Chapter Thirty Nine: Jodie Talk

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"It's important I surround myself with people who make me happy."
- Adam Sandler

Song: Some Nights by Fun.

"Oh Lord, I still don't know what I stand for, oh."


A week had passed, and Jodie seemed to have a good time at school. She hadn't told Bucky or Harlow anything negative, so they could only assume that school was going well. Harlow had began to believe that maybe the school was different, but it had only been a week, so she definitely couldn't be too sure.

Ever since the first night when Bucky slipped a chocolate into Jodie's lunchbox, he had been doing so each night since. He even made sure to go out and buy more chocolate for her lunchbox, so he wouldn't accidentally run out. He had even bought a bag of assorted chocolates, so she didn't have the same chocolate every day.

"Mummy, can I talk to you?" Jodie asked, while Bucky was out getting plums for a spiced plum cake that Harlow promised to make him.

"Sure, what's up?" Harlow asked, as she sat down next to Jodie at the table.

"I miss Daddy," Jodie said, causing Harlow's heart to break.

"I'm sorry, darling. I know you do, but Daddy's in heaven," Harlow replied, and Jodie nodded.

"I know, but I was hoping that Daddy wouldn't be mad at me if I got a new daddy," Jodie commented, causing Harlow to furrow her eyebrows.

"New daddy? What do you mean?" Harlow asked, making Jodie smile.

"Bucky, Mummy!" Jodie exclaimed,"I miss Daddy, but I want Bucky to be my new daddy," She said, causing Harlow to sigh.

"Jodie, you know that no one can replace your Daddy, right? He was a great man, and he made sure you would always be happy, even after he was gone. I don't want you to feel like you have to have a daddy just because other kids do. Your daddy loved you with all of his heart, and I know you miss him, but I don't want you to force this on yourself if you don't really want it," Harlow explained, making Jodie frown.

"But I do want this, Mummy," Jodie replied,"I don't want you mad at me, and I don't want Daddy to be mad at me. I know I have to ask you, but if I can't, that's ok," Jodie added, causing Harlow's heart to hammer in her chest.

Harlow didn't know how to answer to such thing. She had never thought she'd be asked a question like this one. Jodie was always a bright girl, but to have such a grown up discussion like this one had totally caught Harlow off guard. She didn't know the answers, and it made her feel a little upset. She didn't want Jodie replacing Wade with anyone, but she couldn't deny Jodie the chance of getting the love of a father, when her father tragically died years ago. Bucky was willing to give Jodie the love she craved, and Harlow didn't want to be the one to hold it back, but it still hurt just a little bit.

She knew what Wade would want though. Wade wanted Jodie and Harlow to be happy, and if this is what Jodie wanted to be happy, than Wade would let it happen. Wade was very important to both of them, and as long as Jodie knew who her real father was, and knew that he couldn't actually be replaced, than Harlow would allow Jodie to have what she wanted.

"Jodie, can you promise me that you'll never forget your Daddy, and that you know Bucky could never actually replace him?" Harlow asked, and Jodie nodded.

"I know, Mummy, I do," She replied, causing Harlow to smile sadly.

"Well, darling, I guess you're next step is to see how Bucky feels about this," Harlow commented, causing Jodie to grin.

Harlow sat with a bit of a heavy heart, as she watched how happy Jodie was to speak to Bucky. The woman never believed she'd have a conversation like this, so she was upset, and it wasn't going to go away easily. So, instead of sitting and letting herself become more upset at the thought of her brother, she stood up and went into the kitchen to start preparing what she needed for the cake.

Plums definitely weren't Harlow's favorite, but she was happy that they didn't smell bad when cooking. She hated the smell of cooking mushrooms. When she was little, her father loved mushrooms, so her mother would cook them often. Harlow would gag everytime they were cooked, and if she didn't throw up, she'd continue to feel sick all night from the smell. Her mother use to try and hide them in many dishes, but Harlow knew they were there, and she'd pick every last piece out of her food. Matter of fact, the last time she ate mushrooms she threw up for hours, so she wouldn't be surprised if she was allergic to them.

Jodie seemed to have the same hate for them. When the two went to a diner, the cook was making fried mushrooms, and the girls had to leave because the smell was making them sick. They apologized to the waitress or course, but the waitress was very understanding and let the girls leave without paying for their drinks.

Harlow hadn't heard Bucky walk in when he did, since she was too busy reminiscing the day at the diner with Jodie. She didn't know until Jodie yelled his name to get his attention.

"Do you want a kid?" Jodie asked, which had caused Harlow and Bucky to laugh.

"I don't know, why? Is this a trick question?" He asked,"Is there another kid here that I don't know about?" He asked, making Jodie laugh.

"No, it's me silly," She replied, and he chuckled.

"Well, of course, I want you. You're my best friend, remember?" He retorted, causing her to grin.

Bucky and Jodie were just two peas in a pod...

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