Chapter Ten: The Dinner

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"The first rule of truly living; do the thing you are most afraid of."
- Rebekah Mikaelson

Song: Attack by Thirty Seconds to Mars

"Run away, run away. Go change yourself."


Bucky was nervous to go over to Jodie and Harlow's. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest, and he was sure he'd be sweating soon from nerves. He swore he never wanted to feel this way when going to visit two of the nicest people he'd ever met, but he couldn't help himself. He was completely terrified of what could possibly happen while he was away from the seclusion of his own apartment. Sure, the apartment didn't feel like a home much, but he felt safer there than he did going to someone else's apartment.

He had dressed in less clothes, meaning he wasn't wearing his cap or his jacket, but he still wore long sleeves and gloves, since he refused to let Jodie or Harlow see his arm. He wasn't sure if they'd recognize him as the Winter Soldier without his cap on, but he had a feeling they'd recognize him instantly if they seen his arm. Also, he didn't want to frighten little Jodie, since she was so nice to him. The girls were caring and kind, and he really didn't want to scare them off because of his arm.

The arm had committed so many murders, and he hated looking at it in the mirror. Technically, the arm wasn't the only blame ridden thing in the room, he was very much to blame—or so he believed—but he blamed his metal arm the most, since it had hurt so many people while he was the Winter Soldier. He despised the Winter Soldier, and he hoped one day he'd be able to escape the soldier all together. He doubted it would ever happen, but he could hope.

Anyhow, after hours of contemplating whether he should go to apartment 102 or if he should make up an excuse not to go, he finally decided to man up and go to the dinner. He doubted the two girls could cause any real harm to him if they tried, and he almost wanted to see them try. He had a feeling it would be comical if they did, which was why he kind of wanted them to try.

He had been pulling on his boots, when he heard a light knock on his front door. Sighing shakily, he stood from his bed with both boots on, and walked over to the door. Once it was open, he looked down to see Jodie standing outside waiting on him. She had a large grin on her face, and as soon as she seen him, she wrapped her arms around his legs.

"Mummy told me I could get you. She's making dessert right now," Jodie said, as she grabbed Bucky's hand, and lead him into her apartment.

The door had been open the entire time, since Harlow wanted to be able to see Jodie from the door. Once Jodie was inside with Bucky, Jodie closed the front door and lead Bucky over to the kitchen.

"I wasn't sure what you liked, so I made a little bit of everything, and what I didn't make here, I brought home from the bakery," Harlow commented, smiling over at Bucky.

Bucky hadn't really had desserts in a long time, unless he counted the snack cakes and such that Harlow and Jodie sent over, oh, and the plum cake. He absolutely loved the plum cake, but he didn't want Harlow and Jodie to feel like he had to have the plum cake over any of the other desserts they had. Bucky glanced over the desserts, and some of them he couldn't even remember what they tasted like.

"The pizza will be here soon. I ordered cheese for Jodie, and I got one with pineapple for me, and I got you a meat lovers pizza. I figured you'd like that best," Harlow said, and Bucky nodded,"I also got cheese sticks and a twelve pack of soda. I hope you're very hungry," She added, causing him to shrug.

By the time the pizzas arrived, Harlow was completely finished making desserts. She went to the door, grabbed everything, paid for it all, and Bucky stood off to the side watching; it was as if he was making sure the pizza guy wasn't a HYDRA agent. Anyhow, Harlow set the pizzas, cheese sticks, and sodas down in the living room, as Jodie ran over with a stack of paper plates and napkins, which all had little minions on them.

"Like I had thought, Jodie picked Despicable Me, so I hope you don't hate the movie too much," Harlow commented, causing Bucky to shrug.

"I haven't watched a movie in a long time," He confessed, but obviously Harlow didn't know just how long, and Bucky couldn't remember the last time he went to see a movie.

He watched the animated movie with a lot of interest. He almost wondered if he should've felt a little childish for liking the movie so much. He ate half of his pizza, half of the cheese sticks-per Harlow's request-and two cans of soda. By the end of the movie, Jodie had already started choosing another one to watch with her new "best friend."

Jodie had chosen her second favorite movie, Big Daddy, which Bucky had never heard of. According to Jodie, Adam Sandler was her absolute favorite actor of all time, so she had to watch all of his movies. Harlow confessed to being the one who introduced Jodie to Adam Sandler, and she happily added that Jodie loved Johnny Depp as well. The little girl loved the Pirates of the Caribbean series, and Captain Jack was her favorite character. Honestly, Bucky sort of wished he had a tv in his apartment, since he kind of wanted to check out the movies Jodie and Harlow spoke so fondly of. They had, had very good suggestions so far...

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