Chapter Seventy One: Jodie's Best Friend

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"Mama says that happiness is from magic rays of sunshine that come down when you're feeling blue."
- Bobby Bushay (the Waterboy)

Song: It Was A Good Day by Ice Cube

"I can't believe, today was a good day."


Harlow and Bucky had told Jodie the news of their engagement the very next day when they picked her up from Ramonda, and the little girl was absolutely thrilled. She was excited that Bucky was officially going to be her father, since he was marrying her mother. Technically, since Bucky was a wanted criminal, he couldn't officially adopt Jodie. The only way he could do so was in Wakanda after the two married.

T'Challa did have people who could legally certify the adoption, but they couldn't do so until after the marriage. Bucky had to be married to Harlow, otherwise his status as a criminal would make the adoption void in all other countries. Technically, no where else could certify such a thing, even after a marriage, but in Wakanda, T'Challa was able to pull a few strings.

Over their time in Wakanda, Jodie had made a few friends. Well, Harlow considered them to be Jodie's friends, since they were around often to hang out with her. Bucky and Harlow would join them near a pond when they decided to play in the water. The water wasn't too high for the children, as long as they stayed near the land. If they went any deeper, Harlow would have to join them in the water, and sometimes Bucky would, too.

"Mummy!" Harlow heard, as she was getting a notebook ready to start her prep for her wedding.

"Yes, darling?" Harlow asked, as she placed the notebook and pen on the kitchen table.

"Can my best friend have a sleepover?" Jodie asked, looking up at her mother with hopeful eyes.

"Shouldn't she be asking her mother if she can have a sleepover?" Harlow asked, raising an eyebrow at her little girl.

"No, Mummy! I meant can she sleepover here tonight!" Jodie exclaimed, laughing at her mother for not understanding what she had meant.

"Oh!" Harlow gasped, shaking her head with a gentle laugh,"Yes, she can sleepover here, just make sure she asks her mother first," She replied, and Jodie nodded quickly.

Jodie quickly ran off to find her best friend, as Harlow began to write down things she needed for a wedding, as well as a few things she wanted, and what she didn't want. Some of the things most weddings had, she didn't want at her wedding. Bucky had decided to let Harlow do most of the planning, since he really didn't care how the wedding looked. He really only cared about how he dressed, and who he invited to the wedding.

"Where'd Jodie go?" Bucky asked, as he entered the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

"She went to get her best friend," Harlow replied, glancing up at him,"She said they're having a sleepover here, as long as the girl's mother is fine with it," She added, and Bucky nodded in response.

About ten minutes later, she heard the sound of little feet running into their home. Harlow closed her notebook once more, as she glanced up and looked over towards the door to see her daughter and another little girl.

"Mummy, this is Nova, her mum said she could stay the night," Jodie said, and Harlow nodded.

"Hello, Nova, I'm Harlow, and that's Bucky. It's nice to formally meet our daughter's best friend," Harlow replied, causing the little girl to smile.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Harlow and Mr. Bucky,"Nova commented, making the woman laugh lightly.

"Just Harlow and Bucky is fine," Bucky answered, and Nova nodded.

"You two can go play, and I'll call you guys for dinner," Harlow said, watching the girls quickly run off to Jodie's room.

Harlow and Bucky began making dinner for themselves and the two girls. Harlow had decided on making a ravioli casserole; the ravioli being stuffed with cheese, and the sauce only having a little meat. She also made breadsticks to go with the casserole, so they had something to dip in their sauce.

"Girls! Dinner!" Harlow exclaimed, once Bucky put the brownies in the oven to bake.

The girls came running into the kitchen with smiles on their faces. Harlow quickly fixed to plates, before she placed them down in front of the girls. She then put all the breadsticks in a bowl to sit in the middle of the table for everyone to be able to share and reach. Harlow then fixed herself and Bucky plates of casserole. Once plates were fixed and set on the table, she grabbed four cups and filled them with pink lemonade, before she dispersed them amongst the occupants at the table.

"This is good," Nova commented, and Harlow smiled.

"Thank you, darling," Harlow replied,as she watched the girl devour a full breadstick with her casserole sauce.

"Mummy always makes good food. Sometimes even the weird stuff is really good," Jodie told Nova, causing the little girl to giggle.

By the time the brownies were fully cooked, the two girls had finished their dinner.

"You two can have brownies now, if you want," Harlow commented, once she knew the brownies weren't burning hot.

"Yes, please," The girls answered in unison, and Harlow smiled.

Harlow cut up the brownies, before Bucky handed them to the girls with a glass of milk each. He also grabbed a couple for himself. Once they had finished their brownies, Bucky sat with them and read them a story. Nova seemed to enjoy reading as much as Jodie. They were reading Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It seemed Sirius Black was Jodie's favorite character, much like he was Harlow's and Bucky's.

After reading for a bit, Harlow had the girls put on their pajamas and brush their teeth. She then had them both lay down in Jodie's bed, before she tucked them in and turned on the nightlight. She walked over to Jodie and placed a kiss on her forehead, and she placed one on Nova's forehead as well, when the girl leaned up like Jodie would for her goodnight kiss.

"I'll see you girls in the morning," Harlow commented,"Come get me if you need me," She added, before she walked out of the room.

A big smile graced her face as she thought about the milestone her daughter had passed. Her daughter finally had her first real sleepover, and she couldn't be anymore proud...

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