Chapter Twenty Seven: Sleepover

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"Being called weird is like being called Limited Edition. Meaning you're something people don't see that often."
- Ashley Purdy

Song: What A Man Gotta Do by Jonas Brothers

"So, what a man gotta do, to be totally locked up by you?"


Summer had come, meaning warmer weather, and the feeling of needing to take more clothes off to cool down, but more clothes can't be taken off without it being called a felony. Honestly, summer was great when the pool is open, and a tan can be gotten from the sun, but the sweat is horrendous. If it wasn't for the freezing temperatures, winter wouldn't definitely be the superior holiday.

Harlow loved the summer time, when she wasn't sweating her clothes off. She hated the feeling of sweat, especially when her clothes were drenched in it after walking home from work. During the morning walk, the heat wasn't so bad, but at the middle to end of the day, the heat was almost unbearable.

Jodie liked summer, but it was mostly for the swimming pool and constant popsicles to keep hydrated. Harlow never took her to the community pool, since she felt it was too dirty, but she would get a small pool to fit on the patio near her front door. Obviously, this year she had to ask Bucky to make sure he was fine with the pool, but once she got his permission, she set up the pool as soon as possible.

During the summer, Harlow would let Jodie stay up kind of late, as long as she promised not to be tired and moody the next morning. If she ever became tired and moody, she would have to go back on her school sleep schedule. Harlow had set up the sleep schedule when Jodie was very young, so Jodie was pretty use to it, she just went past it a little bit during the summer.

"Mummy, can we have a sleepover?" Jodie asked, as she ate lunch with Harlow.

"A sleepover? Where'd you get that idea?" Harlow asked, causing the little girl to smile.

"Cartoons. I think it'd be fun," Jodie replied, and Harlow chuckled.

"Yeah? Well who's sleeping over?" Harlow asked, an amused tone in her voice,"Or do you mean you're sleeping over in my room?" She asked, but the girl shook her head.

"I don't want anyone from school, they're not nice, but Bucky's nice. He can have a sleepover, can't he, Mummy?" Jodie asked, making Harlow bite her lip.

"I guess, but you have to go get him, while I start making the snacks and stuff. I hope you know just how much goes into a sleepover," Harlow said, and her daughter laughed.

After eating lunch, Jodie ran over to Bucky's with an excited pep in her step. Harlow began to make snacks for their sleepover. She would go all out on this sleepover, since it was Jodie's first, even if it wasn't going to be much of a real sleepover.

First, Harlow began to make brownies. When Bucky entered the apartment, Harlow explained what was going on, and reluctantly, Bucky agreed. He went back to his apartment and grabbed essentials, before coming back to help Harlow and Jodie set up. Harlow continued to make snacks, which included brownies, cookies, chips and dip, peanut butter and crackers, fruit with fruit dip, and some chocolate covered fruits.

Then, Harlow and Bucky put together a rather nice fort for Jodie to sleep under. The three were going to watch movies in the fort, eat snacks, and probably pass out at a late hour in the night. Once the fort was made, Harlow had Bucky and Jodie pick movies to watch.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" Harlow asked, as she cleaned up the dishes from all of her snack making.

"We should just have sandwiches, that way we can still eat snacks throughout the night, and they won't go to waste," Bucky replied, and Harlow nodded in agreement.

Harlow put together a few sandwiches and cut them into fours, so they could get as many or as little as they wanted. Also, it made room for putting snacks on the plate with the sandwiches. Harlow loved to dip her sandwiches in cheese dip, which Jodie and Bucky seemed to find really funny. As they ate in the fort, Harlow and Bucky told stories to Jodie. Bucky's stories were very tame, and most of them happened in the forties-from what he could remember-but the girls didn't have to know that.

The three laid in the large fort, as The Game Plan played on the tv. This movie was one of Jodie's favorites. Jodie absolutely loved Dwayne Johnson, even if that meant she had to watch wrestling to see him. She thought he was hilarious, and he was kid friendly, so Harlow had no issues with Jodie watching his movies. Bucky seemed to really enjoy his movies as well, since he laughed at quite a few jokes.

Jodie was the first to fall asleep between Bucky and Harlow. Luckily, Harlow had gotten her to brush her teeth before starting the movie. Soon after, Harlow followed Jodie's lead and fell asleep. Bucky waited until the movie ended, before he turned to see that the girls had fallen asleep. He wasn't surprised when the movie restarted, since some movies did that, so he started watching the movie once again.

Bucky was worried about falling asleep around the girls. He didn't want to accidentally hurt the because of the Winter Soldier. His nightmares could easily set him off, and could cause a lot of damage to wherever he was at the time. The girls didn't deserve that amount of pain, fear, or damage that could happen because of him. But the problem was, Bucky couldn't let them go. He was in too deep. They were the most important people in his life, and nothing would take them away from him. Against his own will, Bucky slowly drifted off to sleep next to the girls, and he was surprised when he felt better rested the next morning when he woke up to the smell of french toast...

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