Chapter Fifty Six: Tony Stark

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"Well, boo hoo, I'm sorry your feelings are hurt princess."
- Bobby Singer

Song: How Come by D12

"And I heard it through the grapevine, we even beefin' now, after all the years we've been down. This bullshit can't be true. We a family, ain't a damn thing changed, unless it's you."


Steve was the first person to be lead out of the room, so that he could be questioned. Harlow felt her heartbeat accelerate when Sam was later called out of the room as well.

"Where's Steve and Sam?" Jodie asked, as she rubbed her eyes.

"They'll be back in a little bit," Harlow replied, unsure of her own answer.

"Harlow?" She heard, causing her to look up.

Steve had stuck his head in the door with a sympathetic smile on his face.

"Yes?" She asked, making him sigh.

"You mind answering some questions for a friend of mine?" He asked,"You don't have to tell anyone anything you don't want to," He said, giving her a subtle look.

From the look, Harlow knew not to tell anyone too much of the truth. The only people who could know much of anything was Steve and Sam. They were the only two she could trust, and Steve was making sure she knew that.

"Harlow Simpson?" The man asked, as he walked in,"I'm Tony Stark, I'm a friend of the Capsicle," He commented, as he walked over to the table and sat down.

Steve and Sam soon entered the room as well and stood by the door. They didn't want Harlow to feel like she was being boxed in, and they wanted her to know they had her back if she needed them. Steve wasn't too sure if he could trust Tony asking Harlow questions, and Sam didn't want anything to happen to her or her kid, since they had been so nice to him, and they were important to Steve and Bucky, so they were now important to him as well.

"Is this your daughter, Jodie?" Tony asked, and Harlow nodded,"She in school?"

"No, I homeschool. She's too smart for school. The kids picked on her for being too smart, and the teachers bullied her for it, too," She answered, making Tony frown.

"She a genius?" He asked, studying the little girl as she snuggled her mother.

"I've never really had her take an IQ test or anything, but she's always been smarter than all of her classmates, even some of the teachers at times. Most of the teachers would get on to her for correcting them though, so she didn't really prove she was smarter than them often," Harlow replied, and Tony nodded.

"I can get her an IQ test if you want. I can have it loaded on my tablet in seconds," He commented, making her bite her lip.

"When would I get results?" She asked, causing him to smile.

"Pretty much instantly," He replied, and she nodded.

Tony quickly had an IQ test ready for Jodie, and Harlow had Jodie sit with Sam, as she finished answering questions for Tony.

"When did you meet Mr. Barnes?" He asked, causing Harlow to glance at Steve.

"I'm not sure exactly when, but at the time, Jodie was still in pre-school," Harlow replied, and Tony nodded.

"Did you always know he was the Winter Soldier?" Tony asked, causing the girl to shake her head.

"No, I never judge people based on their past either. So, even when I found out, I never really looked into it, and I wasn't scared of him or his past," She answered, making Tony sigh.

"Did you ever worry about yours or your daughter's safety around him?" Tony asked, and the girl frowned.

"No," She answered instantly,"he's always been sweet and caring. He never once hurt either of us. He's a great father to my daughter, Mr. Stark, and I'd rather you didn't insinuate such awful things around our little girl about her father," Harlow retorted, making Tony stare at her a bit baffled.

"So, when I looked you up, I never heard about you actually having a child, and--" Tony began, but Harlow cut him off.

"She's my daughter, and I'd rather you didn't try to say otherwise. I've had her all her life, ever since her father died. My brother was a great man, and he didn't deserve what happened to him. So, I took her in, loved her, raised her as my own, and she will forever be my little girl. She loves Bucky as her father, and I'm not going to sit here and listen to you insinuate that I don't care because I didn't birth her," Harlow snapped, causing Tony to sigh.

"Harlow, I'm not trying to be the enemy, but you have to understand that everything he's done has hurt a lot of people, and--" Tony continued, but this time Steve cut him off.

"Tony, enough," He spat, and Tony sighed.

Tony stood up, and headed towards the door.

"You hungry?" He asked, looking back at Harlow and Jodie.

Harlow simply nodded, and Tony somewhat smiled.

"Capsicle, will you come with me to get their food?" He asked, and Steve nodded.

Steve left the room with Tony, before Sam turned to Harlow.

"Stark is a real piece of work, but you get use to him," Sam commented, causing Harlow to scoff and roll her eyes.

About five minutes later, the tablet Jodie was using beeped. Sam quickly glanced down at it, and his jaw dropped.

"Holy crap," He commented, barely able to believe what he seem.

"What is it?" Harlow asked, looking over at the man.

"Jodie, she's a genius," He said, looking up at Harlow,"Her IQ is two hundred, Harlow."

Harlow's eyes widened as well, just as Steve and Tony came back into the room with food. Instead of saying anything when they were asked about their shock, Harlow turned the tablet towards Steve and Tony.

"Well, I'll be damned, she's a genius," Tony commented, before looking over at Harlow,"and at such a young age, she only has room to grow," He added, and she grinned.

Her baby really was a genius, and she was so proud of her...

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