Chapter Thirty Seven: Steve's Letter

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"You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel."
- Johnny Depp

Song: Simple Man by Jensen Ackles (cover)

"And be a simple kind of man. Be something you'll love and understand."


Two days until school would start for Jodie. She had gotten better after only two days of bed rest, medicine, soup, and cuddles. Harlow was worried the first day, since she thought she might have to take Jodie to the doctor, but luckily Jodie got better without a doctor's visit.

"Hey, Bucky, will you go check my mail, while I finish writing Jodie's name on her school supplies?" Harlow asked, and Bucky nodded.

Harlow always wrote Jodie's name on her school supplies, down to each and every crayon and pencil. She was fine with Jodie sharing her things, but her name was written on everything so kids couldn't steal Jodie's things. In pre-school, one of the kids use to steal all of Jodie's things, and the teachers never did anything about it. So, in return, Harlow started to write Jodie's name on everything in permanent marker, and if she was afraid of the name coming off of pencils, she would put clear nail polish on the name to seal it better.

Anyhow, while Bucky was checking the mail, his eyebrows raised when he seen a letter to Harlow that had Steve's name on it. This meant Steve was writing to Harlow once again, and Bucky wasn't too happy about it. He couldn't snoop though, so he had to give her the letter, he just hoped Harlow would let him see the letter like she had given him the dogtags.

He carried the mail over to Harlow, and she quickly skimmed through it. Her eyebrows furrowed when she seen the letter, but she simply shrugged and opened it up.

'Miss Simpson,

I know I shouldn't, but I have been keeping watch over you guys. I seen that your daughter is starting school soon, and I want to start off with saying congratulations. You've got a smart little girl.

This letter isn't about being a creepy stalker though, I promise. I was told by a friend that I was starting to be a stalker, and I promise I'm not. She just doesn't understand how much Bucky means to me, but I have a feeling you know.

Well, this letter is to let you know that I think there may be people watching you guys, too, and those people have nothing to do with me. I'm not sure who they are yet, so don't freak out, but once I do know, I will tell you.

Be cautious when out on the streets though, especially if you're not with Bucky. I don't want something bad happening, if you're unable to protect yourself. I'm not saying you're weak-I'm just saying that sometimes when you have a kid with you, you can't always fight your way out of situations.

Anyway, if Bucky runs again, please let me know. If he tells you where, please tell me, too. I can't lose sight of him again, he's my best friend. If you go with him, please let me know where you go. I can't lose him again. I'm with him until the end of the line.

Steve Rogers'

"Can I ask what he wanted?" Bucky asked, hoping to get an answer.

"He's been keeping an eye on you. From what I can tell, he knows that you're with Jodie and I. He wants me to tell him if you leave, and to tell him where you go if you do, and if we go with you. He really misses you, Bucky, and I'm kind of starting to feel a little bad for him," Harlow replied, making Bucky frown.

"I just can't talk to him, Harlow, I'm sorry," Bucky answered, causing the girl to sigh.

"I know, darling, but he's really trying here. He just wants to watch over you, and make sure you don't disappear again. It sounds to me like he's just protecting you, and keeping you away from you-know-who," She said, and he simply nodded.

"I use to be the one protecting his scrawny ass when we were younger, but now he's the one trying to protect me," Bucky commented, causing Harlow to smile.

"You've got a great friend, Bucky, you really do," She replied, making him nod again.

"Yeah, I do," He murmured, almost completely to himself.

Harlow couldn't tell him everything in the letter, since she didn't want him to start worrying. If he became paranoid, he'd start trying to uproot his life before he needed to. She didn't want him running too early, and catching their attention. For all she knew, it could've just been some weirdo who wanted to stalk them.

When Harlow was sixteen, she had a stalker. He always seemed to know where she was, what she was doing, what she was wearing, and who she was talking to. He knew all of her friends, but nobody knew who he was. Harlow never actually got his name whenever he sent her messages or left her notes and letters in her locker. Honestly, she was beyond terrified, but there wasn't much she could do about it.

Close to senior year though, Wade had enough of his sister's tears about this stalker, so he stayed in her room one night. When the stalker came by to leave chocolates and notes by her window, Wade opened the window and scared him. The stalker tried to run off, but Wade jumped on him and proceeded to beat the crap out of him. Long story short, the stalker was one of Wade's old high school friends, who he had dropped after the boy started talking about how "hot Harlow was," but it seemed that never stopped him until Wade beat him senseless. For all Harlow knew, the boy could've found her, and was stalking her once again now that Wade was gone...

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