Chapter Sixty: Escape?

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"Did you know dental floss works great on stitches? I only passed out twice, and I'm pretty sure my wound is now minty fresh."
- Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)

Song: Baby by Eminem

"Nobody puts baby in the corner, I'm only trying to warn ya. Cause that baby gets mad, and gets to throwing a tantrum. He'll fuckin' flip on ya."


Harlow hated the look on Jodie's face when she left the little girl with Laura Barton and her children. Clint and Harlow left to help Steve, Bucky, and Sam fight Tony and his friends. Harlow and Clint had to go and pick up Wanda Maximoff, an Avenger like Clint, and a man named Scott Lang-who was also known as Ant Man.

On their way to Steve, Sam, and Bucky, Clint had thanked Harlow again for all of the money she had given Laura. She had given them around 5.6 grand, which didn't even put a dent in the other money she had stored away. Harlow had told Clint that the money was one of the only things she could give them that she believed would even start to repay them for helping her and her daughter.

When the group of four arrived, Harlow had been the first to step out. The minute Bucky seen her, he walked over and wrapped his arms around her carefully. Steve and Sam hadn't told him how he had hurt her, they just told him he scared her and Jodie. Harlow and Laura worked almost an hour to try and cover up all of the bruising on Harlow's neck. Once Clint had told them he couldn't see the bruising anymore, they finally stopped putting makeup on her neck. Luckily it was waterproof, so if it rained or she sweat the makeup wouldn't come off.

Harlow hugged Steve and Sam as well, since they had become a bit important to her as well. They were important to her and Jodie, even if their importance wasn't as much as Bucky was to them. As they talked about their plan, a voice rang out that meant things were about to get hairy.

"You need to go straight to--" Steve began, but Harlow shook her head.

"No, Steve, I can fight. I know how to fight, believe me. I can kick ass, and I know how to use weapons. My brother made sure of that," Harlow said, causing Steve to frown.

"It isn't safe here, Harlow. You have to go, if only for Jodie," Bucky commented, making Harlow sigh.

"Bucky, if I don't do this, if I don't fight and something happens to you-to all of you, I would never forgive myself, and I think Jodie will be disappointed in me, too," Harlow replied, making the two men share a look.

With a simple nod, they agreed to let Harlow help. Steve, Sam, and Bucky had seen small snippets of her in action, and she was able to defend herself, so if she wanted to fight, they were going to let her. If things got too hairy though, they would send her out so she couldn't get hurt.

"Harlow, I don't want you to be on your own," Steve commented, looking towards the girl.

"She won't," Clint murmured,"She'll have me. I need her on my side, since she's normal like me. Us normal, non-super humans got to stick together," Clint commented, and Steve nodded.

"That was almost poetic," Harlow commented, as she and Clint stood together on one side.

"I promised Jodie I'd bring you back to her. I can't break my promise," He replied, causing her to smile.

"And if we don't make it out of here?" Harlow asked, making the man sigh.

"Then we go down fighting, and that's one hell of a way to go. Besides, we'll make it out alive, even if it's in cuffs," He replied, and she nodded.

When Tony's team came, her heart almost jumped out of her chest. She had listened to then argue, and she stayed quiet, even when he mentioned her to Steve.

"I can't believe you let the ginger baby momma come to the fight, Cap. That seems very unpatriotic of you," Tony had said, but Harlow simply rolled her eyes at the comment.

Tony didn't know just how strong she was. She could take a punch, too, since they taught her that in her classes as well. Most of the time, she was training four to five times a week when she was younger, and she continued to train at least once or twice a week when Jodie was in school. She still made sure to train when she could, even if it was simply exercising and hitting air. She didn't practice weapons as often, but she was still really good with a knife.

Harlow watched Tony skeptically, as he seemed to survey Steve's team. He had a few on his team as well, Nat, Rhodey, Vision, Black Panther, but Harlow had the idea that Tony was hiding someone, or something from Steve's team.

She kind of wished they had a secret weapon as well, but she knew the team together could defeat Tony's team in an instant. She wasn't sure how hard they would have to fight, but she knew she was going to fight as hard as she could to win. She wasn't going to let any of her team get too hurt or die because of this battle either, even if that meant she had to shoot Tony herself. He may have an Iron Man suit, but nothing could defeat her if she was angry enough. She wasn't Hulk, but she could be scary when she wanted to be.

Her heart did leap out of her chest a bit when she seen someone come out after Tony shouted "Underoos." The person was in a blue and red suit, and though she hadn't heard about this little superhero, she could tell by the way he looked that he was only a child. Tony had recruited a child for his team, and Harlow wasn't going to take that lightly...

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