Chapter Sixty Seven: Training

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"No one can defeat you until you choose to leave."
- Robert Downey Jr.

Song: Game Over by Falling in Reverse

"It's just a game that we play, and for heavens sake, stop complaining, and start changing it."


After about a week's time, Harlow had decided to finally get back to training with her fighting skills, and she wanted to try to learn more about weapons. She had talked with T'Challa about the training when Bucky was being evaluated and Jodie was getting ready to start her class with Shuri. T'Challa thought it was a great idea that Harlow started training again, but he had an even better idea. He wanted her to train with Okoye and the other Dora Milaje to learn a lot more than she would training on her own.

The first day of training had come, and Harlow was a bit excited, but she was also very worried. She was worried about all of the things she was going to learn and how sore she was going to be for a while. She had put on leggings and a sports bra for training, since she knew she needed to be able to move easily.

Harlow had met Okoye where they were training, and the first thing Okoye wanted Harlow to do was to pick a partner and spar. She had gotten a few good punches in, but from going three months without training, she had lost a bit of her touch, so she did get beat up a bit. Okoye planned for Harlow to train with sparring for a few weeks, before she'd start training her on weapons.

Okoye planned for Harlow to be as good as the Dora Milaje, so if she ever needed to fight, she'd be ready and she'd be able to win. Okoye had high expectations in the girl, especially after she heard that the girl had been a part of the fight between Iron Man and Captain America.

After training for hours, Okoye sent Harlow home for the day. Harlow practically dragged herself back to Bucky and Jodie. When Harlow entered their home, the two looked at her with wide eyes.

"You look like you've been through the ringer," Bucky commented, causing Harlow to groan.

"And it's only day one," Harlow replied,"Okoye plans for me to only have a day of rest a week, and she wants me to be as good as the rest of the Dora Milaje by the time I leave Wakanda," She added, as she grabbed a bottle of water and practically drank it all in one gulp.

"Go lay down for a bit, we'll be fine by ourselves without you for an hour or so," Bucky said, and Harlow nodded.

Harlow went to her and Bucky's room and kicked her shoes off. Once her shoes were off, Harlow crawled into the bed and laid down. She definitely didn't need the blanket, since she was still hot from training. Once she rested for an hour, she would get a shower and get some food and definitely some more water.

"What should we make your mom for dinner?" Bucky asked Jodie, as the two sat on the couch reading a book together.

Harlow, Bucky, and Jodie were given a few books, since Harlow had mentioned how much the family liked to read. The current book Bucky and Jodie were reading was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Jodie was so happy that Bucky was reading the book to her, even though she was more than capable to read it to herself. She loved bonding with him though, even if it was through something as simple as reading a book.

"Pizza," Jodie replied, looking up at her father.

"We might not have a lot of toppings for the pizza," Bucky commented, causing Jodie to shrug.

"She'll be happy with just cheese," Jodie replied, though she was more happy with cheese than everyone else.

"Or you will," Bucky retorted, and the girl giggled.

"Daddy, you know Mummy will like cheese like me and you," She answered, causing Bucky grinned.

"I know, doll," He replied, kissing her forehead.

After about thirty more minutes of reading, Bucky closed their book, and brought Jodie to the kitchen to help him cook. He wasn't the best at cooking, but Jodie was able to help him. She could sometimes explain things to Bucky if he didn't understand some things. He has been learning quite a bit about cooking though, so he did cook when he had the chance.

"How many pizzas are we making, Daddy?" Jodie asked, causing Bucky to look away from the recipe he was reading.

"Two," Bucky answered, pulling out a few ingredients,"one for me and one for you girls," He added, and she giggled.

"Daddy, that's a lot of pizza," She replied, causing him to chuckle.

"I know, but Daddy eats a lot," He answered, shrugging his shoulders.

Bucky and Jodie worked together to make the pizzas, as Harlow rested, and eventually got up to take a shower. By the time she was done showering, their pizzas were done, so she was able to go straight to the kitchen to eat with her family.

"So, how was training today?" Bucky asked, causing Harlow to shrug.

"Okoye said my technique isn't bad. I had to spar most of the day with one of the other Dora Milaje. She plans on having me spar for a few weeks, at least, before I start learning to use more weapons," Harlow replied, and Bucky nodded.

"Sounds good to me, and it would help you from being bored all day," Bucky said, causing Harlow to chuckle.

"I could never be bored when I'm with you and Jodie," She commented, causing Bucky to laugh.

"Mummy," Jodie groaned, as her cheeks blushed a bit.

Harlow loved her family, and she would never be bored around them, but she wanted to protect them. Training was one of the only ways she knew she'd be able to protect them. Protecting Bucky and Jodie was one of the only reasons she was still training, if it wasn't for them, she doubted she'd ever be this far...

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