Chapter Thirty Six: Sick Jodie

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"When life leaves us blind, love keeps us kind."
- Chester Bennington

Song: Waterfalls by TLC

"Don't go chasing waterfalls, please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're use to."


A couple of days after the haircuts, Harlow and Bucky woke up to extreme coughing from Jodie's room. Jodie had been fine the night before, other than a few sniffles when she was getting ready for bed.

"Will you get the cough medicine from the cabinet in the bathroom?" Harlow asked, and Bucky nodded.

Harlow stood from the bed and went straight to Jodie's room. She placed her hand on Jodie's forehead and the girl was burning up. When she went to stand up to grab a thermometer, Bucky came into the room with it and the medicine.

"I figured you'd need this, too," Bucky murmured, and Harlow nodded.

"Thank you," She replied, taking the things from his hands.

She placed the thermometer in Jodie's mouth and waited for it to beep. Once it beeped, she frowned at the temperature. She was burning up, and Harlow was worried about her.

"She's got a temp of one hundred two," Harlow told Bucky, as he sat down on the other side of Jodie.

"Mummy, I feel bad," Jodie said, and Harlow nodded.

"I know, but I've got medicine. Take this, and I'll go out and get more medicine while you rest," Harlow replied, causing Jodie to frown.

"Will Bucky stay with me?" Jodie asked, and Bucky nodded.

"I'll be right here the whole time," He said, causing the little girl to smile.

Once Harlow had given Jodie the medicine, she quickly got dressed and slipped on her shoes. Grabbing some cash from her bedside table, she stopped in Jodie's room. Jodie had gotten Bucky to lay beside her, and she was snuggled into his side, as his arms were wrapped around her.

Smiling to herself, Harlow quickly went back to her room and grabbed her tablet. She carried it to Jodie's bed and handed it to Bucky.

"Jodie knows how to work this if you don't. I figured you two can watch Netflix while I'm gone," Harlow commented, and Bucky nodded.

Harlow quickly left, and Bucky let Jodie put on Netflix. Jodie had chosen to watch Pokemon, which Bucky actually seemed to enjoy. He didn't really think a girl would like something like that, but his girls always seemed to surprise him.

"Who's your favorite pokemon?" Bucky asked, looking down at Jodie.

"Pikachu, he's the best. What's yours?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Charizard, I think he's awesome," Bucky replied, causing the girl to giggle.

Sadly, they didn't get through the episode before Jodie started coughing again. The poor girl coughed so much she started to gag, but luckily Bucky was able to get her into the bathroom before she puked all over her bed. Once she was done, she began to cry. He grabbed a washcloth and wet it, before wiping her face. After wiping her face, he let her hug him and cry.

"I don't feel good, Bucky," She cried, as he rubbed her back soothingly.

"I know, doll," He murmured, kissing the side of her head.

Once she was somewhat calm, he brought her back to her room.

"I got it on my shirt," She croaked, looking down at the stains on her shirt.

"Let me get you a new one," He replied, going to her dresser to get her a new sleep top.

"Help me, please," She murmured, walking over to Bucky with her arms raised.

Bucky carefully pulled off her dirty shirt, making sure he didn't get any of the sick on her.

"I'm going to change my top, too. I got some on me, but I'll be right back," He said, and she agreed reluctantly.

Quickly, Bucky changed his shirt, before going back to Jodie's room. He laid down with her again, and they resumed their episode of Pokemon. Bucky and Jodie got through about two episodes before they had slowly fallen asleep.

Harlow had gotten home soon after, and after placing the bag on the counter, she walked back to Jodie's room. A smile graced her face when she seen Jodie and Bucky sleeping. Jodie was still snuggled into Bucky's side, and he was holding her protectively. Instead of bothering them, Harlow went back to the kitchen and began to put away what she bought.

She had gotten soup, crackers, and juice for Jodie to feel better, as well as a couple different medications. About an hour later, Harlow heard Bucky coming down the hall. She almost laughed when she seen him carrying Jodie, and both of them had messy hair.

"You two look well rested," Harlow joked, causing Bucky to chuckle.

"Her stuffed animals aren't great pillows. My hair is a mess," Bucky replied, causing Harlow to grin with amusement.

"I've got some soup and crackers for you, Jodie, and I got juice that'll help with your hydration," Harlow told her daughter, as Bucky set Jodie down at the table.

"She threw up while you were gone. I had to change her shirt, and mine. It was a little messy," Bucky commented, causing Harlow to frown.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here," Harlow replied, but Bucky simply shook his head.

"We had it covered, don't worry about it," He answered, and she nodded.

Harlow fixed Bucky and Jodie some broccoli and cheddar soup with crackers, and she fixed herself a sandwich. She had a feeling Jodie would want Bucky to eat what she ate, so that's why she made him soup as well. She also gave him a sandwich though, since she knew he could eat a lot at one time.

She was sad that her little girl was sick, but she was happy that Bucky was there to help her. Most guys would run before something like that could happen, but he was more than happy to help. He was one in a million, and Jodie and Harlow were more than lucky to have him...

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