Chapter Forty Six: Bucharest

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"Once a wise man told me 'Family don't end in blood,' but it doesn't start there either. Family cares about you, not about what you can do for them. Family is there for the good, bad, all of it. They got your back, even when it hurts. That's family."
- Dean Winchester

Song: All Apologies by Nirvana

"I wish I was like you, easily amused. Find my nest of salt, everything's my fault."


Bucharest was not like their home had been, but it was still beautiful. They had gotten to Bucharest around two in the afternoon, so Harlow was easily able to find the three a place to live. She made sure her money was the correct currency, before she put money down on an apartment for her, Jodie, and Bucky.

The apartment only had one bedroom, so Jodie was given the bedroom. Luckily, there was already a bed, so Harlow didn't have to worry about buying two. She went to a store near their apartment and bought a bed that happened to be on sale, but that was because she was at a thrift store. After buying the mattress, she grabbed some bedding for Jodie, as well as herself and Bucky. She also bought a lot of cleaning supplies.

Once she was back at the apartment, she began to fix the beds, as well as spray them with a good bit of disinfectant. Bucky went out to buy food, as Harlow went around the apartment and cleaned a lot. She spent hours cleaning, so by the time she was finished, Bucky was home and he was making sandwiches with a side of chips. It was an easy dinner, since they had only just arrived at the apartment.

"Mummy, will you help me shower tonight?" Jodie asked, looking over at her mother.

Jodie wasn't a huge fan of the new apartment, since it was so small, but she was willing to give it a chance. She wouldn't have been fine if Harlow hadn't of put special mattresses sleeves on, which would make sure none of the bacteria or whatever else could be on the mattresses would get on her or her parents.

The little girl was nervous about the bathroom, mostly because it was new and just a little different than the one she remembered. Harlow made sure to find a close by laundromat, so she would be able to keep their clothes washed at all times.

"I don't know how long we'll be here, so I don't think we should buy too much," Bucky murmured, and Harlow nodded.

"I figured, but that's not too bad. I'd rather be able to leave quick, instead of having to try and destroy a lot of evidence from our time here," Harlow replied, as she stood up to help Jodie.

Once Jodie was washed and clean, Harlow left her to brush her teeth, as she grabbed the stuffed animals that were packed, and put them on Jodie's bed. Jodie came running in the room later on, and Harlow quickly brushed out the little girl's hair and braided it so it wouldn't be a mess in the morning.

Harlow allowed Jodie to sit and watch whatever cartoon on Netflix that she wanted for half an hour, before the little girl was tucked into bed for the night. Harlow and Bucky stayed awake until they were sure that Jodie was asleep. Harlow had been really worried that Jodie would be too scared to fall asleep in the new apartment, but surprisingly it only took Jodie an hour to fall asleep.

"I'll go out and buy her a nightlight and a small radio tomorrow, so she'll be able to fall asleep easier," Harlow commented, and Bucky nodded.

"Let's try to get some sleep ourselves," Bucky replied, as he pulled Harlow towards their bed.

Harlow opened her bag, but she frowned when she realized she didn't pack pajamas. Sighing, the girl simply slipped off her pants and threw them on top of her bag, before grabbing her toothbrush to go brush her teeth.

"You're not going to wear pants to bed?" Bucky asked, causing the girl to chuckle.

"If you can go without a shirt, I can go without pants," Harlow replied,"Actually, I forgot to bring pajamas, but I think I'm going to get myself a pair of shorts to sleep in tomorrow as well," She added, causing Bucky to chuckle.

"Good idea, even though I like this look," He said, making her roll her eyes playfully.

"Sure, whatever you say," She answered,"Do you need some new sleep pants?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Yeah," He answered,"that's probably a good idea. Mine are a bit worn," He added, causing her to nod.

Once her teeth were brushed, Harlow walked over to their mattress and laid down. Bucky soon came over and laid down as well. The problem was, Bucky didn't fall asleep that night. Well, he did, but he woke up only an hour later in a cold sweat. He was worried that something was going to happen to his girls. He had dreamt that HYDRA had found them, came into the apartment, and killed the girls right in front of him.

He couldn't fall asleep in the new apartment, not when he knew the girls needed him to watch out for them. He knew the girls were fine, but he couldn't force himself to sleep and stop worrying for a few hours. His mind was playing tricks on him, and it scared the hell out of him. He was terrified that something would happen, and it would be his fault, since he gave himself a moment to relax he'd miss something, and the girls would be hurt because of it.

He could hear the girls breathing in their sleep, and that seemed to calm his nerves a bit. He was glad that Harlow and he had put their bed near the door so they could see Jodie at all times. Knowing he could see both his girls at all times, made his heart not beat so fast. He wasn't able to completely calm down, but seeing his girls made him relax just a little bit...

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