Chapter Seventy Three: A Battle

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"I'd rather die like a man than live like a coward."
- Tupac

Song: Same Ol' Situation (S.O.S) by Motley Crue

"It's the same ol', same ol' situation. The same ol', the same ol' ball and chain."


Two days passed, and Harlow still had the same feeling, but it seemed to get worse. So, she had went to T'Challa to talk to him about it. He had promised her that he would keep an ear out, but he was surprised when he had gotten a call from Steve Rogers only hours later, telling him that something was wrong.

The moment T'Challa had heard word from Steve that something was wrong, he went directly to Harlow with Okoye following beside him. Okoye didn't even know the extent of what was going on yet, but T'Challa had promised Harlow, and he planned to keep that promise.

"What's wrong?" Harlow asked, as soon as she opened the door and seen the frown on T'Challa's face.

"Captain Rogers called, he is on is way to Wakanda. Something has happened, and he needs our help," T'Challa said, causing Harlow to frown.

"What happened?" Harlow asked, making T'Challa sigh.

"He did not give me much information, but he did tell me that it had to do with aliens. I do not know much else, but from the way Captain Rogers spoke, it is not good," T'Challa replied, as Bucky walked over to them.

"Is he bringing the fight here?" Bucky asked, causing the other man to nod.

"I believe so," He answered, making Harlow frown.

"What are we going to do with the children?" Harlow asked,"I can't let Jodie be in harm's way," She commented, shaking her head at the mere thought of it.

"She won't be. Jodie and all of the other children will be boarding a jet, and they'll be safely hidden from any enemies," T'Challa answered, making Harlow nod.

"Who will be with them?" Bucky asked, frowning more.

"I will be assigning people to guard the children, Sargent Barnes. Your daughter and all of the other children will be safe," Okoye stated, and Harlow almost sighed in relief.

Harlow trusted Okoye with her life, and not only because the woman taught her so much about fighting, combat, and weapons. If it wasn't for Okoye, Harlow doubted she'd ever know as much as she now does about fighting.

"Pack Jodie a bag, then you can bring her to the jet. We will be notifying other parents in a moment," T'Challa said, and Harlow nodded.

Bucky and Harlow quickly went to Jodie's room. Harlow grabbed a bag and put a change of clothes, pajamas, a book (The Green Mile by Stephen King), and a couple of snacks. Once the bag was packed, Bucky grabbed Jodie some clothes to wear. As soon as Jodie was dressed, Bucky gave her a bear hug and kissed her cheek.

"You need to go with Mummy, but Mummy and Daddy will see you real soon," Bucky said, and Jodie frowned.

"Why do I have to go, Daddy?" Jodie asked, making the man sigh.

"To keep you safe, doll," He replied, causing her to nod with a sigh.

Bucky and Jodie hugged one last time, and Harlow watched them with sad eyes.

"I love you, Daddy," Jodie murmured, and Bucky smiled.

"I love you, Jodie," He replied, before he let go of his little girl.

Jodie walked over to Harlow and grabbed her hand.

"I'm going to wait with T'Challa. You'll be able to find me," Bucky told Harlow, as she walked away with Jodie.

Harlow held Jodie's hand all the way to the jet. Jodie was nervous about going on the jet without her parents.

"I don't want to be alone, Mummy," Jodie murmured, causing Harlow to frown.

"You won't be, other children will be here soon," Harlow replied, as her daughter frowned.

"I love you, Mummy," She said, and Harlow kissed her head.

"I love you, too, darling," Harlow cooed, before she seen Nova get on to the jet.

As soon as Jodie seen Nova, the two ran up to each other and hugged. Once Harlow was sure that Jodie was fine, she left the jet and headed to find Bucky and T'Challa. She was surprised to Bucky and Sam outside with someone Harlow didn't know, but Steve and T'Challa were nowhere to be seen.

"They're inside with Vision and Wanda. Apparently whoever attacked them is after the stone in Vision's head," Sam commented, after he spotted Harlow.

"Do you know who it was?" Harlow asked, causing the man she didn't know to look over.

"Thanos, he wants all the infinity stones. Tony and Peter went up into space with Doctor Strange against him," The man said, before he realized he hadn't introduced himself,"Oh, I'm Bruce Banner, or uh, some people know me as the big green guy, Hulk," He added, and Harlow smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Bruce. If only it was under different circumstances," She replied, as she shook his hand.

Not long after that, time seemed to almost stop around them. Harlow gasped when she seen things headed their way.

"They're coming," Sam said, causing the girl to sigh.

"When I decided to train with the Dora Milaje, I did not have this in mind," Harlow commented, causing the men to chuckle, even if the timing wasn't the best.

"At least we know you can kick ass more than you did before," Bucky replied, and Harlow playfully rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

Moments later, Steve joined their side and greeted Harlow briefly. He and T'Challa then began to talk battle plans. Harlow hadn't wanted to be in another battle, but there wasn't anything she could do. She had to protect her family, especially from big aliens. She didn't know much about Thanos or his people, but she was determined to defeat him. One way or another her daughter would have a regular life. She would finally get to be happy, safe, and loved, but with an alien around, they wouldn't get to live the lives they always wanted...

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