Chapter Fifty One: Arguements

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"Don't you dare think that there is anything past or present, that I would put in front of you."
- Dean Winchester

Song: Rooftops by Marshmello

"They were screaming from the rooftops, screaming till our hearts stop. Let it out."


Harlow knew something was wrong. She knew Bucky wasn't happy, but she wasn't sure why. He had been giving her a side glare for almost an hour, but she hadn't remembered doing anything to piss him off. Honestly, she wondered if he had, had a dream that made him mad at her. She remembered having a dream when she was younger that made her mad at Wade.

In the dream, Wade had eaten the last brownie, and she was on her period, meaning he knew the double chocolate brownie was hers, but he ate it anyway. Long story short, she stayed mad at him for hours, and he ended up being glared at for hours over a fake brownie. Harlow hadn't even been on her period, but at that moment, he sure did believe she was.

It was a Saturday, meaning Jodie didn't have any schooling to do, so she was sitting in her room coloring in her Paw Patrol coloring book. Jodie loved coloring and drawing, especially when she was able to give the pictures to Bucky and Harlow. Harlow had a small box full of pictures Jodie had either drawn or colored for her and Bucky.

Anyhow, while Jodie was in her room, Harlow decided to finally approach Bucky over his sour mood. She hadn't dealt with him when he was unhappy, other than when he was sad or upset, but never when he seemed to be angry at her for something. She still tried to remember what she could've possibly done, but she really couldn't think of anything.

"What's wrong, Bucky?" Harlow asked, as she prepared lunch.

Bucky didn't answer, he simply stared at her with narrowed eyes. After a few moments, Harlow grew tired of his mood. She hated when people were mad at her, especially when they ignored her, so she always tried to figure out how to make them happy with her again. His silence and glares made her stomach churn, and her heartbeat seemed to quicken more and more as he continued to quietly glare at her.

"Damnit, Buck," She cursed, as she slammed her cooking utensil down on the counter,"what is your problem? What the hell did I do to you that pissed you off so bad, that you're giving me the silent treatment?" She snapped, causing his eyes to glare harder.

"As if you don't know," He retorted, causing her to glare back.

"I wouldn't ask you if I did know," She replied,"and I don't have time to play the childish guessing game either, so what the hell is the problem?" She asked, using language she didn't usually use.

Her language never really was to foul, since she had to hold her tongue around her parents, and she really didn't want Jodie to learn curse words from her.

"You sent a letter to Steve, Harlow!" He snapped, standing up,"You said you'd leave it be. You said you'd let me deal with this on my own, but instead you're going behind my back to talk to him. You're talking behind my back, and I can't help but wonder if you're secretly interested in him, too," He spat, making her sigh.

"Buck, he just wanted to know where we were, so he could keep us safe. I promise he's not going to pop up out of nowhere to make you come back with him, or make you talk to him until you're ready," She replied, causing him to frown.

"Why are you even talking to him?" He asked, his eyes glancing down to his hands for a moment, feeling a bit insecure,"Why didn't you just send him a little card with our whereabouts?"

"How do you even know I wrote to him?" She asked, folding her arms together.

"I went to grab the notepad from the duffle bag, and I seen his name imprinted on the paper. I guess when you wrote the letter, it was the last time you had used the notepad," Bucky replied, causing Harlow to sigh.

"I'm sorry, Bucky," She murmured, going over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck lightly,"I just wanted him to know where we were like he asked, but if it makes you feel any better, I told him not to write back. I told him it would be safer if nobody seen any letters going in and out of here with his name or the tower's address on them," She said, making him nod slightly.

"I'm sorry for getting so mad, Harlow, I really am. It's just-I want to do this on my own, y'know? I don't want to feel like I'm being forced to communicate with him when I'm not ready. I don't want to disappoint my best pal," He replied, and she smiled.

"He could never be disappointed in you, Bucky Barnes, you are his best friend. He loves you, no matter what you've done, or what you think of yourself, as do Jodie and I. We just don't want you to put yourself down. You're a good person, and it's not your fault that bad things happen to you," She stated, causing him to sigh.

"I'm not good, Harlow, I--" He began, but she cut him off.

"You are though, Bucky," She said, giving him a stern look,"You are one of the greatest people I have ever met. I love you with all my heart, Bucky Barnes, and so does Jodie. If you were a bad person, I never would've let you into our lives. We're grateful for you, and we always will be. You're the sweetest and most amazing man I've ever met," She stated, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

Hearing her words made him feel less insecure about himself. He just needed to start believing her completely...

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