Chapter Twenty: Adult Talks

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"Look, I have no illusions, okay. I know the life that I live; I know how that's gonna end for me. Whatever, I'm okay with that, but I wanted you to know that when I do picture myself's with you."
- Dean Winchester

Song: Beautiful by Eminem

"I'm just so fuckin' depressed. I just can't see to get out this slump. If I could just get over this hump, but I need somethin' to pull me out this dump. I took my bruises, took my lumps, fell down and I got right back up."


Harlow hadn't heard from Bucky in days, and she was beyond upset and embarrassed with herself. She knew him being gone upset Jodie, she could see it in the little girl's eyes, but she couldn't really explain why he wasn't around. Instead, she lied and told Jodie that Bucky was busy and couldn't be around. Jodie seemed to believe her, since she didn't question her mother again about Bucky.

Harlow felt embarrassed about what she had done. She didn't mean to kiss him, at least, not without seeing how he felt about it first. If she knew he would've been upset, she never would've done it. Bucky meant a lot to her, and she really liked him, but she figured he didn't like her the way she liked him. He was avoiding her, and she knew he had a good reason to be.

She had been shocked, when Friday had come, and Bucky had come by her apartment. Friday was the one day during the week that she didn't work, but Jodie still went to school. Instead of questioning him about everything, Harlow simply allowed the man into her apartment and closed the door. She could tell he was nervous, but she didn't want him feeling that way, not around her.

"Look, I know you most likely came over here to scold me for the other night, and I'd like to start with the fact that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you, when you didn't like me like that. Honestly, sometimes I don't think before I do things, and I end up making things worse for myself. I swear, it's so bad, it's even rubbing off on Jodie, and--" Harlow rambled, before she was cut off by Bucky.

Bucky had cut her off in a completely unexpected way though. He had kissed her. He had leaned forward and placed his lips on her before she even knew what was happening. She had barely been able to kiss him back when he pulled away from her.

"Sorry, but you wouldn't stop talking," Bucky murmured, chuckling to himself,"I didn't come over here to scold you. I've been spending the last few days thinking about everything. Y'see, my life hasn't always been the easiest. I'm not a saint, and there's so many things you don't know about me, but I really don't want to talk about it right now-" He began, before Harlow cut in for a moment.

"You don't have to talk about your past, Bucky. I'm willing to wait for however long you need, as long as you are willing to do the same for me," She said, and he nodded.

"Harlow, I do believe I have feelings for you. I haven't really been in a situation like this in years, so I don't really remember how it works. I might need your help with knowing what to do. I do like you though, Harlow, and I hope you still have feelings for me, too," He murmured, causing the girl to smile.

"Of course, I still have feelings for you, Bucky. You're a hard man to get over, especially so fast. You've been so nice to me, and you're amazing with my daughter. I would be an idiot to get over you," She replied, and he chuckled.

"Harlow, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?" He asked, causing her to bite her lip.

"Do you have one in mind? Can I know about it?" She asked, making him shake his head.

"I do have one in mind, but it's a secret. So, do you want to go?" He asked, and she smiled.


"Tomorrow night. I was thinking I could get you at four, and have you home no later than nine. I know Jodie has to be in bed before ten, even if it's a weekend," He commented, causing her smile to grow.

"I'd love to go out with you, Bucky. Luckily, Ms. Stanfield has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so the bakery is closed for the day. She'll be able to watch over Jodie for a few hours," Harlow replied, and he smiled as well.

"If this date goes well, the next one I'll have you bring Jodie. I don't want her to feel left out."

"That's so sweet," Harlow cooed,"She'd love to go on a cute little date. Also, I know the first date will go well, so don't even worry about it. I have faith in you," She said, placing her hand on his arm.

Bucky did have to leave an hour later, since he needed to start making preparations for the date, but he promised to stop by and visit Jodie sometime before she went to bed. Harlow was thankful that she and Bucky were finally on good terms again. She didn't know what she would do if she never seen him again.

He had become such a prominent part of her and her daughter's life. If all went well, and the two started dating, she would tell Bucky the truth about herself and Jodie. He would know that Jodie was actually Harlow's adopted daughter, but was really her niece by blood. She knew he would understand, and he would accept them either way. To be honest, whatever was in his past, she promised herself she'd listen and try to at least understand. She knew he couldn't be completely judged by his past, not when his present and future looked bright to her. If she was honest, as long as he didn't hurt her or Jodie, she would more than likely accept him for who he was, no matter what kind of past he had...

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