Chapter Thirteen: Babysitting

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"It doesn't matter what you are, it only matters what you do. It's your choice."
- Sam Winchester

Song: Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson

"I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways."


Bucky had to watch as Harlow coughed until she almost cried. He helped her a bit when she almost fell because she was dizzy. She stayed in the floor in the bathroom for at least an hour, before she decided she wanted to go back to her bed, which was when Bucky had to help her walk. By the time Harlow was in bed, it was time for Jodie to eat lunch.

"Bucky! I can't get the top off!" Jodie exclaimed, as she tried to pull the plastic wrap from her bowl.

Bucky walked into the kitchen and carefully opened her food.

"You can have food, too. Mummy just went and got new food yesterday," Jodie commented, which made Bucky wonder if Harlow had gotten sick from someone at the store.

Bucky decided to eat a sandwich with Jodie, since he knew Jodie would want him to do so. When he finished his sandwich, he stood up to grab Jodie a juice, when he heard coughing from the bedroom again. He quickly walked into the bedroom, and he seen Harlow trying to get up. Her hand was covering her mouth, so he knew she needed to get there quick. He carefully helped her up and walked her to the bathroom, just in time for her to throw up once again. His eyes widened when he seen the blood in the toilet.

"Oh no," Harlow murmured, and Bucky acted quickly.

"You need to see a doctor," He said, causing her to sigh.

"I don't have a way to get there, and I'm not calling for an ambulance," Harlow commented, and Bucky frowned.

"Call Ms. Stanfield," Bucky stated, as he helped Harlow stand again.

"Fine," Harlow murmured, letting Bucky help her to her bed.

Harlow's phone was on her bed, so she quickly called Ms. Stanfield. She told Ms. Stanfield what was wrong, and that she had someone to watch Jodie, but she needed a ride. Ms. Stanfield agreed immediately, and told her she'd be at the apartment in ten minutes.

When Ms. Stanfield arrived, Harlow grabbed her phone and her keys. Bucky helped her walk down to Ms. Stanfield's car, before he stood up right and headed back to the apartment.

"Harlow said you didn't have a phone, so I stopped by my place and grabbed my spare. It has Harlow's number and my number in the contacts. Call me if you need help with Jodie, and Harlow or I will call if she has to stay longer than a few hours," Ms. Stanfield said, handing Bucky a rectangular block.

Bucky nodded once, before watching Ms. Stanfield quickly drive away with Harlow. When he walked back into the apartment, he showed the thing to Jodie.

"You know how to use this?" He asked, and she nodded.

"I can show you," She replied, as she sat next to him on the couch.

After ten minutes, Jodie showed Bucky some of the stuff on the phone. She also showed him how to keep the phone from dying. There were quite a few things on the phone she didn't know how to use, but Bucky didn't mind. He knew as long as she knew a little, he would know what he needed. When a text came through on the phone, Bucky had to ask Jodie how to open it and such. Jodie showed him, and he was a bit shocked by the device. He remembered phones being hooked to the wall and connected to wires.

"Guess we're having pizza for dinner. Ms. Stanfield is buying it and having it delivered later," Bucky said, and Jodie cheered.

"We can watch movies again," She replied, causing Bucky to nod.

Jodie had went over to her movies and picked a few. Bucky allowed her to put one in, which was an old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. According to Jodie, the movie came out before she was born, and when Bucky checked the back of the DVD box, he seen it was from the eighties. After watching two more movies, which was Ariel and the Corpse Bride, Bucky and Jodie were surprised that it was already dinner time.

Bucky answered the door and took the pizzas, cheese sticks, and soda from the pizza guy, before sitting down with Jodie in the living room again. Jodie grabbed paper plates and napkins that had Paw Patrol pups on them. While they were eating, the cellphone rang, and Bucky successfully answered it. Ms. Stanfield had called and told him that Harlow would be staying overnight at the hospital to be treated. She said she'd come to watch Jodie, but Bucky disagreed and said he had her. Ms. Stanfield promised to call for updates, as well as answer if Bucky and Jodie needed her.

Bucky hoped Harlow wouldn't be in the hospital for more than one night. He didn't even know if he'd be able to handle one night without having terrible nightmares. He didn't want to wake up Jodie with his nightmares. Honestly, he doubted he'd sleep, since he wanted to keep the little girl safe.

Anyhow, Bucky and Jodie watched a couple more movies, Cars and Toy Story, before it was time for Jodie to go to bed. Bucky had to watch the girl brush her teeth incase she needed help, and once she was in her pajamas, he had to tuck her in.

"You have to turn on my nightlight and radio. I don't wanna have nightmares. They keep nightmares away," Jodie said, and Bucky nodded.

Bucky figured out how to turn on both, before he turned off her big light and left the room. He walked into the living room and put in a new movie, Jurassic Park, since he decided to keep watching movies. He had seen Jodie set up the movies enough to know how to do it. Once the movie started, Bucky got comfortable on the couch. He couldn't help but worry about Harlow, and Jodie since he was watching over her, but he had to stay strong. If he wasn't careful, he could easily ruin everything for himself...

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