will NOT be including The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, since I wanted this story to end a certain way.

3. Since this story is an AU, Bucky will be a bit different from the way he is normally portrayed in the movies. Also, facts about him may be a little different, just because I want them to happen. If you don't like, don't read.

4. The reason I added a child into the story was because there isn't many stories where the OC or the fandom character are a single parent, and since there aren't many stories like that, I've been asked to write a few different ones.

5. Places in the story might not sync up to places in the movies, and I am sorry, but again this is an AU and a fanfic, meaning I can change things that I want so they will fit my story.

6. There will NOT be any serious injuries to any children in this story, so don't worry about something seriously sad like that.

7. There will be SMUT in this story, not a lot, but there will be some, so be ready. The smut will be marked with (×××) so you guys can find it in the story. Do not report my story for smut, if you don't like the smut, don't read it. This is not your only warning.

8. Based on the feedback I get for this story, I may write a couple spin-off stories or something similar for some characters. If I do, let me know which characters you want stories for.

So, those are the notes I wanted to let you all know. Please vote and comment on each chapter of my story. Feel free to share the story with your friends. Follow me for more stories like this, or for other fandoms.

- Youngblood

Also, I have a TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram you guys can follow.

Tiktok: Young_stoney2354

Instagram: Young_stoney2354

Facebook: youngblood2354

If you guys make Tiktoks to share the story with others, please tag me in them so I can see your amazing creations.

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