Chapter Fifty Eight: Sam Wilson

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"I'd love to punch that guy in the face right now. But I can't, you know, because I'd get in trouble."
- Happy Gilmore (Happy Gilmore)

Song: The Search by NF

"See we've all got somethin' that we've trapped inside, that we try to suffocate, you know, hoping it dies. Try to hold it under water, but it always survives. Then it comes up out of nowhere like an evil surprise. Then it hovers over you to tell you millions of lies. You don't relate to that, must not be as crazy I am."


"Shit," Sam murmured, seeing exactly what Harlow had seen.

Harlow knew Bucky wouldn't be able to snap out of it, not easily, so she quickly grabbed Jodie.

"You need to run. Hide Jodie somewhere, and if we get separated, I'll find you," Sam said, and Harlow nodded.

Harlow ran down the hall with Jodie holding on to her like a koala. Once she found an undisturbed room, she opened the door and placed Jodie down on the ground.

"I need you to hide in here, ok?" Harlow commented, causing Jodie's eyes to water.

"Why? What's wrong with Daddy?" She asked, remembering how they had run from Bucky,"I don't want you to leave, Mummy. I'm scared," She said, and Harlow frowned.

"I know, darling, but I need you to be brave. Daddy isn't feeling well right now, and I have to protect you. Daddy would never forgive himself if something happened to you, and neither would I. Please stay quiet, and don't come out of this room for anyone other than me, Sam, or Steve, ok?" Harlow stated, causing Jodie to nod.

"I love you, Mummy," Jodie murmured, as she wrapped her arms around Harlow's neck lightly.

"I love you, darling," Harlow replied, kissing her head,"There's a lock on the handle of the door, just like the one I taught you at home. Lock this door when I leave, and go hide in a corner away from view of the door," She added, and Jodie nodded once more.

Harlow kissed the girl's head once more, before she closed the door and stepped away from the room. She planned to lead Bucky away if he even came close to the room. Her eyes scanned the surrounding area, but her eyes widened when she seen Bucky pick up Steve and throw him far away from him. Steve crashed through a few things, and stayed on the ground. Harlow could tell Steve was hurt, but there really wasn't anything she could do for him. One, she had to protect her daughter above anyone else, and two, Steve was a super soldier, meaning he would heal faster than a regular human.

When Bucky looked away from Steve to run, he spotted Harlow almost immediately. The Winter Soldier would've just run, but he seemed to believe she was too close, and she would try to fight him from leaving. So, he stomped over towards her, and she quickly turned to run, but she couldn't run far. Before she could get far, Bucky grabbed her hair and threw her to the ground. She hit the ground with a thud, and she groaned.

"Get the hell off me, Bucky," She spat, as she kicked him in the abdomen, causing him to stumble away from her.

As soon as she stood up, she looked for a place to run, but she couldn't go anywhere. Bucky had already grabbed her once more. He pushed her against the wall by her neck, and held her off of the floor by a few inches. His hold was tight, which was successfully cutting off her airflow. She would've been able to use her elbow to get his arm off of her, but he wasn't using his flesh arm, and she didn't want to hurt herself more trying to get away from him.

As her vision became spotty, she tried harder to fight him off. She was able to knee him in the stomach, causing his grip to loosen a bit. Before she could do anything else, someone ran and tackled Bucky off of her. She fell to the ground and held her neck as she gasped for air. Once she could breath again, and her vision wasn't so spotty, she was able to shakily stand to her feet.

"C'mon, Steve's got him, we've got to get you and Jodie out of here with us," Sam said, as he stood in front of the girl.

"Where are we going?" Harlow asked, causing Sam to sigh.

"Just out of here for now, Steve's coming up with a plan once we've escaped," Sam replied, and she nodded.

Sam could tell her neck was sore, and he was almost sure it hurt for her to talk. He had been surprised that she was still conscious. He had been the one to tackle Bucky, and once Bucky was away from Harlow, he left the man with Steve. Sam had promised to have her back, and if he had been a moment longer, and if she hadn't of hit Bucky in the stomach, she might not be alive, and Sam would blame himself for that. He had promised to have her back, and he was almost too late to save her.

Harlow lead Sam to a room and she knocked lightly. His eyebrows furrowed at her when nothing happened.

"Call out to her," Harlow murmured, her voice barely audible.

"Jodie?" Sam called through the door,"It's Sam. You've got to come out. I'm here to get you," He said, and he waited for a response.

A moment later, the door opened, and a frightened Jodie peeked out. As soon as she seen Sam was really there, she opened the door completely and wrapped her arms around him. Sam scooped the girl up in his arm, and carried her along with him and Harlow. They needed to leave, and if they weren't quick, they'd be caught and possibly thrown into cells. He couldn't let that happen, not to the girls...

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