Chapter Thirty Five: Bucky's Haircut

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"During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams."
- Tupac Shakur

Song: Still Breathing by Green Day

"Cause I'm still breathing. I'm still breathing on my own."


Jodie's haircut for school was today, meaning Harlow would have to spend twenty minutes making sure Jodie's hair was completely even, as the little girl moved around with excitement. Jodie never knew how to sit still, especially when she was excited, and she seemed to always be excited about something.

To try and calm the six year old down a bit, Harlow put on Dumbo, and had Jodie sit in front of the tv. Harlow wrapped a towel around the girl's shoulders to keep the hair off of her, before she grabbed a spray bottle and began to wet the little girl's hair. Using a comb, she made sure the girl's hair was completely brushed out and even, then she slowly started cutting her hair.

"Y'know, your hair might look better if you sit still, Jodie," Bucky joked, causing the girl to giggle.

"I'm just so happy to get my haircut, Bucky," Jodie replied, making him chuckle.

"Hey, Buck," Harlow said, catching his attention,"I can cut your hair a little, when I'm done with Jodie's if you want," She commented, as she looked up at him for a second.

"I don't know," He murmured,"I'm kind of use to my hair how it is," He replied, as he lightly pulled his hair.

It wasn't that Bucky didn't want his hair cut, he just knew that the scissors could easily set him off when they got too close to him. He didn't want to have a freak out because of the scissors, and potentially scare or even hurt Harlow and Jodie.

"You'd look less shaggy with a haircut," Harlow said jokingly, causing a slight smirk to raise on his lips.

Once she was done with Jodie's hair, she pulled the towel from the girl's shoulders.

"Go take a quick look in the mirror and let me know what you think," Harlow said, and Jodie nodded.

Jodie quickly ran off, as Harlow walked over to Bucky and sat down next to him.

"I have a feeling that you're nervous about the haircut," She commented, and he shrugged.

"Not the haircut, the scissors," He replied causing her to nod.

"Well, I can cut your hair, but you can tell me every time you need a break. I use to have to take breaks with Jodie, since the sensation of getting her haircut use to tickle her," Harlow said,"The doctor told me it had to do with her scalp, and it was sending different signals to her brain. If she became too ticklish from it, she could pass out. She got over it about a year ago, but I'm still very careful with her. I understand the need for a break, and we can take as many breaks as you need," She added, and Bucky smiled a bit.

Instead of answering, he simply nodded, before Jodie came back into the room. Jodie ran over to Harlow with a big smile on her face.

"I love it," Jodie said, and Harlow smiled.

"Well, I was thinking for your first day of school, I could put your hair in a curly ponytail like I did for graduation, what do you think?" Harlow asked, causing Jodie to nod quickly.

"Yes, for sure," She replied, before she walked over to her spot and sat down to finish her movie.

Harlow stood up and motioned for Bucky to sit down in the seat Jodie had sat in for her haircut. Once he was sitting down, she carefully placed the towel over his shoulders and clipped it. She then wet Bucky's hair, and used the comb to brush it out.

"I'm not cutting off much. Since it's passing your shoulders, I'll just cut it to your shoulders, unless you want me to cut more," Harlow commented, and Bucky nodded.

"Maybe up to here," He replied, motioning a bit further up, but not much.

"I can do that," She answered, before she slowly began to cut his hair.

Harlow used the comb as much as she could to keep the scissors away from Bucky's neck. Every time he seemed to get even a little fidgety, she would pull away immediately and let him calm down. Once she was able to finish his haircut, she brushed it once more, checking to make sure she got all of the long strands, before taking the towel off of Bucky's shoulders.

"Go check it out, and let me know if you want it shorter, or if you like it how it is," She said, and he nodded.

Harlow quickly cleaned up her area, as Bucky checked himself out in the mirror. He swore he looked almost like a whole new person with the new haircut. He really liked it, and he was thankful for Harlow and how well she handled his unconventional haircut. He would've expected her to get upset with him for needing breaks, but Harlow was different, and she always understood people, even if she didn't go through what they had gone through.

"I like it, thank you, Harlow," Bucky said, as he entered the kitchen where Harlow was standing.

"Good, and you look better, too. Honestly, Bucky, you look healthier. I can pick you up a razor for your face if you want," She replied, and he nodded.

"That would be nice," He murmured, causing her to smile.

"Want to help me make lunch?" She asked, as she turned to the stove.

"What are you making?" He asked, walking over to her side.

"Grilled cheese and tomato soup, one of my favorites, even as a grownup," She answered, and he laughed.

In that moment, he was happy. He decided to help her with lunch, even though he wasn't the best cook. Sometimes helping her cook brought back little childhood memories, some good and some bad, but she was always there for him. He was just glad to have her...

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