Chapter Sixty Six: Three Months Later

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"Prepared for the worst, but still praying for the best."
- Lil Wayne

Song: King For A Day by Pierce the Veil ft. Kellin Quinn

"Imagine living like a king someday. A single night without a ghost in the walls."


Three months had passed, and during those three months, Harlow had been updated often on Bucky's progress. Bucky had been progressing rather well, except the progress was slow and had to be taken in small increments. If Shuri tried to fix him too fast, he could end up with more problems than he already had.

After three months had passed, Shuri believed Bucky was finally better. She had let him out of cryofreeze a day before Harlow and Jodie were going to be notified. Shuri said Bucky's trigger words, and she watched as he flinched hearing each word, but he never went back to being the Winter Soldier. He was finally back to being somewhat normal, or as normal as he could be after everything he had gone through.

Hearing the words had made him flinch, yes, but that was because they scared him. He had almost screamed with joy when he realized that the words hadn't triggered the Winter Soldier. He couldn't wait to see Harlow and Jodie to tell them the good news, especially since he knew the girls were going to be just as excited and happy as he was.

Bucky was still haunted by everything he did in his life for HYDRA as the Winter Soldier. His dreams were still haunted by the Winter Soldier, as well as all of his victims. He could hear their begs, their screams, and their cries. He could still see the killings, smell the blood, and hear the gunshots. Bucky was still haunted by the lifeless eyes of all of the people he had killed, and some nights after terrible nightmares, he would still see their eyes every time he closed his eyes to try to fall back asleep.

The next morning, Okoye was sent to get Harlow and Jodie from their residence. She had knocked on the door at eight in the morning, and Harlow had answered the door with a tired smile on her face.

"You and Jodie have been summoned to the lab for news on Sergent Barnes," Okoye said, making sure to leave out any clues like Shuri and Bucky had asked.

"Immediately?" Harlow asked, causing Okoye to nod.

"As soon as you are dressed; breakfast will be provided for you once you arrive," She answered, before she dismissed herself to allow Harlow and Jodie to get ready.

Harlow had quickly slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans, a grey shirt, and a pair of black combat boots. She then pulled her hair into a high ponytail, before going to Jodie's room to get her ready. Jodie wore a pair of blue jeans, a hot pink Hello Kitty shirt, and a pair of Frozen shoes that she had picked out with Laura while Harlow was away. Harlow then put Jodie's hair in a ponytail as well, hoping it would keep the girl from getting too hot from running around throughout the day.

"We've got to go see Shuri, she has news on Daddy," Harlow told Jodie, and Jodie grinned.

Jodie practically dragged Harlow all the way to the lab, passing people with a wave and a grin on her face as she went. Harlow knocked on the door of the lab, before she turned the handle and walked inside. Her eyes widened when she seen Bucky standing next to Shuri with a smile on his face.

"Daddy!" Jodie exclaimed, as she ran off towards the man,"You're awake!" She cried, wrapping her arms around his neck once he bent down to her level.

Harlow slowly walked over to him and hugged him as well, keeping Jodie in between them as she did so. Once she let go of him, she let him and Jodie have a moment, as she turned to Shuri.

"So how did it go?" Harlow asked, causing Shuri to smile.

"We have cleared his mind of the HYDRA programming. We have also tried his trigger words, and they no longer work on him. He is free of HYDRA's control," Shuri told the woman, and the woman grinned.

"Thank you so much, Shuri, you have no idea just how much you've done for us-for him," Harlow said, as she wrapped her arms around Shuri.

Shuri laughed with delight, as she hugged Harlow. Once Harlow let her go, Shuri motioned for Harlow, Jodie, and Bucky to follow her out of the lab.

"I know you and Jodie are hungry, but I know Bucky is starving. You three can eat here, your food will be here in a moment," Shuri said, and Harlow thanked her once more.

Harlow sat down next to Jodie, and Bucky sat on the other side of Jodie. Their food was brought out soon after, and they were able to start eating. The food was delicious, but Bucky believed nothing could taste as good as Harlow's home cooked meals. Bucky thought Harlow was one of the best cooks he had ever met, though she was on the same level as his mother. He could barely remember his mother's cooking, but what he did remember made him think she and Harlow were on the same level when it came to cooking.

Bucky was also happy that T'Challa was allowing him, Harlow, and Jodie to stay in Wakanda. T'Challa and Shuri wanted to keep track of Bucky's progress, but they also wanted to keep the small family safe. They knew if Bucky went back to America, he'd be unable to see his girlfriend and child again. They didn't want the family to be pulled apart. The three had gone through so many obstacles, and they were finally on the sunny side of the road. If they stayed in Wakanda they'd be happy, if they didn't, there was no sure answer as to what would happen...

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