Chapter Nine: New Friend

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"I realized the only way to get away with being me was to be indispensable as possible."
- Charlie Bradbury

Song: The Anthem by Good Charlotte

"I'm just a minor threat, so pay no mind."


Over the next few days, Jodie continued to talk about her new friend, Bucky. She hadn't spoken to him since she hurt her knee, but she still believed he was her friend. She really liked him, and she also believed that she had made their friendship permanent by bringing him the cake. Harlow thought the girl's "friendship" was adorable, since the girl really didn't have many friends.

Harlow hoped that Bucky wouldn't break Jodie's heart one day, by ignoring her or telling her that she needs to leave him alone or saying they're not really friends. To be honest, Harlow would hurt Bucky if he ever upset Jodie. She didn't know how she would, since she could tell Bucky was very strong, but she would do anything for her little girl.

"Mummy, can we visit Bucky?" Jodie asked, as she and Harlow walked home from preschool,"He's my new friend, and I have to visit him. If I don't, he won't wanna be my friend anymore, Mummy. I don't want him to forget me," Jodie rambled, causing Harlow's heart to squeeze just a little bit.

"I'm sorry, darling, but we can't just visit someone unannounced. Bucky is a very private person, and I don't want us to invade his privacy," Harlow replied, causing her daughter to frown.

Jodie stayed quiet the rest of the walk home, and she tried to carefully walk up the steps by herself once again. When she came to the top and almost tripped over the step again, she was grabbed by the arm and steadied. Looking up, Jodie's eyes widened and instantly brightened when she seen Bucky.

"Bucky!" She exclaimed, quickly wrapping her arms around his leg.

She grinned up at him, as he stared down at her with wide eyes. Harlow smiled to herself when she seen that Jodie was able to see her "new friend." Jodie hadn't stopped talking about him for days, and Harlow knew if Jodie didn't stop soon, she'd have to bring the girl to see him—even for just a second.

"I told Mummy I wanted to see you! You're my new friend! I have to visit my friends, or they won't wanna be my friend no more," Jodie rambled, as she stared up at Bucky.

"I-I'll be your friend," Bucky replied, his voice a little louder than they had heard before.

His voice was deep and raspy, which did not go unnoticed by Harlow. Honestly, his voice sent shivers down her spine, but she didn't let anyone notice her reaction. He was a nice guy—very shy and reserved—and Harlow didn't want to scare him away when Jodie seemed to like him so much.

Bucky hadn't expected to run into Jodie and Harlow. He had just wanted to pick up the latest newspaper to see if anyone suspected that he was around yet. He usually picked up a newspaper once a week, which was every Wednesday, since he wanted to be as discreet as possible.

When he had left his apartment, he barely had time to react, before he had to catch Jodie by the arm. He was very careful, and he'd only grab her with his flesh hand. He didn't want to hurt her, or scare her, but he definitely didn't want her to fall and hurt herself again. For some reason, her clumsiness reminded him of his friend, Steve, when they were younger. Steve wasn't the most coordinated, so Bucky had to catch him a time or two.

He had been shocked when Jodie had wrapped her arms around his leg and smiled at him. He felt defensive at first, and was rather stiff, but he didn't kick her off. He loosened up a bit after a moment, since he could tell that she was simply giving him a hug, and not trying to hurt him in any way. He doubted a small child could hurt him, but HYDRA could easily manipulate anyone and give them enough strength to hurt him if they really wanted to.

"I told Mummy I wanted to see you! You're my new friend! I have to visit my friends, or they won't wanna be my friend no more," As soon as those words left Jodie's mouth, his heart actually seemed to skip a beat.

"I-I'll be your friend," He had answered, though he wasn't sure if the answer was genuine or forced.

The words had fallen from his lips before he really had time to think about them. He didn't want to disappoint the little girl though, not after seeing the sadness in her eyes when she talked about losing friends. Honestly, he wondered how many friends turned their backs on the poor little girl. She wasn't even old enough to understand friendship that well, but little kids had already truly hurt her. Kids could be assholes, and he could tell that she had seen it firsthand.

"Hey Bucky, Jodie and I are going to be ordering pizza tomorrow night, and I was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner?" Harlow asked, which caused Bucky to stiffen once more,"I promise it won't be too bad, other than possibly having to watch Despicable Me for the hundredth time. I can even make dessert for the three of us, and if you have any preferences, you can stop by a little early and let me know," She commented, causing him to bite his lip.

"I don't know--" He began, but he was cut off by Jodie.

"Pretty please, Bucky! You're my best friend!" She exclaimed, looking up at him with puppy eyes.

"Okay," He murmured, looking down at Jodie,"I'll be over for dinner," He added quietly, and Jodie squealed.

"I'll come over to your home to get you before Mummy orders pizza," Jodie stated, before she let go of Bucky.

Bucky didn't even get a chance to argue, before he watched Jodie practically drag her mother into their apartment. He wondered if he really would go to their apartment, or if he would find an excuse beforehand. The idea of going to their apartment frightened him, but he knew he needed to seem normal, and visiting people made him look normal. He just hoped it wasn't too much...

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