Chapter Three: A Simple Gift

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"Everyday is a new box, you open it and take a look at what's inside. You're the one who determines if it's a gift or a coffin."
- Jax Teller

Song: Try by Pink

"Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned. But just because it burns, doesn't mean you're gonna die. You gotta get up and try."


Saturday morning, Harlow woke up bright and early to start on her mission to help out her new neighbor. She didn't know exactly what he needed, but she figured he most likely needed quite a bit of stuff. So, she made a list of things she needed to buy, before she woke Jodie for their "adventure." Jodie was excited to get up early to help her mother with their gift to the new neighbor.

Jodie helped pick out quite a bit of things Harlow believed the man needed, as well as things Jodie just wanted the man to have. Harlow had to use her large reusable grocery baskets to carry everything up to her apartment. Jodie helped carry a few things, but she was still small, so she couldn't help much. Harlow had purchased a rather large laundry basket that was black, since she wasn't sure what color the man liked. She then began to pack things into it with Jodie's help.

The basket was quite heavy and full by the time the girls were finished, but Harlow knew there was a lot in there that the man could use. She grabbed a small notepad and wrote a small note on the paper, 'from the little girl in apartment 102.' Harlow figured the man would appreciate the stuff more if the stuff was from Jodie, and he might actually accept it instead of being hesitant.

"Can I draw him a picture, Mummy?" Jodie asked, and Harlow nodded.

Jodie quickly ran off to her room and colored a quick little drawing, before placing it with the note her mother wrote. The picture was of a flower with a smiley face, and Jodie had signed her first name below it. Obviously being six meant Jodie didn't have the best hand writing, but it was better than most six year olds that knew how to write.

Harlow decided to wait a bit to put the basket outside of the man's apartment, since she didn't want to startle him awake or anything. She didn't know anything about him, so she didn't know what time the man fell asleep or would eventually wake up. Around two in the afternoon, Harlow pulled the basket outside and straight to the man's door. Jodie helped by opening their door, so Harlow had less trouble getting the basket out of their apartment.

"Now, we just have to wait for his reaction. Hopefully he doesn't get mad and throw the basket at our door," Harlow commented, causing Jodie to laugh.

"He'll be happy, Mummy," Jodie replied, and Harlow smiled down at her.

Bucky heard the commotion outside of his apartment, and he was alert as soon as he heard the small noises. He quickly went to the door, and he looked out of the peephole, only to see a large basket in front of his door. Opening the door, he looked down at the basket and seen it was loaded with stuff. Picking up the note, he read it quickly,'from the little girl in apartment 102.' He then seen the drawing of a flower that was with the note. On the bottom underneath the flower was a name scribbled in messy writing that read Jodie.

Deciding that the basket couldn't be filled with anything too malicious, he picked it up and carried it inside. He didn't like receiving things from anyone, especially when he didn't know who they were, but he seemed to accept the stuff from the little girl in the apartment next to his. The basket was rather big, so he knew the little girl had to have had help bringing it to his door. He just didn't see who helped her.

In the basket, was canned food, sodas, snacks, and other foods and drinks Bucky had never gotten the chance to try, or didn't remember trying before. There was also heigene stuff, like shampoo, bodywash, a loofah, a razor, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a hairbrush. There was a big thing of laundry soap, three large black towels, three hand towels, and three wash cloths. He was surprised to find a pack with three plates, three bowls, three cups, and three sets of silverware, as well as a couple knifes.

He was given a mixing bowl, a set of three different sized pots and pans with lids, as well as cooking utensils. Finally, in the bottom of the basket was a very fluffy blue blanket and a pillow, with a matching blue bed set. When he pulled the stuff from the basket, a small brown teddy bear fell out. The teddy bear had a small bowtie, and a piece of paper was folded in a bag on its hand. The bag was able to come off, and when he opened the bag and pulled out the paper, it read,'this bear is named, Lucky, and he was a gift from Jodie.'

Bucky felt a smile come to his face, before he quickly began to put everything away. He hadn't expected his neighbor to be so kind, but he was still wary. The neighbor could've been being kind and using the little girl to make him soft, that way he could be captured by HYDRA and used as the Winter Soldier again. He wanted to believe it could be farfetched, but he knew how HYDRA worked, and they would use any means necessary to get him back.

He wondered if he should've disgarded everything he just got, but if the neighbor was actually just being kind, than he would feel horrible for looking like an asshole to them. Nobody could be certain, mostly him, but he didn't want to chance anything. He would accept the gifts, but he was not going to let his guard down once if he could help it...

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