Chapter Seventy: Forever?

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You don't need to be a superhero to get the girl, the right girl will bring out the hero in you."
- Deadpool

Song: Main Attraction by Jeremy Renner

"It's no surprise, got to like your style. You're the perfect distraction. You're the main attraction."


Bucky had a plan. It was a plan he was sure would go according to plan. He had worked with T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye, and Ramonda-T'Challa and Shuri's mother. He had been planning for almost an entire month. The whole month he tried to seem as normal as possible, since he knew he felt completely stressed about the plans, as well as feeling worried that Harlow might not actually like anything he had planned.

Ramonda had decided to take Jodie for the night, since she was almost sure Bucky and Harlow would be having "adult time," after the evening Bucky had planned. During the entire day, Bucky had to act as though everything was the same. Okoye had Harlow training, she just let her go home early, saying T'Challa needed her, so Harlow was given the rest of the day off.

Shuri had gotten Harlow a beautiful dress to wear for the evening, and she had placed the dress on the bed. She had also gotten a pair of wedges to go with the dress, and she put a note on the dress that told Harlow to put it on after her shower. Once Shuri had gotten the girl's outfit ready, she went back to her lab to work.

When Harlow went to her room after her shower, her eyes scanned the dress on the bed. She had been suspicious when she had gotten home at three and Jodie wasn't home yet. When she seen the dress on her bed, she was even more suspicious. Reading the note, she dropped her towel and slipped on a pair of lingerie that was left with the dress. She then pulled the dress on to her body, before slipping the wedges on to her feet.

Looking in the mirror, Harlow quickly managed her hair, before she put on a little bit of makeup-mostly on her eyes. Once she was ready, she walked out of her room, and was surprised to see Bucky sitting in the living room dressed in a nice outfit as well. Harlow smiled at the man, and walked over to him and placed a simple kiss on his cheek.

"Come with me, doll," He commented, as he held out his arm for her to grab.

Once she was attached to his arm, Bucky carefully lead her all the way to wear he had everything set up. With T'Challa's help, Bucky had a beautiful outside dinner set up. There was a nice table set up with two chairs, and fairy lights hung through the trees above the table. Harlow thought the look was beautiful.

On the table, there was two white china plates placed on top of red place mats. Wine glasses were sat on the table as well, and a beautiful set of flowers were set in the middle as decoration. Bucky had Harlow sit down at the table, before he took a seat as well. A cook that was hired by T'Challa came over and poured their wine, then he came back later with chicken alfredo and bread sticks for dinner.

Bucky remembered Harlow talking about how much she missed having chicken alfredo, since she always believed hers wasn't as good as some of the others she had. Harlow took a bite of her food almost as soon as it was set in front of her. She hummed in delight at the taste of the pasta.

"What's the occasion?" Harlow asked, looking over at Bucky.

"No occasion," He answered, smiling a bit,"we just haven't had a date night in a long time. The last time we had anything that could even be considered a date was when we laid out under the stars a couple weeks ago. I figured you deserved a nice date," He said, causing her to smile sweetly at him.

"I loved sitting out under the stars with you," She replied, and he bit his lip.

"I know, but I wanted to treat you to a fancy date," He commented, making her grin.

Harlow and Bucky ate their chicken alfredo with light talking, and quite a few laughs were exchanged between the two. As soon as they finished their food, Bucky whistled for the cook to know they were finished with dinner and were ready for dessert. They had agreed on that arrangement before the dinner, since Bucky didn't want to yell and startle anyone.

The cook came and took their empty plates, before he came back with a homemade cheesecake. Harlow grinned at the site of the cheesecake, and Bucky simply pushed the cheesecake over to Harlow with a knife.

"Carefully cut the cheesecake," He said, and she nodded.

Harlow carefully stuck the knife through the cheesecake and her eyebrows furrowed when the butter knife hit something in the middle. Bucky told her to cut again on a different side, and she did as she was told. When she pulled the piece of cheesecake to her plate, she seen a small box in the middle of the rest of the cheesecake. She pulled the box out and carefully opened it. Her eyes widened and she gasped when she see the beautiful diamond ring in the box.

"What is this?" She asked, staring at the ring with tears brimming her eyes.

"Harlow, we've known each other for a while now, and you've been there for me even at the worst of times. You stood by me when we had to run from HYDRA, you kicked ass when we were running from the government, and you were there for me every step of the way for my procedure to finally get over HYDRA's control on me. I love you and Jodie with all my heart. She's the daughter I always wanted. You're the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. You two are my best girls, and I was hoping you'd make me even happier by becoming Mrs. Barnes. So, Harlow Simpson, will you marry me?" He asked, and she nodded quickly.

"Yes, I will marry you, Bucky Barnes," She answered, and he carefully slid the ring on her finger.

"I love you," He murmured, as he picked her up and spun her around.

"I love you," She replied, placing a kiss on his lips.

It was official, Harlow and Bucky were engaged...

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