Chapter Sixty Two: Natasha Romanoff

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"If you're gonna be bad, be bad with purpose."
- Damon Salvatore

Song: Let's Go by Trick Daddy ft. Big D & Twista

"Let's go! If you want it, you can get it, let me know."


After a few more minutes, Harlow and the others stopped and almost seemed to circle each other. The team had a little discussion and careful consideration, before a decision was made. Scott was going to make himself huge, and be a distraction. Then, Wanda, Sam, and Clint were going to fight Tony's team that was distracted. Harlow, Bucky, and Steve were going to run. Harlow was originally going to go down fighting with the others, but Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Clint refused for her to do so. They wanted her to do what was best for her, her daughter, and maybe even the others as well.

Harlow ran alongside Steve and Bucky, trying to stay in step with them. Obviously they were faster, but Bucky was adamant that Harlow wasn't going to be left behind. Right when they were going to board the jet, Black Panther jumped out to attack. Steve pushed Harlow out of the way, which caused her to hit the ground, but luckily it didn't hurt. Bucky had glared at the man, but he knew Steve hadn't meant to knock the girl down. He was just thinking fast, and not figuring in his own strength while trying to protect her.

"Go, get on the jet," Steve murmured, as he pulled her up.

As she went to run, Natasha stopped her. Harlow stood defensively, but Natasha simply stood in front of her for a moment.

"I'm going to help you, so don't forget me when you find peace," Natasha said, and Harlow nodded.

"Thank you, Natasha," She replied, before she quickly ran into the jet.

Harlow bit her lip, as she waited for Steve and Bucky to be on the jet with her. When they finally boarded the jet, the girl sighed in relief.

"We have somewhere to go before we can get to Jodie," Steve said, and Harlow simply nodded.

"Get some rest," Bucky told her, causing her to sigh, but she agreed nonetheless.

Harlow laid her head back and closed her eyes. She fell asleep for a couple of hours, but she woke up when the jet landed. She looked over to Steve and Bucky with furrowed eyebrows, wondering where they were, but she didn't really recieve an answer that she had wanted.

"Stay here. We'll be back," Steve said, and Harlow scowled.

"Why do I have to stay here?" She asked, making Steve sigh.

"I know you want to help, but everyone in there is supposed to be super soldiers-Winter Soldiers to be exact. You are strong, I can see that and so can Buck, but they're strong, and we can't chance anything happening to you," Steve stated, causing Harlow to sigh, but she nodded and agreed nonetheless.

"Fine, just be careful, please," She replied, and they nodded.

Harlow sat in the jet and waited for Steve and Bucky to come back. After a while, she could hear shouting, as well as things breaking, meaning there was a huge fight going on.

"I really hope nobody is dead in there," Harlow murmured to herself, as she sighed to herself.

She could still hear more yelling, but the yelling seemed to be louder, meaning they had to be outside. After what seemed like hours, Steve and Bucky ran on to the jet. Harlow stared at them wide eyes, as she seen the blood all over their faces and some on their clothes.

"What happened?!" She exclaimed, causing them to sigh.

"Tony happened," Steve replied, making the girl frown.

Harlow looked over them again, inspecting their injuries from where she sat, when her eyes widened even more. Bucky's arm was gone.

"Your arm..." Harlow trailed off quietly, causing the girl to frown.

"Tony took off my arm. He did it as payback for his parents," Bucky murmured, feeling guilty for what he had done.

Harlow felt horrible for him, but there really wasn't anything she could do. As she waited to see what was going to happen next, she watched the two men from afar. She stayed quiet knowing they needed time to progress and accept what had happened to them.

"Where are we going now?" Harlow asked, after about an hour of silence.

"Wakanda," Steve answered, looking back at the girl,"T'Challa, he's the king of Wakanda, and he's Black Pather. He offered Bucky amnesty if he came to Wakanda. He said you and Jodie are welcome to join Bucky in Wakanda so you can stay together," He said, and Harlow bit her lip.

"Are we going to get her? Are we able to?" Harlow asked, causing Steve to sigh.

"I'm bringing you and Bucky to Wakanda first, then I'll get Jodie. She is safe with Laura and the kids for now, so all we have to worry about is you and Bucky. Once I know you two are safe, I'll bring her straight to you," He stated, causing her to nod.

Harlow wasn't sure how she felt about not getting Jodie first. She knew it sounded like that was the best idea, but she hated not being with her little girl. She had never been away from Jodie for so long, so she felt like she was slowly going crazy without her.

Wakanda was a place that Harlow had only ever heard about once, and that was when Bucky was framed for killing the king of Wakanda. That was why T'Challa tried to kill Bucky, and Harlow understood why, but the memories still brought back hard feelings.

Harlow hoped Wakanda was a fresh start. She hoped everything would turn out fine, but she could never be sure. She didn't want to let her guard down until she knew everything was going to work out, but even then, she doubted she'd ever let her guard down completely. She was worried, and she was sure she was always going to be this way...

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