Chapter Seventy Eight: Wedding

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"Always and forever."
- Klaus Mikaelson

Song: Marry You by Bruno Mars

"It's a beautiful night, and we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you."


The day had come, but it wasn't as perfect as Harlow had wanted it to be. At first, Natasha was supposed to be there, along with Tony, but neither of them were ever going to have the chance to be at the wedding. Harlow was happy that Pepper and Morgan were going to be there though, as was Peter and May.

Pepper, Wanda, and May had agreed to help Harlow with her dress, makeup, and hair, since she didn't have anyone else to help her. Pepper also helped get Jodie into her dress, along with Morgan. Pepper, Wanda, and May were also given dresses to change into. Laura had been given her and Lila's dresses a day early, so they could arrive in them.

Jodie was the flower girl, and Nathaniel was the ring bearer. Sam, Steve, and Scott helped Bucky get ready. Peter hung out with Clint's sons, since he didn't feel old enough to be a part of the groom's busy schedule. Obviously Bucky had time for everyone, but he didn't want to force Peter into helping or anything if he didn't feel like it.

Steve was chosen as Bucky's best man, and Wanda was given the title of maid of honor. Clint, Sam, and Rhodey were groomsmen, and Pepper, Shuri, and Lila were bridesmaids. Harlow wanted to include Lila and Morgan as much as she could, but Morgan wasn't really old enough to be a bridesmaid, but Harlow was sure Morgan would be included later in the wedding somehow.

After a few hours, the wedding started, and the bride and groom were stood in front of each other. They repeated most of what the officiant said, but they did have their own vows.

"Bucky Barnes, you are one of the greatest people in my life. When I first met you in the apartments, I had a feeling you were going to mean more to me than anything, and as I watched you spend time with my daughter and treated her as your own, I knew you were going to be my forever. I love you with all my heart, and even though we went through many ups and downs, I don't know what I would ever do without you," Harlow stated, and Bucky smiled widely at her.

"Harlow Simpson, you were one of the first people to ever treat me like a real person after HYDRA. You and Jodie are the best people in my life. If I had known that moving into those apartments meant I'd fall in love with you and have little Jodie, I would've moved there long ago. You've been there for me, even when we were on the run from what seemed to be the whole world, and you never left my side. I love you, Harlow, and I love our Jodie, and I couldn't ask for any better girls in my life," He said, and Harlow felt tears swell in her eyes.

After Harlow and Bucky kissed, the two were announced as "Mr and Mrs Barnes." Harlow loved the sound of her new name, especially since she knew she was sharing the name with a man she loved more than anything in the world, other than Jodie of course. As soon as they were announced as married, T'Challa came up to Bucky with a stack of papers.

"Sign these, and Jodie will officially be your daughter," He said, and Bucky grinned.

Bucky took the pen from T'Challa and signed each paper that the other man told him to sign. Once the papers were signed, T'Challa handed the papers over to the man that had officiated the marriage. The man signed and stamped the papers, before he shook Bucky's hand, as well as Harlow's.

"Congratulations Mr Barnes, Jodie Simpson is now officially your daughter," The man said, and Bucky grinned at him.

Bucky and Harlow were soon brought to where they would have to dance with each other. The dance was fun, even though everyone was watching them. Soon after, Harlow had to throw the bouquet, and Bucky tossed the garter. Afterward, everyone began to dance with each other.

Harlow had danced with quite a few people at the ceremony, including Steve, Sam, Clint, Bruce, Scott, Cooper, Peter, and Rhodey. Clint had decided to stand in as Harlow's father for when she was supposed to dance with her father. Steve and Sam took turns dancing with her as her brothers, even though she wasn't blood related to them. It felt nice for her to dance with them, knowing they cared about her as much as she cared about them.

"We'll take Jodie for the week, for you guys to have your honeymoon," Laura told her, and Harlow smiled.

"You don't have to, we're fine with just being married without a honeymoon," Harlow replied, but Clint quickly cut in.

"Absolutely not, you will be having a honeymoon, and you will stay gone a complete week. If you aren't, I will lock you in your house for a week, and expect another baby by the end of the week," Clint stated, causing the girl to laugh.

Clint was someone very special to her. She didn't know what she'd do without him. If it wasn't for him, she doubted she would've ever gotten to the part of her life that she was in. He was someone she could lean on for support, and he would help her without any judgement. Bucky and Sam never judged her either, but she felt like Steve probably had once or twice. She believed he did when she had first gotten with Bucky. Bucky was her husband now though, and she'd love him forever.

The word husband made Harlow's heart flutter. He was amazing, and she was very happy to have him. She doubted she would've ever have been happy without him. If it wasn't for him, she doubted she would've ever left her dull life, and Jodie would've still had to deal with all those terrible children from her pre-school...

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