Chapter Fifty Seven: Winter Soldier

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"People quake with fear because I gace the power to make them afraid."
- Klaus Mikaelson

Song: Lithium by Nirvana

"I like it, I'm not gonna crack. I miss you, I'm not gonna crack. I love you, I'm not gonna crack."


Harlow and Jodie had just finished their food, by the time Tony had allowed them out of the room. Steve and Sam stayed near the girls at all times, unsure of what anyone could possibly do if they weren't with the girls for even a second. Steve didn't even trust Tony or Nat, even though they claimed to want what was best.

Nat had approached Harlow and Jodie after they had come out of the room they were in. Harlow was unsure of Nat, but Jodie didn't like anyone that wasn't her mother, Bucky, Sam, or Steve-for now. Eventually she would learn to trust more people, but for now she knew better.

Steve had explained the Accords to Harlow, so she knew why Steve and Sam were very unsure and cautious around the people who they use to work with all of the time. She remembered hearing about the Avengers, so to see them not wanting to be together was a little weird. After she found out why though, she completely understood why they didn't want to be together.

"You think they'll let Bucky off after talking to him?" Harlow asked, her voice low as she looked up at Steve.

"I don't know, but I hope so. None of this was Buck's fault, and he really doesn't deserve this torment; none of you do," Steve replied, and Harlow nodded slightly.

"He got you under a love spell or something?" Sam asked jokingly, trying to calm down the tension.

Steve, Harlow, Sam, Tony, and Nat were going to watch Bucky's talk with a psychiatrist to see if he was able to be cleared of some things or whatever they could do to help him. Harlow was terrified that Bucky would get a death sentence, which would hurt her and Jodie immensely. Hell, even a life sentence would hurt the girls, and Harlow was unsure if Jodie would ever recover after losing another father.

"No, nothing like that. To be honest, I've never been so in love with someone before. I've had a couple of boyfriends in my life, as well as a crazy stalker, but none of them have ever held my heart like Bucky has," Harlow replied, and Steve smiled to himself.

Steve hadn't expected such sweet words about his best friend from a girl he only recently met face to face. He knew Bucky was lucky to have the girl, and he secretly wished he had a girl like Harlow to love him like she did Bucky. He didn't believe he really wanted a family anymore either, but after seeing Bucky with Harlow and Jodie, he started to wonder what his own life would be like if he had a girl and a child. He knew there was a chance he'd never be able to have a kid because of his super soldier serum and being frozen for years, but there was always a chance he could find a girl of his own that already had a child as well.

He knew it wouldn't be exactly the same as having his own child with a girl he loved, but he would still have a child to love as his own, even if the child wasn't blood related. After thinking about it for a bit though, he knew he wouldn't have a chance to have a life like that. He never had that kind of luck. Besides, he still loved Peggy, and he doubted any other girl could change his heart.

Natasha had watched Harlow as well, especially when she was with Jodie. To be honest, Natasha was a bit jealous of Harlow, since the girl was able to have a child. She was more jealous of Bucky though. He had gone through so much bad shit, and he was given a girlfriend and a kid when he finally got away, but Natasha was never given such a thing. She would never have her own child, and the man she liked, Bruce, didn't seem to want to be with her either.

It was almost obvious that Bruce had some sort of attraction to Natasha, but they never explored their relationship-or what could've been-before he disappeared. Natasha hadn't heard from him since the Battle of Sokovia, but neither had the rest of the team. It was like Bruce wasn't even on the planet, since no one could find him.

As Harlow waited to hear word on Bucky, her stomach began to fill with dread. She had a bad feeling, and she knew something wasn't right. There was something wrong, and she wasn't sure what was going to happen. As minutes ticked by, the dread only seemed to grow.

"Are you alright?" Sam asked, looking over at the girl,"You're looking a little pale," He added, making her frown.

"Something's wrong. I have a really bad feeling," She answered, causing him to frown as well.

He knew he shouldn't always trust a feeling, but he could tell she was serious. A lot of the time, he heard that he was supposed to trust a woman's intuition, especially when she said she had a bad feeling. He sighed and placed his hand on her shoulder lightly.

"If anything happens, I got your back," He said, and she simply nodded.

Not even a moment or two later, alarms were going off, and everyone was scrambling to find out what was going on. Harlow had been told to stick with Steve or Sam at all times, since anything could happen if she didn't. She may know how to fight, but that didn't matter when there was hundreds of guys that could run at her at one time. Her heart almost dropped out of her chest though, when she seen Bucky. She could tell something was wrong, and when she looked at his eyes and the stone cold look on his face, she knew exactly what was wrong. Bucky Barnes was the Winter Soldier once again...

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