Chapter Eighty: Epilogue

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"Endings are hard. Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can pop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always going to be holes. And since it's the ending, it's supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you-they're a raging pain in the ass."
- Chuck Shurley

Song: My Girl by the Temptations

"I've got sunshine on a cloudy day. When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May. I guess you'd say, what can make me feel this way? My girl."


Harlow and Bucky had enjoyed their honeymoon. They had talked to Steve when they had gotten back from their honeymoon. Steve was old now, unlike before. He had claimed his life was good after going back into the past to be with Peggy. He still carried around a picture of Jodie in his wallet, which now looked old and crinkled a bit. He had even gotten a chance to talk to Jodie a couple of times, but sadly Steve hadn't lived much longer after their honeymoon. He had passed away in his sleep almost two weeks later.

The day before he had passed away though, he had gotten some of the best news he could ever recieve. Harlow had told him, before she told anyone else, that she was pregnant. He had asked her how it had worked, since HYDRA definitely would've tried to make Bucky sterile, but apparently he wasn't completely sterile. He wouldn't be able to get her pregnant easily, but he always had the chance to do so. Harlow wondered for a while if the good news had been one of the things that told Steve he could go without having to hang on and worry about his best friend.

Sam visited often, even though he also visited his sister, Sarah, often as well. Harlow and Bucky promised to visit Sarah and her boys one day with their daughter and the baby-once it was born. Harlow and Bucky had decided to name their child after Steve, and if they had anymore children, they'd name them after Natasha and Tony. Technically Clint had a child named after Natasha, but Harlow hoped to have a little girl to name Natasha after her best friend.

Though most of the others didn't check in often, Harlow would call Peter once a week-at least-to see how he was doing. If he ever felt overwhelmed or needed any help, she offered her help or advice immediately. Some days Peter would call just because he needed to rant about something, and she would listen to everything he had to say. She never made him feel alone or let him be afraid.

When Harlow was around seven almost eight months pregnant, Peter had called her about a problem he was having while on a field trip with his school. He explained everything, including information about a man name Mysterio. Harlow really didn't trust Mysterio, but there wasn't anything should could do about it. She let Peter make his own mistakes, and when he messed up, he called Harlow for advice, and in return, she called Happy to give him backup.

Harlow had gone into an early labor at exactly eight months pregnant, when news came out that Peter was Spider-Man. Her heart practically fell to her stomach, and she didn't know what she could do to help. Harlow birthed a little boy that she and Bucky named Steven Anthony Barnes, but they opted to call the boy Stevie for a nickname.

Because of the super soldier serum in the little boy's veins, Harlow had been able to heal way faster after the birth of her son. Only two days later, did Harlow leave the hospital completely healed, and she had actually gone back to her original weight before she had gotten pregnant. The only things that didn't go back to normal were her breasts, since they were full of milk.

Peter had called Harlow when he didn't get into college, and she had helped him find Doctor Strange. She didn't know what was going to happen next, so when she got a call from Peter's girlfriend MJ, she was really worried. She drove all the way back to the city to see Peter, but instead of one Peter Parker, she met two more. All three Peters were nice, but her Peter was always going to be her favorite.

Harlow had called Bucky the next night, telling him she was going to help Peter. He wasn't happy, but he told her to be careful and come home afterward. Harlow helped Peter defeat and cure all of the people he was trying to help, before Doctor Strange had to cast a spell to make everyone forget Peter Parker.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me, Mrs. Harlow, I don't know if I could've ever done any of this without you. I love you, you're like a mother to me," He said, causing Harlow to smile and cry slightly.

"I love you, Peter Parker, you better come find me and tell me all of this later. I swear to god Peter, if I find out you didn't find me, I'll kick your ass," She said, kissing his head.

Harlow went back to her home, forgetting everything about Peter Parker. Her and Bucky continued to live their lives for a couple of months without any incidents. Steven was growing a little faster than a normal baby, but according to Bruce, the baby's growth was increased because of the serum. He said that all of their children would be like that, if they decided to have anymore.

Jodie loved her little brother, and she would tell him stories about her life and her family all of the time. Jodie was still a genius, and she was getting smarter every day. Shuri would video call her every day for classes, and Jodie would pass them as if all she learned was simple common knowledge. Harlow and Bucky hoped Steven would be the same way, but if he wasn't, they'd still love him the same.

When Steven was six months old, a boy had come to their home. He had introduced himself as Peter Parker, and he had told Harlow, Bucky, and Jodie a long, elaborate story about his life, including the stuff that they lived through. Since they remembered everything that happened with Spider-Man, they were sure Peter was Spider-Man.

After learning about everything bad that had happened to Peter, Bucky and Harlow offered him a place in their home. Peter had agreed, after reluctantly telling Harlow about his sad little apartment he had in the city. Harlow refused for him to be alone, so she made him stay so she could love him like he needed to be loved. Recieving a hug again, after so many months, from the woman that felt like his mother, made Peter's heart skip a beat.

Everything wasn't perfect. Harlow and Bucky would always have a few ups and downs throughout their life, but at least they would be together. They'd always have each other, and they'd always have their children-which now included Peter-and love was one of the only things they needed and cherished most. If it wasn't for love, they would've never gotten together. If it was for apartments 101 and 102, they never would've met each other. If it wasn't for Jodie, the two most likely never would've fallen in love. Even after everything they went through in their lives, and everything they'd eventually go through in the future, they'd never have it any other way. They were happy, and that's all they could ask for...

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