Chapter Seventy Seven: Funerals

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"You think the dead we have loved ever truly leave us? You think we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble?"
- Albus Dumbledore

Song: See You Again by Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth

"It's been a long day, without you my friend, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again."


The day had come for the funeral of Tony Stark. Clint and Harlow were going to have a funeral for Natasha a week later, when they had the time to plan and organize the right funeral. Harlow stood with Bucky and Jodie to the side, as she watched Pepper put Tony's arc reactor in the water. The arc reactor read, "proof Tony Stark has a heart." Harlow thought it was sweet they had such a nice thing for Tony after his first arc reactor.

"I'm going to talk to Pepper real quick, I'll be right back," Harlow said, and Bucky nodded.

Bucky grabbed Jodie's hand and lead her away, as Harlow went towards the house to find Pepper. Once she found the woman, she walked over to her and gently placed a hand on her arm.

"Hey, Pep," Harlow murmured, causing the woman to look up,"if you need a break, I can always bring Morgan home with me for a couple days," She said, making the woman smile sadly.

"I think I want to spend time with just her for a few days, but I'll let you know later if I want you to watch her for me," Pepper said,"Thank you for offering, you're one of the only people who have actually offered to help me. Everyone else-other than Happy-have only offered their condolences," She added, and Harlow smiled at her.

"I'm always here for you, Pep. You and Morgan are family, and I'll always help you and be here for you," Harlow replied, causing the older woman to hug her.


A week later, Clint and Harlow stood together with Wanda, as they watched Natasha's casket be lowered into the ground. Laura, her kids, Bucky, and Jodie stood a little further behind, letting the three have their grieving moment together. Sam and Steve stood with Bruce, as he held tears back from falling down his cheeks.

"I'm going to miss her so much," Harlow commented, and Clint nodded in agreement.

"She always liked you, Harlow. Ever since she met you, she knew you were going to be one of her best friends," He replied, making the girl sadly smile.

"I hope she's proud of us, wherever she is," Wanda said, causing Clint to nod.

"She is," Clint murmured, as he wrapped his arms around both girls' shoulders.

Harlow wrapped one arm around Clint's waist, as did Wanda, but when their hands had touched in the middle, Harlow interlocked their fingers to give the girl more comfort.

After an hour of standing by the burial site, Clint turned the girls around and walked them away from the area.

"Wanda, you can come stay with Bucky, Jodie, and I at our place," Harlow commented, causing Wanda to smile.

"I don't want to be a burden and-" Wanda started, but Bucky cut her off.

"You're not a burden. Besides, Stark gave Harlow a house in his will. Apparently he felt bad for everything that happened to her and Jodie. The house has six bedrooms, you're more than welcome to one," Bucky said, causing Wanda to nod.

"Sam and Steve are staying with us, too. Sam is looking for his own place, and so is Steve, I think," Harlow commented, as she sent a subtle smile to the boys.

"Fine, but only for a little while, not long," Wanda replied, and Harlow nodded.

Harlow had lead Wanda to her car, and told her to go home and pack some clothes. Once Wanda had clothes, she was to come straight to Harlow's.

"Call me if you ever need anything," Laura said, and Harlow smiled.

"Same goes for you," Harlow replied,"all of you," She added, looking over at Clint.

"I'll call to check in soon," Clint commented, and Harlow nodded.

Harlow, Bucky, and Jodie climbed into their car, and Sam and Steve climbed into Sam's, before they all drove to Harlow's house. In a week's time, Harlow and Bucky would be getting married. Harlow had made sure it was a day that everyone would be able to go. She had even invited Peter and his aunt May.

The house Tony had gotten Harlow was amazing. It had six large rooms, it was two stories, had four bathrooms, a basement, an attic, a kitchen, two living rooms, a game room, and a dining room. He had gotten Pepper to decorate every room in the house, which she had informed Harlow of, so Harlow could change anything she wanted.

Tony had left a few letters to Harlow in the house, one of them telling her that he had bought stuff for a baby, just in case she ever decided to have a baby later in life. He wanted her to have the baby know him as "Uncle Tony," the favorite uncle. Harlow had wanted to go look at all the baby stuff, but since everything was brand new, she didn't want to open it and make it dusty or old.

Even though Harlow didn't know Tony long, or much at all really, she was still thankful for him. He had been kind to her, even when he didn't have to be. He helped Pepper raise an amazing little girl. He was a great father, and Harlow wished the poor man didn't have to lose his life because of Thanos.

Harlow wished Thanos had been defeated their first time around. If they had been lucky, Tony would've never died. He would've lived to see his little girl grow. Morgan deserved to grow up with her father, but sadly she didn't get the chance. He was snatched from her tiny little hands to early, and Harlow felt awful about it...

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