Chapter Fifty Four: Steve Rogers

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"Be strong in the moments where you want to be weak."
- Jensen Ackles

Song: Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides

"We scream. We shout. We are the fallen angels."


Bucky had gone into Jodie's room as well to hear her joy about having a pony on the farm, when he heard quiet footsteps outside. His eyebrows furrowed, but he quickly stood up, walked out of Jodie's room, and shut the door behind him. His eyes landed on the figure in front of him, and when the man turned around, he knew exactly who it was; Steve Rogers.

"You know me?" He asked, causing Bucky to frown.

"You're Steve," Bucky answered,"I read about you in a museum."

"I know you're nervous," Steve began, as he cautiously stepped closer,"and you have plenty of reason to be."

"I wasn't in Vienna, I don't do that anymore," Bucky commented, his voice still low, so he wouldn't spook his girls.

"Well, the people that think you did, are coming here now. They're not planning on taking you alive," Steve said, and Bucky nodded once.

"That's smart," He replied, feeling more worried about the girls in the other room,"good strategy."

"This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck," Steve murmured, and he sighed.

"It always ends in a fight," He replied, looking away from Steve.

"You pulled me from the river," Steve said, his voice raising,"Why?" He asked, staring at his best friend.

"I don't know," He answered, looking over at Steve.

"Yes, you do," Steve retorted, nodding at Bucky slightly.

Before anyone else could say anything, windows were broken and glass littered the floor. After Steve protected himself and Bucky from a bomb, the front door was being rammed. Moments later, guys began to come in through the windows. Harlow held Jodie close, praying no one would come into the bedroom. She had already put on her and Jodie's bags, that way they could run as soon as they had the chance. Guns were being shot, as Jodie cried in her mother's hair.

"Buck stop!" Steve exclaimed,"You're gonna kill someone," He said, causing Bucky to scoff.

Bucky knocked Steve to the ground and stared at him for a moment, as he grabbed his bag from next to Steve's head.

"I'm not gonna kill anyone," Bucky replied, before standing up.

Bucky quickly went to Jodie's room and knocked on the door. It was a secret knock, so Harlow and Jodie would know it was him. In seconds, the door was open, and his girls wrapped their arms around him.

"We've got to go," Bucky said, and the girls nodded.

Before anyone could move, more people jumped into the apartment and started shooting. Bucky yanked Steve up, and used the shield to protect himself and Steve, as Harlow and Jodie stepped behind the wall to be out of eyesight. Bucky tossed Steve outside, as he stepped towards the person shooting at him and slammed him into the wall.

"Girls! Stay with Steve! I'll lead them away from you!" Bucky exclaimed, as he heard more shots ring out a bit away.

Harlow waited for Steve for a moment, and once she seen him, she picked up Jodie on her back and followed him. Steve took down all of the agents that Bucky left behind, as he watched Bucky try to disappear from his view. As he stared down at Bucky for a moment, an agent came crawling up the stairs, and Harlow seen him, so she used her training and kicked the agent in the neck, sending him back down the stairs and into the wall.

Steve glanced over at her in surprise, but all she did was give him a nod.

"Let's go," Steve murmured, as he followed the direction Bucky went.

Steve, Harlow, and Jodie came to a ledge and seen Bucky fighting a man in a black suit.

"Who is that?" She asked, but Steve shook his head.

"I don't know, but I'm about to find out. You and Jodie run down to the bottom level. We'll meet you there, and if I don't, Sam will. He'll know who you are," Steve said, and Harlow nodded.

Harlow made sure Jodie was secure on her back, before she took off running down the stairs. She was able to miss a few agents, but it wasn't the easiest thing she had ever done. When she got to the bottom, a couple of agents were waiting with guns raised.

"Stay here," Harlow murmured, as she hid Jodie behind a wall.

"Don't leave," Jodie whimpered, causing Harlow to frown.

"I'm not leaving, darling, I'm protecting you and Bucky," She said,"I'll be right back," She added, before stepping out of the door to the agents,"Let's go," She murmured, as she got ready to fight them.

The agents shot at her, but she was fast enough for them to miss. She kicked the guns from their hands, making them fly away from the agents. She punched one in the throat, then pulled the other one towards her and slammed his head into the wall a couple of times. She was able to unlatch his safety helmet, before she smashed his face into her knee until he was unconscious.

The other agent came charging at her, knocking her to the ground. Jodie had been watching from the side, so when she seen her mother hit the ground, she let out a quiet whimper. Harlow wasn't down long though, she was able to put her knee into the man's stomach, and kick him off of her. She then got on him and started punching him in the face. She had broken his nose, busted his lip, and knocked out a couple of teeth before she got off of him.

She then walked back over to where she hid her daughter, but it didn't last long. In almost a minute's time, cars pulled up and agents stepped out. Since there was about six guns aimed at her, and she had Jodie in her arms, she had to surrender. She just wondered where Sam and Steve were when she needed them most...

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