Chapter Twenty One: The Date

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"You don't have to be ruled by fate. You can choose freedom. And I still believe that that's something worth fighting for."
- Castiel (Supernatural)

Song: Come As You Are by Nirvana

"Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be."


Ms. Stanfield had arrived one hour earlier than she was needed, so she could help Harlow pick the perfect outfit for her date. Bucky had told Ms. Stanfield his plans, so she was able to steer Harlow in the right direction for an outfit. Harlow didn't want to be too over or under dressed, so she was happy that Ms. Stanfield knew what she should wear. If she didn't, Harlow would've definitely had a freakout over her clothes at least once or twice.

Once she was dressed, Harlow fixed her hair into a high ponytail, and curled the ends of her hair

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Once she was dressed, Harlow fixed her hair into a high ponytail, and curled the ends of her hair. She sprayed her favorite perfume, which smelt like coconuts, and she slipped in a pair of hoop earrings and a simple necklace that had Jodie's name inscribed on a heart.

"You look pretty, Mummy," Jodie complimented her, as Harlow walked out of her bedroom.

"Thank you, darling," Harlow replied,"Now, I have to leave in a minute, but please be good for Ms. Stanfield. She will call me if you're bad, and I won't be very happy," She said, and Jodie nodded.

"I'm always good, Mummy," Jodie retorted, causing Harlow to chuckle and roll her eyes playfully.

"Of course you are," Harlow murmured, placing a kiss on the top of Jodie's head.

Soon, Bucky arrived and Harlow had to leave. She waved to her daughter and Ms. Stanfield, before walking out of her apartment.

"So, what do you have planned for tonight?" Harlow asked, as she looked over at Bucky.

"Nothing too crazy," He replied, shrugging slightly,"I figured we could see a movie, then get some food on the way back," He said, and she smiled.

Bucky brought Harlow to a small theater that was showing one of her favorite movies. Ms. Stanfield had told Bucky to go to the theater, since she knew Harlow would love it. The movie, Forest Gump, was playing for the next few days, and Ms. Stanfield was positive that Harlow wouldn't want to miss it.

Bucky paid for some snacks and drinks with the money he made from working for Ms. Stanfield. Harlow didn't know that Bucky had been working for Ms. Stanfield for the past week. Harlow had gone to work, obviously, but Ms. Stanfield didn't call Bucky into work until after Harlow left, and Bucky worked the days Harlow didn't.

Ms. Stanfield knew Bucky wouldn't be working very often, but she was willing to let him work for the week. Neither knew it was for the date, Bucky was originally just trying to make a little money and avoid Harlow. The money was so that he could stop stealing stuff when he needed something. The date though, it was spur of the moment, and a much better way to spend his money, instead of on food or whatever.

What Bucky didn't know, was that Ms. Stanfield had paid him double what he was supposed to make, since she paid him right before entering Harlow's apartment. She figured the extra money could help Bucky, and she wanted the two to have a nice date without money being an issue. Harlow loved the movie he had chosen, and she would mumble some of the lines from the movie as she watched it.

Bucky liked the movie too, even though some parts tried to force flashbacks out of him. Memories came at random times for Bucky, but he didn't want them to happen in the worst of times. Sometimes the memories would cause him to have emotional episodes, or could trigger his Soldier, so he really tried not to have memories when he could force them away.

He couldn't always force them away, but luckily he was able to during the movie. Anyhow, after the movie, Bucky brought Harlow to the small diner she had brought him and Jodie to weeks ago. It was the first time she ever brought Bucky out in public with her, and the place felt special to Bucky, which was why he chose to bring her there to eat on their date. The two ordered the same food they had last time, and they ate with smiles on their faces.

"So, how's the date?" Bucky asked, causing Harlow to smile.

"I'm enjoying myself a lot. Honestly, this is the best date I've ever been on. I can definitely say you'll be getting another one," Harlow replied, and Bucky smiled as well.

"I-I heard there's a fair in a few weeks. Do you think you and Jodie would want to go?" He asked, looking into her eyes,"I think that could be our second date, but it'll be a nice date for Jodie," He commented, and she nodded.

"I really like that idea, Bucky. I know Jodie will love it. I'll make sure to mark it on my calendar. We can take her," She said, grinning lightly.

Once they were done eating, Bucky and Harlow walked hand in hand to the apartments. Bucky walked her up to her door, kissed her lightly, and waited for her to go inside before he went into his own apartment. The date had been fun, and it hadn't ended in disaster. He was afraid something would happen on the date that would ruin everything.

Harlow was a great girl, and Bucky wanted her in his life. He wanted her and Jodie to be there with him, even if that meant he had to fight harder to stay with them. They had become an important part of his life, and he was going to figure out a way where he'd never have to leave them. He knew if he left, they'd be broken, almost as much as he would be. The mere thought of leaving them behind left his mind feeling strained. He couldn't turn his back on them, not when they were the most important people to him...

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